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Date Posted: 14:26:20 06/04/04 Fri
Author: Firelight
Subject: //fire. hybrid\\
In reply to: jaws 's message, "unsafe waters" on 12:29:47 06/04/04 Fri

The dark she-demon might be acting childish. But she was a bit emotionally unbalanced. What with the sudden attention stallions were paying her and the new emotions that this caused. She had never been treated that way, when dark.shadow had courted nothing of the sort had been brought up. Then Het Vuur and now this creature called Jaws. She was learning as she went how to handle it. Single spire raised from it's flat position to twist in his direction. Invisible brow raised at his response to her answer. So he had a brain and wasn't completely testosterone driven. Fighting back her vile temper she shot back her own words.

"Everyone has their own beliefs. I have been capable of taking care of myself for a quite a while and I'm sure I can continue doing so."

Oh sting, she had questioned her own ability to hold the position she had. But she had run a territory before, and now she was running the evils. Not alone mind you, there were the territory leaders and the council. She merely had the power to over-rule them but it wasn't something she planned on doing. Her temper getting the better of her she took a step at the stag.

"I've heard no complaints. And if anyone has them they are free to tell me."

Her words snapped quickly from her ebon' splashed mug. Dark chestnut bodice remaining calm as she struggled to gain control of her flash-fire attitude. Drawing herself together visible her semi-Arabian looking facade remained facing the beast. Chasms focused upon the stallion's own windows as she searched out answer's there. She knew nothing about him therefore she had no ammunition to fight a verbal battle with him. She was on defense and she didn't like it one bit. However she most likely had brought this mess upon herself and she would be pulling herself out, somehow. Second thorn raised and faced the ivory[?] male. Midnight tinted whipcord gently brushing at her hocks as she forced her temper to release and her body to remain relaxed.

[Sounds lovely, should be quite interesting..]

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