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Date Posted: 18:18:48 06/06/04 Sun
Author: Firelight
Subject: //I like your version\\
In reply to: Sati 's message, ".:I'll pick up the slack:." on 17:26:35 06/06/04 Sun

The dark auburn sahiba had picked an easy lope at which to draw herself into the territory. However as she crossed the boundaries she slowed to a walk the familiar face of the 'Greens a welcome sight. How she loved the shadows the dark forest cast over everything within reach. Curling and slipping in and out of the trees and equine alike. If there was Light then there was the shadow, the dark. But there could easily be darkness without light, though there would be no comparison. Such thoughts should be saved for another time though.

Spires twisted towards the males soundings. Ha, he thought he was big and bad. He hadn't ever run into some of the fellows she knew. She hung back letting her dark form meld with the shadow of a rather large evergreen tree. She was mildly curious as to what he wanted. Easily auds could capture the sounds emitted by either equine. A smirk curved her facial expressions at the Vanner's words. Sarcasm was an attitude favored by the chocolate dove that remained in the backdrop. Swarthy brush flipping at her hinds as she remained alert to her surroundings. It was nice to feel the cool breeze of the mountain rushing down to cover the present. Obviously the storm that had been ravaging the territory when she had departed had ceased in it's attack for the moment. Attention wandered from the two to another male present in the territory. If no one else she would approach him to attempt some small talk. Anything to keep boredom from taking over before the Raid she planned took place.

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