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Date Posted: 19:18:33 07/12/04 Mon
Author: Dark Illusion
Subject: ._.An Illusion of the Night._.
In reply to: D.agger's R.ebellion 's message, "I. Am. Desperately. Lost." on 16:16:13 07/12/04 Mon

The copper fleshed Neutral made her way into the terra at a fast gallop, forefeet floating over the rough terrain with ease as she expertly gripped the rocky turf. Nostrils were flared, a white lather glazing her chest, banner whipping madly behind her. The news of Dagger's condition had spread like a wild fire, foe or friend she had a respect for the stag and felt she needed to pay her respects. Orbs look over the gathers as she hitches a breath and curses under he breath, Firelight was amoung the group, she hated the wench and really regretted making a presence in these lands. She dared not make a commotion, especially after all the havoc she'd caused when she'd snuck the murder of the group, Adrian. So long that was, but she was sure it still left a bad taste in their mouth. Her speed decreses to that of a two beat gait as she descends upon them. Her dial tucked tightly in the crevis of her muscluar chest, hiding the nasty brand Firelight had left. She comes to a halt before Dagger, dipping her dial in respect as she keeps her gaze locked on his, not masking her sorrowful facade. She spared herself the energy to look at the others, nto wanting a confrontation. Her vocie was soft, almost a whisper as she spoke directly to the stud.

"Dag... Curse came and got me... I'm so sorry...."

Once again her throat became dry, what was there to say to her old enemy, haughty or not she was fond of Dagger.

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