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Date Posted: 09:20:53 09/15/07 Sat
Author: Lisa
Author Host/IP: adsl-074-167-176-107.sip.ard.bellsouth.net /
Subject: Re: What do you guys think?
In reply to: Cheryl 's message, "What do you guys think?" on 16:58:17 09/13/07 Thu

Hi Cheryl, I am off to a boxer adoption event but I will post real quick to you.

I know Butler has dominance issues. I noticed it big time when you were here, he was pretty aggressive with both my dogs. so he needs to be brought down several levles by working on things that a dominant dog needs to go by. making him wait for food, not letting him on the bed, being firm and only inviting him on the couch when you say its okay..I would also get cesear milans tape, or talk to a trainer right away. He also is not used to being on a leash and being around people as this is all new to him, dogs can get leash aggressive and this is VERY common, Bean is that way with dogs, but not people, that is scary being how big Butler is and people must be scared of that big ol guy:):). He has not had a lot of leash work and he just needs some really strict guidance when he is on the leash. Catch was the same way and we had a really hard time with him but we worked on hs issues and he got so much better. we used food and praising. I think you need to find a good trainer, let them evaluate him and have them walk with you so they can show you how to correct this behaivior. they need to see what he is doing to help you. I know he is dominant with other dogs, but I didn't know it was with people so he just needs more socialization I think, as you live in the country and he isn't used to be being on leash and in this type of situation, PLUS he is nervous and out of sorts being in the hotel, poor guy. he is trying to be a tough guy! But I know he is such a sweet boy.

good luck as you can break this if your consistant and work on it as much as you can:) get him out there more and more and work with a trainer 1 time to teach you how to handle him, as he is also a big guy which makes things harder and scarier do to his size.

Hugs, Lisa

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