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Subject: .:.Well, as long as you smile.:.

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Date Posted: 14:45:39 08/18/09 Tue
In reply to: Alicia 's message, "Doesn't mean I have to like doing it
" on 01:33:14 08/18/09 Tue

.:.It was with a steady hand that Zeth rested his over his wife's. He glanced away from his palm and up to her. The pain was slight and something he could look past. "Yes, Tarot has met Lucian. Just today, actually."

He looked back to his guest, concern dwindling his brows. "Tarot, god." He could smell the blood. He had never had the pleasure of tasting fairy blood but damn, it smelt amazing

He was on his feet before he could let his instinct react to the smell. He moved farther, swapping places with the wifey. He understood that it was pure love lust for her blood that had captured the heart of Tarot's dead ex lover. Well, that certainly explained it

"Can I get you something?" He caught Tarot's green eyes and his tongue toyed at the corner of his lips. "For the pain?" He could suggest many things. His own blood, for example, would certainly fix that up. But then-- Alicia wouldn't like that at all. "You're brave, I can see." Her face showed only the slightest traces of distress. He leaned back against the counter top. The seat of his jeans pressed into it and his fingers drape tensely over the edges. He was trying not to show the effect her blood was having. He could smell the iron in it but each particle was spiced with magic. Each morsel was riveted with electricity. He wanted to taste it but kept himself far enough away to control those urges. He shut his mind's walls, throwing out any who might have been carelessly treading in it. Alicia would know the signs of his struggle for control. She'd been with him for many years and could easily pick out the easily missed restraint in his eyes. He was fighting nature, after all, and mother nature is a very powerful woman.:.

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not this again. honestly, the two of you.tarot15:43:07 08/18/09 Tue

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