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Subject: .:|:.S.t.r.u.g.g.l.e.:|:.

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Date Posted: 23:03:34 07/25/03 Fri
In reply to: Machete 's message, ".r e b u t t l e." on 22:46:30 07/25/03 Fri

[lol, calm down,i'm fine. interesting post, very good ^.^]

she squirmed in his grasp, the fear as she had first thought seizing her body, blocking off al reason and replacing all emotions with that rimal instint of the need to live. indeed she did fight back, though quite harmless in that position she was. normaly in a true battle she would not have been cought off guard and been taken into such a death grip, yet this demonstartiomn did seem to open her eyes, like a window sheding its drapes.

she gasped for breathe as she was released, her bodice shaking to resettle her ruffled fur as well as her nerves. once she was finished resetting herself she looked at him, no longer perturbed now that the danger had passed. a sly grin slowly crept upon her mug, one that rarely cracked upon that section of stone.

indeed i fear losing this life, though i do not fear the death that shall consume me once i have left. i will struggle in your grasp of course, but no pleads for help shall escape me. you still elude the purpose of life. you have shown me my purpuse, but you, likle i, cannot explain the purpose of life. why do we live in the first place? so we can fear the death that shall befall us? we all have purpose, but we do not all have reasoning. what is the reason for being alive? you've shown me its value, now show me why i even value it.

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.c o n t e n t i o n.Machete07:43:43 07/26/03 Sat

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