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Subject: I go to roping practice for the cowboys... not the horses

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Date Posted: 11:58:16 05/14/10 Fri
In reply to: Alicia Baslazari 's message, "$ Tis a Lovely Position $" on 14:41:21 05/12/10 Wed

[which is true... I do. lol]

‘It’s been a while but yes… we’ve done… business…’

Copper flavored serum leached onto his tongue from a self-inflicted wound on the inside of his cheek. Ivory linen slipped open, exposing lean muscles cutting across the flesh of his chest and abdomen. What had only been intended as a movement to draw himself closer to the other male figure, ended with strong hands tenderly embracing Zeth’s features, his lips pressed firmly against Zeth’s lips. Even if the kiss had not seemed familiar to Zeth, the taste of the stranger’s blood should have been the answer to all of Zeth’s confusion.

His kiss was a glass of cold lemonade on a humid summer’s day or a big slice of Angel Food Cake when one should be eating bran muffins instead; a guilty pleasure and intensely satisfying all at once. In the distance, he could detect the sound of a beeping phone, yet could not force himself to give a damn. With his blood mingling with Zeth’s, everything that Zeth knew of him would be kept secret due to the fairly harmless venom in his own veins. As he drew his features away, his gaze would lock with Zeth’s and hopefully it would click… if not, well… he was screwed and best start running.

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.:.Me too. But I like the horses a lot too.:.Zeth05:12:39 05/17/10 Mon

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