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Subject: .:.Its better than hanging out with dudes.:.

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Date Posted: 20:48:16 01/20/11 Thu
In reply to: Balin 's message, "sleep is over rated" on 19:07:08 01/20/11 Thu

He tossed the unused tampons into the sink with a gloating little smile before fetching an unused washcloth off the "decoration" towels Alicia had set up ages ago. He held it under warm water before ringing it out and giving it to the man. "You clean your face and I'll find you some clothes."

The master closet had two entry points. One from the bedroom and the other from the bathroom. Zeth had intentionally requested that when they were remodeling, arguing that it was silly to have to leave the bathroom to get clothes when you were naked. Alicia had preferred entering from the bedroom and so in the end, money won out, and they were both happy. Zeth had lost the battle about putting a laundry room in there too for easy of washing...oh well.

He returned with some old PJ slacks and an overly loved "I Heart NY" shirt. He thought briefly about Team Zeth shirts again. He glanced up to see how much progress the stranger had made.

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hot man on man actionBalin21:23:40 01/20/11 Thu

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