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- Geez.... -- Carrie, 10:12:46 05/09/03 Fri
Look at you people, abandoning your diet just because i had to quit!!
I may go back on lifetime maintenance after talking to my doc, though. i feel pretty crappy drinking all this juice and stuff.
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- carrie's enchilada casserole -- carrie, 21:57:32 04/28/03 Mon
i tried making enchiladas one night, but i found they weren't very filling because you can't stuff that much meat into one enchilada sized tortilla....so! here's what i did.
buy one can of enchilada sauce (i actually mixed one can of green with one can of red, check the carb counts and pick whatever you want)
shred two tortillas (the low carb ones i mentioned, or you can find corn tortillas for about 5 carbs per serving if you look hard enough at your grocery. try to find Tam-X-icos brand) in the bottom of a 9x9 casserole dish.
cover with a thick layer of seasoned cooked ground beef (i wouldn't use a packet of taco mix, because it's very carby. i just used like some garlic powder and chili powder).
Cover with cheese.
shred 2 more tortillas and cover the meat/cheese.
Cover with sauce and MORE shredded cheese.
bake until melty! very tasty. and you get more meat than tortilla!
if you use 4 low carb tortillas, that'd be 12 grams for the whole dish. but you certainly won't eat them all at one time. the sauce will have 1 to 2 carbs per serving. so you can get a big meal for probably 6 to 8 grams.
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- a good find -- Carrie, 21:51:28 04/28/03 Mon
If you can find "La Tortilla" brand low carb tortillas at your health food store, i recommend them (i got mine from www.netrition.com for about 2.99 a pack because i couldn't find them locally).
they're like a flour tortilla in texture. 3gms of net carbs per tortilla. i like to use them to roll up turkey and melted cheese, then dip the whole mess in salsa. Better than a sandwich, i'd say! It's hard to find ways to eat salsa when you can't have chips.
I've only tried the whole wheat version but i guess they also come in other flavors, like garlic and herb.
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- ... -- carrie, 07:14:09 04/28/03 Mon
Happy Birthday to the slenderizing Terry!
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- good recipe -- carrie, 22:13:52 04/26/03 Sat
Bacon and Double Cheese Quiche
10 strips Bacon
4 large Eggs
1 cup Heavy Cream
1/2 cup Water
1/4 teaspoon dried Thyme
1/8 teaspoon White Pepper
1/2 cup shredded Gruyere cheese
1/2 cup shredded White Cheddar cheese
Preheat oven to 375°F.
In medium skillet, cook bacon over medium heat until crisp (Approximately 8-10 minutes).
Transfer to paper towel to drain. In a small bowl, whisk together the eggs, cream, water, thyme and pepper. Pour into greased pie dish. Crumble bacon. Sprinkle the egg mixture with the bacon, Gruyere cheese and Cheddar. Back until golden and custard is set, (about 30 minutes.) Allow to cook 10 minutes before slicing. Enjoy! Makes 6 servings - 2 carbs per serving.
This was quite good. I used a cup of regular shredded cheddar, since i didn't have white cheddar or gruyere. i also didn't have thyme or white pepper, so i just used a dash of regular paper. still very good!
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- Shout outs to ediets -- Courtney, 10:01:10 04/23/03 Wed
I would like to give a shout out to the ediets program. I was on the program about two years ago and it helped me finally lose those extra college pounds. Well I've been inspired by the Stephens family and have gone back on it to lose a few winter pounds. Ediets is so easy. You fill out a short form and they come up with a plan for you. Each day they've listed 3 meals and a snack. You can substitute meals anytime you want...even with fast food. Once you have your weekly meal plan you can print out a grocery list that has everything you will need. You can also add a fitness plan for $5. It was $30 for the first 9 weeks. And, it's just as cheap after that. You have to weigh in every week so they can track your progress. There are all kinds of additional things that I don't access like chat rooms, support groups, journal, food diary, etc. It's great for those of us who love the internet. Plus, you can choose the Atkins diet as you meal plan of choice. What could be better?!
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- Dateline -- Carrie, 07:21:53 04/23/03 Wed
So, they had a special on dateline last night about 6 dieters they've tracked since January who are trying to lose weight for their 25th class reunion. Each dieter picked a different plan (Atkins, weight watchers, Slim Fast, Extreme Exercise, Hypnosis, and a personal weightloss guru).
So far, the Atkins dieter is in the lead, with a weight loss of 50 pounds! At first he had some trouble with his gout because of his diet, but they were able to adjust it so that he isn't bothered by it anymore.
The hypnotized dieter is in second place, and has lost like 40 pounds.
The lady who is doing extreme exercise with a 1600 calorie per day diet can now run 12 miles without stopping, but she has only lost 13 pounds.
THe slim fast and weight watchers dieters have admitted to being hungry all the time, they've lost about 18 to 15 pounds each.
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Light Snack Idea -- Cousind/Brother/Son Andy, 21:26:33 04/22/03 Tue
Well, I have been Atkinsing now for a couple of weeks, I feel lighter but alas, no scale. I guess I could spend the $10 but with my tax bill this year I have to perform unspeakable acts on gentlemen at the local bus station just to stay in good standings with my friends at the IRS.
Here is my light snack:
Cut a tomato into quarters, sprinkle a little bit of salt and basil on
Buy a small block of Havarti cheese with Dill. The dill is mixed into the cheese.
This is courtesy of my groomsman Ace, and we ate this all the time, but with a little bit of Spanish baggettes.
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- Carrie, I am back in the dieting zone. All of my size 2 friends are ready to spend the summer in the water!! I just can't wait to put on my swimsuit! (Yuck) -- Cousin Heather, 09:19:06 04/22/03 Tue
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- Carrie's product reviews -- Carrie, 00:15:37 04/20/03 Sun
The following products all came from my local Walgreen's. Some were even on sale.
Carbo-lite Peanut Butter cookie: not so good. i didn't even finish eating it.
Russell Stover Sugar Free Peanut Butter cups: I gotta say, these are pretty tasty!
Russell Stover chocolate/mints: Pretty good too!
Nestle's Sugar free Peanut Turtles: didn't taste awful while i was eating it, but left a really, REALLY bad taste in my mouth.
Pure De-Lite Dark Chocolate candy bar: pretty good, actually. i like the milk chocolate with almonds better, but this has fewer carbs so i'll work it into the rotation. On sale at walgreen's now, 2 for $3.
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- Protein Diet -- Cousin Jakey, 12:45:40 04/18/03 Fri
Well you've inspired me, I just ate 5 strips of bacon and three eggs sunny side up. I have to tell you that because i'm allergic to wheat i had go give up everything that resembles a carb. I lost so much weight so fast I went from 185 to 165 until I realized how to balance my diet with carb substitutes. You guys can do it! Try for on month not to eat anything made from flour and you'll drop weight so fast, testimony from a guy who knows.
A priest took a sabbatical to a fishing lodge. On the last day of his trip, he hooked a monster fish and proceeded to reel it in. The guide, holding a net, yelled, "Look at the size of that Son of a Bitch!"
"Son, I'm a priest. Your language is uncalled for!" the priest said.
"No, Father," replied the guide, "that's what kind of fish it is. It's a Son of a Bitch fish!"
"Really? Well help me land this Son of a Bitch!" chimed the priest.
Once in the boat, they marveled at the monster. "Father, that is the biggest Son of a Bitch I've ever seen" said the guide.
"Yes, it is a big Son of a Bitch," replied the priest.
"What should I do with it?" asked the priest. "Why eat it, of course," answered the guide. "You've never tasted anything as good as that Son of a Bitch!"
Elated, the priest headed home to the church. While unloading his gear and his prize catch, Sister Mary inquired about his trip. "Take a
look at this big Son of a Bitch I caught!" the priest said.
Sister Mary gasped and clutched her rosary. "Father!"
"It's OK Sister," said the priest, "that's what kind of fish it is. A Son of a Bitch fish!"
"Oh well, then, what are you going to do with that big Son of a Bitch?" asked Sister Mary.
"Why, eat it of course," answered the priest. "The guide said nothing compares to the taste of a Son of a Bitch."
The Sister informed the priest that the Pope was scheduled to visit in a few days and that they should fix the Son of a Bitch for dinner.
"I'll even clean the Son of a Bitch," she said. As she was cleaning the huge fish, the Friar walked in.
"What are you doing, Sister Mary?" asked the Friar.
"Father wants me to clean this big Son of a Bitch for the Pope's dinner," replied Sister Mary.
"Sister! I'll clean it if you're so upset! Please watch your language!" asked the Friar.
"No, no, no. It's called a Son of a Bitch fish - really!" claimed Sister Mary.
"Oh, well in that case, I'll fix up a great meal and that Son of a Bitch can be the main course!" replied the Friar. "Let me know when you've finished cleaning that Son of a Bitch."
On the night of the Pope's visit, everything was perfect. The Friar had prepared an excellent meal, there was wine, and the fish was excellent.
The Pope said, "This is great fish, where did you get it?"
"I caught the Son of a Bitch!" proclaimed the proud priest. The Pope's eyes opened wide, but he said nothing.
"And I cleaned the Son of a Bitch!" exclaimed the sister. The Pope sat silent in disbelief.
And the Friar added, "And I prepared the Son of a Bitch, using a special recipe!"
The Pope looked at each of them. Slowly a big smile crept across his face, and he said, "You fuckin guys are alright!"
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What has happened to the Stephens family? -- Courtney, 08:12:20 04/18/03 Fri
You know I remember the introduction of this diet challenge well. It was around July 4th of 2002 and the Stephens family was gathered around the lake. "yes we can do it." "this sounds great." "we're going to be so skinny." The excitement to which they spoke inspired even me. Now here we are 9 months later and you've all fizzled out. Oh, and it didn't take most of you 9 months! I'm disappointed Stephens family, where will I go to get my motivation? I was living on the energy of your determination! Carrie the website is great! Imagine, if you dedicated as much time to actually working out and eating right as you do with this website you would be Cindy Crawford :) All my love to the Stephens family!
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- RIP, Good buddy -- Carrie, 14:23:22 04/17/03 Thu
Well, I'm sad to report that ole Doc Atkins kicked the bucket.
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- carrie's product review -- carrie, 23:50:59 04/15/03 Tue
I must say i'm delighted with Pure De-Lite Gummy Zoo Animals, which are sugar free. I ordered mine online because i was buying some other low carb treats and figured you can't go wrong with gummy animals!
These are made with malitol. the carb count is 20 gms, but those 20 gms come from 'sugar alcohols', which supposedly have a negligible effect on blood sugar, and are therefore safe. Although it does say excessive consumption may have a laxative effect.....
I also read that malitol affects people different ways, so some people might not be able to have it and still lose weight, while for others it's fine.
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- update on cheesecake recipe -- carrie, 19:35:40 04/13/03 Sun
Ok. so i may have messed up. the recipe just called for one box of sugar free chocolate pudding. But, it didn't say whether it needed instant or cook-n-serve (both kinds come in sugarfree).
anyway, i figured since we're cooking, maybe i need cook and serve?
so...this was not good. it tasted artifically sweetened (which it was, by splenda).
also, mine got way overcooked. that could be because i used the wrong pudding mix, but who knows?
morgan claimed it was yummy, but i think that's just because she wants to eat whatever is on my plate.
anyway, i'm not sure if i'll try again with the other kind of pudding or not. i'm thinking not. i'll give a different recipe a try.
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- new recipe -- carrie, 13:14:02 04/13/03 Sun
Creamy Mushroom Soup
Pureed soups are easy and foolproof. You can use a food processor to chop the shallots and mushrooms. The touch of lemon juice added at the end adds the right acidic note.
2 tablespoons olive oil
2 shallots or 1 small onion, chopped
2 packages (10 ounces each) mushrooms, chopped
1 teaspoon dried thyme
2 cans (14 1/2 ounces each) reduced-sodium chicken broth plus 1 1/2 cans water
1 cup heavy cream
Salt and pepper
1 tablespoon fresh lemon juice
1. Heat oil in a large soup pot over medium-high heat. Add shallots, mushrooms and thyme. Cook 10 minutes, until mushroom pieces are lightly browned. Add chicken broth and water.
2. Reduce heat; simmer 10 minutes. Remove from heat; add cream. Puree in batches in a blender. Return soup to pot; add salt and pepper to taste. Stir in lemon juice before serving.
editor's note: after the blender, you have no real mushroom chunks left. more like mushroom power. you might want to only puree half of it if you like to have a big bite of mushrooms in your soup. i don't know what shallots are, so i used an onion instead.
also, i'm wondering if you could use this to replace condensed soup in a recipe? it only has 4 net grams of carbs. maybe if you didn't add the cans of water? i don't know. anyway, it was ok. matt even ate a bowl of it with crackers. i just drank mine from a mug.
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- ... -- carrie, 12:57:56 04/12/03 Sat
i hear andy has pooped out after one week! let's all mock him heartily.
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- Please tell us your favorite low carb snacks -- carrie, 17:20:51 04/11/03 Fri
At the moment, mine are:
Pure De-Lite Milk Chocolate with Almonds candy bars
Salami/cream cheese roll ups
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- From Carrie's kitchen -- Carrie, 17:19:09 04/11/03 Fri
Chocolate Cheesecake
16 oz cream cheese, softened
3 eggs
1 Cup sour cream
1/2 Cup Splenda® or Sweet-N-Low®
1 Tbsp. vanilla extract
1 pkg Jell-O Sugar Free Chocolate Pudding
Preheat oven to 350°F. Place all ingredients in a bowl and blend for 15 minutes. (Use food processor, mixer or blender and alter time as appropriate to mix completely.) Pour mixture into a 9-inch non-stick pie pan. Bake 1 hour. Turn off oven and allow cake to remain in oven 1 additional hour. Refrigerate till chilled and cut and serve. Store, covered with plastic wrap, in the refrigerator for up to 4 days.
Serves 8. 8.6 carbs per serving.
I haven't tried this yet...will probably make it this weekend. I'll let you know how it turns out!
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- I'm back in the game fellow "FS's" -- Jenny, 20:43:56 04/10/03 Thu
Glad you got us back in the game Carrie. I'll keep you updated on status.
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- dr adkins -- svelte tut, 18:43:36 04/10/03 Thu
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- A recipe from cousin Angela -- Carrie, 16:07:07 04/10/03 Thu
Drizzle olive oil on a cookie sheet
Cut the bottoms off one bunch of fresh asparagus
put the asparagus on the cookie sheet, mix it around so oil coats it
sprinkle with salt and pepper
bake at 400 for 15 minutes
take it out and grate FRESH parmesan cheese over the asparagus
put back in oven for a minute or two until the cheese melts.
6 spears of asparagus have 2.3 net carb gms. 2 tbs of parmesan cheese have 0.3 gms. the olive oil, hell, you could drink the stuff if you want, it's delightfull carb free!
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- I hate this diet -- Andy, 16:02:37 04/10/03 Thu
Well, as of this past Monday, I also started on Mr. Atkins plan. I find that exercise is less painful than this low carb diet. I am always hungry, struck with cotton mouth, and generally pissed off at the world. Besides that it has been a wonderful, enchanting experience that I would recommend to anyone I really dislike. I have no scale at home so I am going on a day to day, "how light do I feel?" method to gauge my weight loss. I admit that I have the early stages of the almost 30 Stephens mid section, but am thinking that exercise and some supplements would pay dividends as well. What if I went on speed starbucks but still ate what I wanted? Wouldn't my metabolic burn rate increase? Doctors tell us that it is healthy to get your hear rate up a few times a week. Well, I say screw the middle man, better health thru science. Of course that's jsut my opinion I could be wrong. Be strong my petite challenged kin folk. We are in this together.
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- My favorite sites -- Carrie, 15:38:31 04/10/03 Thu
-good for recipes, tips, etc. Also has great product reviews for tons of different products and brands, so you know which low carb stuff is good and which is nasty.
here is my own product review:
Atkins Advantage bars make me want to gag. i actually had to spit the thing out. this goes for all 3 flavors i've tried.
The man, the myth, the head injury. Dr Atkins' himself!
You can keep a journal with your progress, list foods you've eaten, carb intake that day, etc. Good for if you need to be diligent about your carb intake. Also has recipes and products for sale. Their prices are high, however.
sells all manner of low carb products. so far, these are the lowest prices i've found for the things i've searched for.
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- ... -- Carrie, 15:30:47 04/10/03 Thu
Well, I'm back. Back to the good ole Stephens diet page.
And why is that, you ask? Well, because i'm still fat! Just like most of you!
So, i've begun Atkins again (hence the photo of dear Doctor Atkins you see up top).
I'm almost done with induction. So far i've lost 12 pounds. that means my metabolic resistance to weightloss is low! How can that be, when i'm so tubby?
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- the bat story -- carrie, 22:38:55 01/30/03 Thu
so last night, i'm in bed sleeping soundly, when i hear the kid let out a yelp. Being the concerned pseudo-parent that i am, i sent Matt to check it out.
He goes to get her then brings her back into our room, presumably to go to sleep. I ask what happened. He tells me that a bird somehow got into her room, but it's shut in there. I take this opportunity to remind him that we've taken down the transoms over the door, so there's a big gaping hole there. i also point out that it may not be the best idea to let a bird fly through our house all night.
so, we go check out her bedroom. Rock scissors paper dictates that he'll be the one to go in and turn on the light so we can survey the situation. The lights go on, and sure enough, there's a flying creature doing circles in the kid's room. Only those two dumbasses were wrong. It wasn't a bird.....it was a bat.
At this point we get freaked out and shriek like little girls every time it flies near us, one of us sounding just a bit more girly than the other. Now it's time to formulate a plan. Only, after being dead asleep for about 3 hours, neither one of us is thinking very clearly, so we've forgotten all we ever knew about bats. What's their deal? they can't see or something...or maybe they can't hear? maybe they can't smell? damnit, which one of their senses are they missing!? who can be sure, really? So, we argue about this for awhile, until we decide they probably just don't like light (you know, cause they hang out in caves and stuff). so we devise a plan to open the doors and turn on all of the lights, so it will try to flee into the dark night sky.
as you can imagine, the bat doesn't go for the plan. he continues to fly in circles, only he's moved from the kid's room into the computer room. i think to myself "hmm, i should get online and see who's on yahoo." but then myself quickly tells me "there's a bat flying around in here, dumbass."
then the bat goes to rest between the moulding and the ceiling, tucked in a little bat-like ball. we take this opportunity to open the windows. We figure our anti-light plan might not have been so bad, so Matt gets the flashlight and shines it on our bat friend, to no avail. then we start throwing all sorts of things at it, to get it to start flying again. it ignores us. Matt makes weird noises, thinking he'll scare it. It doesn't get scared. New plan: we'll swing at it with a broom. Fate was on my side yet again in the game of rock scissors paper (good ole reliable rock, nothing beats that!). Matt swings at the bat until it moves. Then it starts flying in circles again. Every time it comes near us, he swings at it, making loud noises intended to scare a bat. This continues for what seems like hours (much like this story). But the bat just goes around and around, ignoring the open windows calling it home.
Finally, the bat came too close to the broom...a homerun-like swing sent the little bastard flying across the room. almost out the window...but not quite. it landed right in the window frame. the obvious decision now is to shut the window. it looks at first as though the bat is clear of it, and we're not sure if the bat is dead or just stunned. well, the old man took care of whatever doubt there was there, cause when he shut the window, the bat wasn't clear. it wasn't clear at all. half the bat out....half the bat under the window. at this point, i'm going to assume it was dead already, cause even with a window slamming down on it, there was no movement. Sadly for me, it was decided that since i'd had so little bat contact, i had to assist with scooping it up with the dustpan and flinging it out the window.
Tomorrow, the exterminator comes. Goodbye, bats. At to my bat friend, RIP.
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- ... -- Carrie, 23:20:45 01/21/03 Tue
I have a cold. And no one is even around to comfort me.
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- ... -- carrie, 19:40:27 01/16/03 Thu
Welcome back!
How embarassing that our last diet related post is dated like September something....
I thought perhaps we could use this to discuss our upcoming family vacation (has anyone made sure the wedding date is still firm for us?).
Or, we could discuss Heather's new house (saw the pictures on realtor.com, quite lovely!)
Or, better yet, we can talk about me. Had a job interview today. Seemed like the lady really wants me, but she can only pay $22k. that doesn't seem worth my time. of course, matt is all for it. what a surprise!
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exercise log (not that i have a log) -- Carrie, 09:08:10 09/18/02 Wed
I would like to draw everyone's attention to the exercise log, where i have taken a commanding lead.
now, i just have to drop a few pounds and i think I will be some serious competition for Uncle Herman.
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- Have you forgotten us? -- Carrie, 21:13:24 09/02/02 Mon
Well, no one is posting on here, and no one is emailing me with exercise results.
i can draw this conclusion: we're all as fat as we were to start with, and no one is dieting or exercising anymore.
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- ... -- Carrie, 13:53:17 08/24/02 Sat
I'm so far off of the diet wagon that i can't even SEE the wagon from here. But i start on Monday!
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- Lack of traffic -- Uncle Herm, 08:28:47 08/24/02 Sat
I think by watching the postings that there is a lack of interest in our diet site,,except for a few sexual remarks made by terry and mysef..there is not much action,,,am I to believe that we have all fallen off the wagon,,,I fell off last week but plan to back in the saddle again this week,,,there is only about 18-20 weeks till xmas,,,so I would think that we would see a little more effort....but thats just me ,,,anyway love all of you talk soon
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... -- carrie, 11:21:56 08/22/02 Thu
i didn't really have anything to say, i was just getting tired of looking at the same message every time.
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- Terry forgot John Belushi -- UKNLE HERMAN, 06:10:22 08/16/02 Fri
Terry has a plan,,,,its not a good one,,,but its a plan,,,I have heard no more about tread mill torture,,,Im talking about his torture of a tread mill,,,,I have lost one more pound,,,,I did not excerzie this week unless you consider me losing my temper exercize...anyway,,I notice that there have been more people jumping ship from this diet plan than the Titanic,,,Betty and me will take $25 FROM EACH OF YOU NOW,,,SPLIT AND CALL THE WHOLE THING OFF,,think about it it will save the rest of you 25 and Betty needs the cash to go to school....so goodnight,,,,and good dieting,,,,Hey Terry you forgot Elvis,,,I heard those jump suits came in large guys sizes,,,
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- Exercise Log Results -- Carrie, 08:07:08 08/16/02 Fri
To date, I have not received any reports of exercise from the following people:
Uncle Fred
Perhaps this is a clerical error. If so, I apologize. However, it could be that you have not committed yourself to a healthy lifestyle. In which case, we'll have no choice but to laugh at you when we're all on the beach in SC next August. By then, we'll be svelte lovelies.
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... -- Carrie, 07:56:14 08/16/02 Fri
Happy Birthday Andy!
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- Fantasy Football -- Andy "I'm big boned" Stephens, 21:36:15 08/14/02 Wed
First I would like to thank you all for my surprise birthday party. I really appreciate it and love you all dearly. I have my picture of Otto on my desk at work! If anybody wants to play fantasy football I have started a league in yahoo. the sight is
the league id is 173793
and the password is: football
Please sign up it will be a blast. I must warn you there is a message board with a lot of vulgarity, but that's what makes it fun. Dad, Jake, Herm, and Anne are signed up and it will be an auto draft making everything easy. Way to go on exercise shwetty!
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- exercising machine -- schwetty, 21:13:46 08/12/02 Mon
Well I guess I'm the only one doing any exercise these days. mark me down for the past two weeks. I need all the money i can get seeing as though I have no one to pay the other half of my rent. Sorry I missed the get together this weekend I had to run the animal hospital while all of you were celebrating. bye bye
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- Terry is a smart ass -- Uncle (i gonna smack him around) Herman, 06:38:39 08/06/02 Tue
This is the type of man he has become,,,wait for me to have another little stroke so he can get a few good shots in,,,,,Terry you could hire it done,,,,you know like when you where all alone on the road,,,,no one really thought you where just getting a massage,,,I may be a little weak sometimes,,,but remember I always get well,,,besides if you did that,,,,,Matt would kick your ass,,,,Speaking of Matt there is a new Stephens DOG,,,,a Golden Lab puppy named Rocky,,,accoding to my ex,,,he looks just like Matt big feet and floopy,,,,so we may all get to meet him when they are here for the wedding,,,off to Work I go,,and TERRY I WANT TO SEE YOU ON HEART PUCNH SUNDAY
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- Terry -- Herm, 21:53:14 08/03/02 Sat
I want to put to bed the rumors that I am involved in group sex,,,,that is a rumor,,,that terry likes to spread around ,,,,his sex life has become something that he just cant cant seem to get a "hand " on....well maybe he can,,,He has called me gay and now he is saying that I am involved in something ugly,,and the only group that will have his is not one I ), the great white hunter to come down and save them will be very disappointed they find out his wife
is a better shot than he is,,,,so Terry I want to see you heart PUNCH Sunday,,,that is where I will open a can of whup ass,,,,good night,,,and good luck ,,,,
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- A shameless waste of Space -- Cousin Andy, 19:23:20 08/05/02 Mon
Since nobody has had anything new to say in a while, I wanted to give you all some good reading material.
Now I don't want to get off on a rant here, but the war on drugs is a more frustrating stalemate than a tug-of-war on ice. While DEA seizures are higher than ever, so is anyone who wants to be.
The drug war has apparently worked to some degree, as both casual use and addiction have fallen in recent years. But at what cost? Now, instead of junkies, cokeheads and glue sniffers, we have coffee-addled super-achievers who'd sooner mow you down in the mall parking lot with their sport utility dreadnoughts than drop the speedometer below 70. Say what you will about drug addicts, at least they move slowly.
It's time to change our way of thinking and take the war on drugs out of the political hot button campaign topics. There is a percentage of our society that will always be addicted to something. Whether it's cocaine, pills, beer, cigarettes, or that new car smell.
Countries like Peru, Colombia, and Bolivia produce and export drugs because their only other economic alternatives do not bring in nearly enough money. That means if we really want to stem the tide of drugs from south of the border, there is only one painful but necessary course of action: We as a nation must resolve to dramatically increase our consumption of wooden donkey carvings and armadillo-shaped piñatas.
I don't know what the answer is. But I would like to ask the people of Colombia something. Between marijuana, coffee and cocaine do you think it might be possible to grow a crop that doesn't delude people into believing they actually have something interesting to say?
Drug traffickers are consummate businessmen. They have identified a demand, efficiently routed their infrastructure to fulfill it, and profited by exploiting the gap between cheap production and materials and high retail premiums. Their methodology is indistinguishable from that of a successful U.S. Corporation, except for, in this day and age, being a bit more ethical.
Every generation has had their drugs of choice. In the 60's, it was pot and LSD. In the disco era, it was coke. The 80's had crack and in the 90's we had crystal meth and Ecstasy. And nowadays? Well, now we have pot, LSD, coke, crack, crystal meth and Ecstasy.
And cocaine still plays an enormous part in our culture. Without it, stock traders could not put in 75 hour work weeks, and interstate truckers would deliver a lot more spoiled fruit. More importantly, there would be no second act segment in those E True Hollywood stories.
There are a lot of campaigns out there trying to prevent young people from getting into drugs in the first place. Unfortunately, teens tend to view these groups as uptight Puritans who haven't had fun since they outlawed witch trials. The zero-tolerance people are the same ones who tell you not to listen to hip-hop, play violent video games, and remain a virgin until after you're married. Anyone who believes that the average teenager will sit for that is on better weed than their kids.
The Anti-Drug campaigns have attacked the airwaves with images of frying eggs and terrorist bombings. Everything I need to know about drugs I learned from a poignant, 15-second PSA where the guy from "Yes Dear" pulls up a chair and sits in it, backward style. By the way, that's when you know they're leveling with you, kids. When they turn the chair around.
Hey, here's a thought, maybe you should get someone in on these campaigns who actually understands children. Kids want to be bad. You need Little Jimmy to stop smoking pot? Show him the picture of his 8th grade history teacher prancing around a Dead concert in a tie-dye loincloth. He'll never look at marijuana the same way again. Or the War of 1812, for that matter.
You can make a reasonable case that we shouldn't legalize the most deadly and addictive of the world's narcotics, but how can you possibly justify arresting elderly women smoking marijuana to ease their glaucoma, or even more desperately ill patients smoking it to ease their final days? My wish for the politicians who put their own careers ahead of the quality of life of ill and dying human beings is that some day, when they go to receive their final judgement, the first words out of God's mouth are "Dude, way harsh."
I say if you really want to discourage people from doing drugs, legalize everything for a year and encourage people to experiment. The smart people will sit back and barricade themselves in their homes, while all the drink-the-bongwater burnouts go to town, mixing industrial grade sealant and horse tranquilizers into a hookah and smoking it. I guarantee you, before the year is up, we'll dramatically thin the herd and who knows? Maybe some of the more demented stoners will mix so many weird chemicals, they'll stumble onto a cure for cancer in their pursuit of a buzz that could win the Nobel Peace Pipe.
Of course, that's just my opinion. I could be wrong.
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diet continues... -- Carrie, 12:21:55 08/04/02 Sun
So, Matt and I had a hawaiian party last night....I made sure to have plenty of low carb foods on hand, with every intention of being a very well behaved dieter...
But then i decided i could have a drink or two, as long as i only drank for 60 minutes (as the Carbohydrate Addicts Diet by Dr. Heller and Dr. Heller allows).
Well, with all my good sense, i decided i would drink as much as possible in that one hour. (i was drinking blue hawaiians, a very tasty fruity mixture, at least, it was tasty last night).
As you can imagine...my one hour of drinking turned into 65 minutes...then 90 minutes. Then 2 hours. 2 hours of slugging 'em down as fast as i could.
Then, my body, in all its infinite wisdom, rebelled against the carbs i tried to poison it with, and i spent a good hour or so with my head pressed against the cool comfort that is the toilet seat (at this point i wasn't concerned with cleanliness, but as luck would have it, i had just cleaned and disinfected the toilet earlier that day, and no ass had sat upon it since).
Luckily, with the well timed purging, i woke up this morning to a 2 pound weight loss, instead of the gain i was anticiptaing.
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- DIET -- UNCLE HERM, 06:37:34 08/02/02 Fri
Iam using Atkins,,,of course.. I have not seen many postings in the last few days so I would think there may have been a little of the falling off of the wagons,,,,Ok I admit it hot days and cold beer is hard to refuse,,,anyway,,,,I am down 13 lbs Month to date,,,,,I have slowed down about to about a pound a week,,,so hope eveyone is well,,,love you guys,,,
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Results thus far... -- Carrie, 07:36:50 07/31/02 Wed
Well, somehow i've managed to lose 4 pounds. Which is really odd, considering i didnt' start dieting until yesterday. I guess exercise really DOES pay off!
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a quick poll -- Carrie, 12:26:57 07/30/02 Tue
Just wondering what kind of diet methods you are all using....are you all Atkinsing?
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Week 3 Excercise -- Carrie, 10:08:00 07/28/02 Sun
To date, I have only recorded exercising for the following people:
Jenny and Betty: week ending july 14
Me: weeks ending july 21 and july 28
Terry: week ending july 28
if you have exercise to report for this week, please do so and i will update. if i have missed any of your other weeks (due to your non-reporting) please advise.
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An article to go along with the 15/30 minute debate -- Carrie, 10:22:39 07/28/02 Sun
Interval Exercise Boosts Fitness
Exercising in short spurts may do you just as much good as sweating over the long haul.
By Star Lawrence
If the image of a bobbing, straining you, pounding on the treadmill for a gasping half-hour at a whack, is interfering with your determination to dispose of that extra weight, don't despair. It turns out that exercising in short spurts may do you just as much good as sweating over the long haul.
A study from the University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh, in the October 2001 issue of the Journal of the American College of Nutrition, showed that three 10-minute bouts of exercise, and two 15-minute bouts, and one 30-minute bout were each just about equally effective in increasing aerobic capacity and reducing body fat.
W. Daniel Schmidt, PhD, chairman of the department of physical education and health promotion at the university and lead investigator of the study, which involved overweight female college students, says the study shows that exercise divided into several short periods had positive effects on both heart fitness and weight loss and was comparable to exercising in fewer, longer sessions. (The nonexercising control groups, incidentally, increased both body weight and body fat content over the 12 weeks studied.)
One catch: The students also followed a restricted-calorie diet. Schmidt says he is not sure that exercising in spurts is ideal for the treatment of obesity, since a diet must also be followed. But research done recently at Laval University in Quebec shows that this type of exercise -- the technique is called interval training -- can indeed rev up metabolism quicker than regular, constant aerobic exercise.
How It Works
When exercising, your body uses one of two systems to produce energy --the aerobic system and the anaerobic system. The aerobic system uses oxygen to convert carbohydrates in your body to energy, and it can fuel long, sustained exertion. The anaerobic system, by contrast, grabs energy stored in your muscles in the form of glycogen to fuel short bursts of activity like sprinting or lifting heavy objects. This system doesn't draw on oxygen and only provides energy for brief activities. It also pours out lactic acid as a byproduct and causes that achy, used-up feeling.
According to the American Council of Exercise (www.acefitness.org), interval training may allow you to enjoy the benefits of anaerobic exercise without the burning muscles. It involves alternating high-intensity and lower-intensity exercise within a single workout. The Swedes have given it the name fartlek, which means, "speed play."
In the Laval University study, for example, participants alternated between 3 minutes of moderate-intensity step aerobics and 1 minute of high-intensity stepping, repeating the cycle eight to ten times.
According to Wayne L. Westcott, PhD, fitness research director at the South Shore YMCA in Quincy, Massachusetts, interval training is "absolutely the best" for both beginners and high-end athletes. "High-end athletes all train that way," he says. "It's not necessarily the easiest, but it is the best."
To interval train for 30 minutes on the treadmill, Westcott says, don't walk 3 1/2 miles per hour for 30 minutes but instead try doing five intervals of 6 minutes each. Begin with 6 minutes at 3 miles per hour, then 6 minutes at 4, then another 6 minutes at 3, then 6 at 4, and finally a cool-down of 6 minutes at 3.
This gives you the same workout--30 minutes at an average of 3 1/2 miles per hour--but with more work effort than your body would normally produce.
As an added benefit, you may even boost your immune system. Researchers at Texas Christian University in Fort Worth recently did a small study on 10 volunteers. Exercisers had significantly higher counts of immune cells, and that immunity was highest after the second round of bike riding.
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- Terry calling me a HOMO -- Uncle...not Aunt Herm, 06:35:33 07/27/02 Sat
Terry always says that,,,,but he was the one the wanted to comfort me at night when we where kids during storms,,,,,First I wasn't afraid of the storms,,,and second it does not rain every night,,,,,so if there is any gay bashing to go on,,,,,we know who to direct it to,,,,,Terry its true,,,,,one does make you gay,,and I dont mean happy
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- Terry is a smart ass -- Big (soon to be little) Herman, 06:32:27 07/27/02 Sat
Hell no we don't count it,,,It is not my fault that the tread mill can only take 15 minutes at at time with out major repairs,,,Ok count it,,,God I am too easy,,,,,,thats what women say about me all the time,,,,any way love to all,,,and good dieting
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- exercise program -- the truth, 19:58:14 07/24/02 Wed
I walked 3.5 miles briskly tonight. I think that my past 2 nights of 15 minutes on the treadmill should count at least for 1 night of exercise. I demand a meeting of the full group. I demand a polling of all dieters and interested bystanders. I demand a recount. Where can I make an appeal? I think I'm suffering from oxygen depletion. I think Craig has homosexual tendencies. Have you ever seen a fat queen?I guess I would'nt be hungry either if I had....never mind,
Love you all see you on a Subway commercial
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- Feedbag -- Heather, 19:44:52 07/26/02 Fri
In regards to the strapping of the feedbag. Remember
exercise without proper dieting = hard chunk.
P.S. to all dieters.
I appreciate all of your witty coments and friendly banter but has anyone lost any weight???????????
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- dieters -- Kim, 19:28:47 07/25/02 Thu
You're a genius. No amount of nagging, coaxing or guilt-tripping has motivated Terry to start an exercise regimen. Now that you've added the competitive element, he has risen to the challenge and we are both "sweatin like the oldies". It's truly inspiring to see him on the treadmill. After about 3 minutes, he has sweat rushing from every pore, a glazed look in his eyes and a steely look of determination on his face. I can verify that he got plenty of work out in those 15 minute sessions. There he was in his tennies, knee socks and little white jockeys (well, maybe not so little). I feel fairly certain that if he stays on course, he will be up to 30 minutes in two weeks. Also, I love the honesty from all you dieters. There are as many confessions logged as there are results. You have my word, if Terry backslides, I will tell on him (my loyalty has limits). Well we are going to work out now
and since I'm Terry's spotter, I better go. Thanks again. Kim
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- exercismo -- Carrie, 22:44:49 07/25/02 Thu
Well, so far this week I have exercised every day. Walking, stationary bike, i even swam laps one day! However, all this extra activity has made me strap on the ole feedbag. I'm taking in many more calories than i'm burning. What to do?
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- the real truth -- UNCLE HErm, 22:26:22 07/25/02 Thu
Terry know he will never give me those damn dresses,,,,he has stretched them to the point of no return,,,,,,,,the tread mill is begging for mercy,,,,I also heard he jogs naked,,,,,,he would get arrested,,,,,but there is not enough proof that he is really naked,,,no ones eyes are that good,,I did walk twice this week,,,,,and played golf twice,,,,I love you guys we all win if this works,,,,we need to get our lives in order so we can enjoy the rest of it,,,goodnight all
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- Weigh to go! -- Andy, 21:05:24 07/25/02 Thu
I'm proud of all of you, but especially you dad. You no longer owner of the worlds oldest unused treadmill. Keep up the good work. Kim, keep on him like parole officer. I'm off to eat my sour kraut and turkey sausage! One last thing, Anne and I picked all of our house stuff tonight. I must say it is going to be awesome, and since we have to move in in December the family is invited over for Christmas, or New Years....Hell why not both! See ya all real soon.
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- exercise -- Carrie, 22:40:49 07/24/02 Wed
Does anyone have any exercise to report for last week?
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- Fellow fatties -- Heather, 20:45:19 07/22/02 Mon
Hello Fellow Dieters,
This week was a much better week for me on the road to skinniness. The first week was one of contiplating the proper diet method and mental readiness. ( OK I Pigged Out For One Last Week) Week 2 was quite successful with a 2 lbs. weight loss, but unfortunatley only 1 day of exercise. It appears as if everyone is participating, although on different levels (Tutso) with Uncle Herman, Jenny, and Betty as the front runners. Good Luck dieters and may the Food Be With You.
Fellow Cub-a-Lub,
Speaking of Cub-A-Lubs Stephen can now walk everywhere and holds up his finger when you ask him how old he is. (Not the middle one, by the way)He is very advanced.
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- Terry is a smart ass -- Herm, 11:08:23 07/23/02 Tue
Terry,,,,my toes are fine,,,but thanks for asking,,,,did the tread mill beg for mercy,,,anyway good luck talk soon
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- my pompous overweight family -- terry "the truth" stephens, 21:15:02 07/22/02 Mon
I hope you all overdose on protein and your ruddy red big toes explode with grout worthy of amputation. Besides I have embarked, along with the African Queen, on an exercize regimin. Did 15 minutes at 3.5 mph on the inclined treadmill. Certainly not a Lance Armstrong number but heh I have my balls.
Tell reformed fat ass Craig that he is only 1 bananna split away from a cokplete (mean't complete but considering Craig's recent past I guess the slip was Freudian) swine.
Love you all large and small.
The truth
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- Freds entry into the competition -- Fred, 17:37:34 07/22/02 Mon
I weighed in today and am ready to move on down the scale. As a seasoned dieter and redieter I will be a force in the competition. Hope your fat assed father Terry gets in the mood to loose pounds I mean Amigo pounds! I have a hard time with exersice When I get the urge I lay down with the remote and watch television till the urge goes away. I will try to reverse this deviant behavior. I need to look good for Josh and Jamies veggie wedding!
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- Fred a new island heard from -- Big Herm, 19:37:38 07/22/02 Mon
Gee Fred it only took you two weeks to find the scale,,,what too busy to step up to the plate,,,or is it you have stepped up to the plate a few too many times,,,and can't stand the truth,,,,Look at it this way by Josh's wedding,,,,we will all lose weight,,,,,WHERE IS TERRY,,,,,,,,,can't find a scale either,,,,,,maybe since Kim is not home he can not read the numbers ...anyway we need Terry,,,,good luck to all love you all,,,,talk soon....
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- Week 2 -- Carrie, 19:36:28 07/22/02 Mon
Well, I did manage to do my exercise this week. Yay for me. However, i haven't weighed myself. Considering i just put a mcdonald's hot fudge brownie sundae in my gut, now might not be the best time for the big weigh in.
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- Im so skinny I can not stand it -- Herm, 17:48:45 07/19/02 Fri
The new grand total is 10 pounds from the 8th,,,,at this rate you wont be able to see me by Christmas,,,I don't see many posting from the other Stephens men,,,does this mean that they are not on the plan,,,,I will bring my fat clothes with me at Christmas so they have something to wear,,,,,of course they will have to have them shortened,,,,,,,good luck to all, and way to go Jenny and Beth,,,Im proud of you guys,,,,love you all
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- golf -- schwetty, 23:13:48 07/16/02 Tue
I would take the golf as one of the three days, but the other two days would have to be something else.
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- golf -- UNCLE HErm, 21:56:21 07/16/02 Tue
GOLF counts,,,,,,,,if you chase as many balls into the woods as I did,,,,,,took as many swings as I did,,,its got to be excerizice,,,,cause its not much fun,,,
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- Vote Needed -- Carrie, 08:26:03 07/16/02 Tue
My dear relatives, we need to take a vote.
Do we count Uncle Herm's golfing, even though he took a cart? He says he walked for his car to the cart, then from the cart to the ball, then back to the cart, etc. Does that count as 30 minutes of exercise?
Lemme know what you think.
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- week one -- Betty, 08:05:18 07/16/02 Tue
Well, I am down 5lbs and I did my three days of exercise, which is more than I've ever done in my whole life.
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- Uncle Herm -- Herm, 17:29:18 07/15/02 Mon
Just send me the damn money,,,,I will win,,,,,,I will WIN,,,,,I lost 4 lbs last week,,,,and will kick all of your butts in the coming weeks.....I am counting on the Christmas cash as part of my Salary........
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- Week One -- Carrie, 21:55:30 07/14/02 Sun
Lucky for me I caught a cold this week. So, while I didn't exercise a lick, that at least cut down on my binge eating. Hope you all were as successful as me. I'm half a pound lighter. I've never felt so fit!
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- I wish I were a Stephens... -- Melanie, 10:13:42 07/11/02 Thu
You guys are the smartest family EVER. Maybe I will start up my own diet-club. Since I will soon be sitting about my new apartment in the ghetto, cutting coupons and collecting unemployment - this would be the perfect time to start!!! nothing like a little poverty to whittle the waist.
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- Week 1 -- Jenny, 17:48:28 07/10/02 Wed
We have all weighed in, and it wasn't pretty. Best of luck all!!
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- Encouragement -- Matt, 21:50:00 07/08/02 Mon
Go team go!
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