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Subject: Doesn't mean I have to like doing it

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Date Posted: 01:33:14 08/18/09 Tue
In reply to: tarot 's message, "we have people for stuff like that." on 18:40:52 08/11/09 Tue

Alicia could not deny her annoyance towards the female but also at her husband, though as he silently obeyed her command she nodded. Thanking him in turn without a word. Mixed tones looking towards the window in the kitchen that looked towards Downtown and then the one towards the inner warehouse. Lucian would be a thorn in their side for sure, especially if he was dropping off creepy pendants that burned Zeth’s flesh. At Zeth’s question and Tarot’s reply Alicia took a step away from the counter and towards them both though as Tarot’s request she shook her head to the rhetorical question. “I have Ginger stashed in most rooms and there is eucalyptus in the bathroom.” She said as an after thought, though she hadn’t thought what they were dealing with so sever. That is what she got for not thinking and for actually trying ot play the obviously human wife, when she was nothing like that and their life was nothing ordinary.

Watching the female pull an item from her shirt, something she hoped Zeth was not paying attention to, Alicia frowned as she looked at the gem then nodded. She knew of fairies and that they had many things that were not known by other races, but she’d never realized how in-depth they went. “Bri is his ex-lover, the mother of a few of the kids I believe you may have meet.” She added as an after thought. She was keeping her mental tongue silent, letting the other concentrate, but she still kept linked to Zeth. Happy to see him and hoping to tell if something was up as soon as he did if not sooner – like now – the chain snapped and quickly reverted back to it’s hiding place within Tarot’s shirt. It’d hit hard from the look of things and though she was not vampire and did not scent blood as easily she could tell it’d hurt the woman. “Here.” Moving her hand quickly a chair was summoned forward then hands busied themselves in getting a cloth warmed and sterilized. “I know you’ll probably heal fast, but this will clean off the blood.” She said holding it out to Tarot, as a peace offering and as help.

“I think your son has learned a lot from mother dearest.” She muttered this sadly before looking to see if Tarot was okay then moving forward for the physical touch of Zeth. She was upset and worried, on many fronts. Not only was Lucian the son of Brillian, but Tarot was their guest and now she was getting hurt during her stay. It made her look horrible as a host. She only hoped Zeth was okay.

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.:.Well, as long as you smile.:.Zeth14:45:39 08/18/09 Tue

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