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Subject: Tidus hates Seymour.

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Date Posted: 22:02:06 12/30/03 Tue
In reply to: Rockinghorse 's message, "Seymour Trail and Aurie's Return" on 20:17:04 12/30/03 Tue

Auron almost felt like telling his younger self that there was no way, that Aurie was stuck there forever. He wanted to... but he knew that he couldn't. If Aurie didn't go back...
"We need to find another symbol like the one that made you come here in the first place," Auron said.
"No need to look."
Everyone turned around in surprise. A tall man stood there, an evil glint in his eye.
"Seymour!" Tidus yelled. The former maester brought out the worst in him... especially since he got to kiss Yuna before he got the nerve to...
Seymour laughed. The very sound of it made the hairs on the back of Aurie's neck stand up.
"We've beaten you before, we can beat you again... easy!" Tidus yelled, being his usual cocky self.
"Will you ever learn?" someone said, stepping out of the shadows. "Instead of saying you'll beat him easily, why don't you just do it?"
"Mikoto," Zidane breathed. He couldn't help but feel relieved that she was there with them.
Seymour laughed again. "You mortals think that you can beat me? I got out of the Farplane... who says that it won't happen again?"
"I don't care if you come back," Tidus snarled. "But if I can beat you now, it's good enough for me!"
Seymour smirked. "You really think that you can beat me again? The last times were mistakes. I, alas, underestimated you. But that won't happen this time."
"Bring it on!" Tidus yelled.
"No problem," Seymour said, and transformed before their eyes.

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The Fight-GirlRockinghorse21:20:42 01/03/04 Sat

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