Subject: Back from Retirement. |
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Date Posted: 23:10:25 07/25/03 Fri
Heavy paws tread on dry ground, un-feminine almost cord-like muscle standing out against the thick heavy pelt, blessed-cursed if you might- by night. Despite her heavy torso, her pawsteps were light, and could go unheard if she wished. Mistress of Disguise? Yeah. right. Call her what you wish. Her deep form blended in with shadow, a mere ripple in the oncoming night. She chose to travel then, as darkness fell. Not because she was some self-proclaimed evil keeping up an image, more largely because she wished for the cool breeze of dusk, and the ability to conceal herself from those she wished to not aquaint herself with, as if they would burden her journey with their words or their actual presence.
Her coat odd as it was gave almost no sheen, the only color allowed on her was the deep, sapphire eyes, concealed behind hooded lids, that barely raised above halfway. Her solitude was perferred, over the company of others, and only three years alone had driven her to find a pack. She had come here, but found them not to her liking, they all seemed to want to be the perfect 'evil wolfie', dark and sinister, whereas really, they would run at site of blood. She blew a disgusted sigh out through her nose at the memory. She had then traveled to the neutrals, and found them too out-going for her. Shaking her head as her steady pace continued, deep ooids gazed from corner to corner, her breath coming in deep pulls, almost silent in the night, despite her pace. She kept her guard. Her tail stayed out behind her, even, as she crossed borders into this land she had once resided upon.
She could tolerate them only for so long. But perferred stupid thoughts and solitude, over the neutrals. For their were a few here, if she remembered correctly, who could hold a candle to being a normal wolf. And being a so-called 'evil' while at it. She snorted, a smirk creeping up her features, leaving her blackened maw concealed. Let's hope they were here, and still had sense too. Her heavy muscular form, the dull coat, the slightly dusty paws halted, and she sat, back to a tree as if for protection. Her skull came up, and hooded eyes looked out upon the land, half-closed as if slightly bored, yet perciving and storing information as no other. Thick 'auds twitched, and a single canine was revealed, and concealed by the curtain of night, as she shifted, her body in near shadow. She could wait. And by the looks of it, she'd half to.
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