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Subject: Had fun last night = )

Gina = )
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Date Posted: 12:27:14 11/21/04 Sun

I'm really bored right now so i thought i'd tell you guys about the fun time my best bud Deanna and i had last night seeing Cheap Trick at the house of blues here in Chicago cause i know a few of you are fans of the group and like i said before i'm bored *snort*.

Deanna picked me up after having about 1 hrs sleep sometime after noon ( she works the night shift and could not get fri night off), we drove to the hob as fast as possible, traffic was terrible downtown due to a parade that was happening near by, my girl D did me proud buy cutting off 5 cars in 3 mins to get us there *snort* we were worried that there was going to be a line of diehards already there because the weather was ok (in the 50's, no rain) and it was a sat so no one had to work but we were very surprised to see only 2 other fans there! They were shocked as well, they really thought some of us would of been there already when they arrived (they got there round 11:30, D and i got there at 1:30 for the 9pm show), it was a benefit for a children's charity run by Kerry Woods, one of are pitchers for the cubs and one of my faves on the team, i know your all thinking "they got there that early"? But trust me, for us die hard's that was a late start, usually some of us show up at shows as early as 8/9 am for a gen admission show, i know were nuts *snort*, i also could not believe how no one but the 4 of us were in line till almost 4pm, but the kewl thing about it was that we saw the guys as they entered the venue, first we saw Tom (bass player) and got a hello (we were sitting on the steps to the venue, they were roped off so the guys had to stand there for a few seconds before they could go in) next was Bun (the drummer) who gave us a hi girls then as a few more of are friends arrived in came Rick (lead guitar) and Robin (lead singer), when Rick saw us on the stairs he had a big grin and started saying "oh no" i shot back "shut it", we did that a few times while the gang laughed, i had my back to the guys so i didn't notice that Robin was standing right behind me *smacks myself on the head* just in time i turned, looked up and there he was giving us that smile of his, i also never even noticed Billy Corgin, lead singer of the smashing pumpkins walking by us, with a hat on and major stubble he was unrecognizable (the guy is from here and is a huge fan of the band, he loves them so much that at the height of his bands popularity his band opened for Cheap Trick, he never misses a CT show when they play here).
It was great we got to stand inside cause the wind picked up and it started getting cold, a few of us ladies decided to go eat at the resturant that is next to the venue (they do this thing that if you eat there you can get in a line that lets you in earlier then everybody else), we had the oddest waiter, he would talk in this weird slowed down voice that drove us nuts cause all we wanted to do was eat quick and get are receipts so we could get back in line *snort* after we ate ( i kept having flash backs of when i saw Duncan play there in the restaurant in 98, remember that Mary Fourtney? *snort*) we got back to the line to see a few more of are friends had arrived, they finally let us in and some how one of are buddies Dawn and Deanna (Tommy girls) ended up in front of Robin's area while myself and Dawn's friend Mary (were Robin girls) were in front of Tom's, we just laughed and said how "the hell did that happen?" *snort*
The set was one we've seen them do all year but there were some funny moments, here are a few;
Before the show Kerry Wood *drools* came out and talked for a bit then brought out Ryan Sandburg along with Mark Grace (i went nuts when i saw Mark, he was my fave player when he was with the cubs) alas i forget the other guys that were up there.
The guys came out and i saw that Robin's hair is getting long again and thank gawd he wasn't wearing the ugly hats and man bun he's been sporting lately (i looked at my fellow Robin girls and i could see it was very appreciated *snort*)
Billy Corgin did a few songs with the guys, first they did little child by the Beatles (never thought i ever hear those guys do that song but being an old Beatles fan i loved it), he sang lead on that and a song called heaven tonight, very nice! Between songs Billy joked about how happy he was to be with the 2nd best band from IL, the first being REO Speedwagon which got a lot of laughs from us and the band,
when Billy left the stage the guys got back at him for the reo comment by saying "what was his groups name, pumpkin something" then Rick said "what were some of their songs" to which Tom said "eye of the tiger" (reference to another IL band Survivor) which also got a lot of laughs.
Another funny moment was when Rick threw out his pick covered piece of cardboard during surrender (i can never remember what that thing is called) it landed in some decorative piece in front of the upper balcony, we all got a laugh out of that, somehow some guy managed to pry it out *snort*.
At one point during a song when Robin was right in front of D he rubbed his hand over his *ahem* groin area, i said to D "did he just do what i think he did"? Once again i looked at my fellow Robin girls, yeah that move was enjoyed by all *snort*.
Billy came back for the encore, and played a song called auf wiedersehen (a fave with us die hard's) with them
during it Rick and Billy were enjoying themselves, they even managed to play on Rick's little platform together and the ending went on forever, at one point Billy was on his back playing away, i think they stopped/started it like 4 times *snort*.
Even though like i said before it was the same set i've heard all year, watching Billy and Rick was a blast, they are just to damn cute together.
It was great to see all my fellow CT buds again, i just wish there was another show coming up round here *pouts*.

Well that's it, hope you enjoyed my rambling.

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Subject Author Date
GINA!!!!!!!!!!!! I Miss You, Woman!! You don't have to tell us about the fun you had...could go to an onion peeling festival w/you and have a great time! (my apologies to any onion lovers out there - don't want to offend!!) (NT)mary f.13:51:09 11/21/04 Sun

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