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Subject: .c o n t e n t i o n.

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Date Posted: 07:43:43 07/26/03 Sat
In reply to: Shardul 's message, ".:|:.S.t.r.u.g.g.l.e.:|:." on 23:03:34 07/25/03 Fri

"Because that is life's purpose. It works in the same instict that made you fear your demise--it WANTS to keep going. And you value it because you want it to."

His nose turns in the direction of the inhabitants participating in lackluster activites yars away from the two.

"You read me misunderstandingly when you conclude that the struggle for existence sanctions your wanton destruction of ife. But I see you point. To me, you are saying, 'why should I be parsimonious with this life which is cheap and without value?' There are more wolves than there is land for them to put their feet, more workers than there are factories. Have you even seen ghastly forms fighting for a chance to gain power? Win a challenge? Earn a position? It is Darwinism in act; it is in our blood."

He pauses momentarily, eyes glazing with a frothy dew, matching that which hung dankly from the deep hunter leaves surrounding him. His eyes were not glassy, but swirling as he picked the order to articulate his thoughts.

"To put it simply--the only value life has is what life puts upon itself. It is of course, as you and I both agree on, overestimated since it is of necessity predjudiced in its own favor. Take Enchancee, for example. She enters in, with the attempt to appear beaten and broken, maybe win back a couple of hearts. But really all she wants is to thrive in the power she once had. She is holding to her life as a great treasure, beyond any diamonds or rubies. To you? No. To me? Not at all. To herself? Indubitably. I do not accept her estimate, however. She sadly overrates herself. There is plenty more life demanding to be born."

His eyes wander to the raspy, evaporating forms of the pups he has taken under his wing, watching them paw and nip lethargically.

"If I were to jump her now, cut her pretty little throat with my neck and spill her innards upon the ground, cracking her skull like honey from a comb--there would be no loss in this world. She was worht nothing to the world. The supply is too large. To her she was the only value, and to show how fictitious that this value was, being dead she is unconcious of her own loss. She ALONE rated herself beyond compare. Diamonds and rubies are gone, spread across this ground in gory blasphemy, and she is not even aware they are gone. She doesnt loose anything, for with the loss of herself she looses the knowledge of her loss!

"But that still does not answer your question--I cannot put a value on your life, no more than you can put one on mine. But upon my birth, if I am given my recources--I intend to use them frugally...even though life is teeming, I consider it that much more of an honor to be chosen from the pool of billions which attempted to reside in this physique of mine, to take a better shot at the obsticles I have faced."

He chuckles lightly.

"I do not value my life--but I might as well make the most of it while Im here."

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.:|:.S.u.b.d.u.e.d.:|:.Shardul09:49:57 07/26/03 Sat

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