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Subject: *Good Things Come In Small Packages*

Lil' Mist
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Date Posted: 22:46:03 07/20/03 Sun
In reply to: C 's message, "...expect the unexpected sometimes..." on 15:02:13 07/19/03 Sat

*If he asked most would be made known, but then he must first ask. For she would not trouble him with news and tales that he did not have time for. For as much as both the femmora's present might wish, she knew he would not stay...not for long, none ever did. She was still single too, though it seemed perhaps not for long. If she could only make up her mind. Sighing softly she lowerd her dial slightly trouble with two steeds upon the ISO board and the return of her most likly first crush since Haven causing her to think back to those days. (Yes she use to like C)When Quin, Goldie, Sunny, and so many more had run upon the lands there had also been Magi and Cameran had vistied often. Oh she missed those guys dreadfully. Snorting lightly she shook her dial, mane of ebon' flipping into her gaze at the actions. Nares flare and arch is lowerd as she started to slip out of reach slightly and off to graze, something told her the two needed to talk and though she wanted desperately to contiue her time with him. She was caring as was her mother and would let the two be...for that was only the polite and proper thing to do. Smiling brightly to both steel blue orbs nearly water, before she turned away and started to walk off. Her shoulders slumbed for some odd reason. This mare was deffiantly not a filly anymore. And age had began to change her appearance from the once careful bay to the now experianced mare. But her love for friends never would die. And this is the sight she left the two with...as slowly she moved off towards the trees, flag and banner blowing 'bout her in the light breeze*

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...tales untold...C06:29:14 07/23/03 Wed

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