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Subject: hot man on man action

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Date Posted: 21:23:40 01/20/11 Thu
In reply to: Zeth 's message, ".:.Its better than hanging out with dudes.:." on 20:48:16 01/20/11 Thu

Mental note to self, never catch yourself with your face. It hurts and it’s a lot messier than one would think. While Zeth went to retrieve a change of clothes, Balin turned the sink back on, getting the water as hot as he could tolerate. Grime and blood tinted the water a funky pinkish brown color as it drained down the sink. That decorative washcloth essentially shared the same fate as his shirt and it wouldn’t be the hamper. Allowing his ruined shirt to slide from his shoulders to a heap on the floor, Balin eyeballed the blackened splotches that stained his flesh. Fingertips delved into the open wound just under his ribs, removing what looked to be a tooth fragment from the inflamed tissue.

‘Have I ever told you that you’re bossy?’

And Balin LIKES it. It didn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out what team Balin played for and one would have to be dull witted to realize this if they noticed how Balin watched Zeth. Was it a little unnerving? Probably for the object of his affection. Did Balin care? Not so much.

‘But I am grateful.’

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EWWW NO!Zeth21:42:18 01/20/11 Thu

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