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Date Posted: 09:44:18 04/19/02 Fri
Author: Marz and co
Subject: Game playing
In reply to: Tristan and Rowan 's message, "Who's the slave around here?" on 18:44:07 04/17/02 Wed

Ablina made a face at Tristan after taking a good look at the doll he handed her. She turned her big brown eyes to Marz and sniffled. "It's ugly!"

Marz gave her a hug then glanced at the doll in her hand. "It's not ugly, sweetheart. It's …….unique! I bet nobody else in the world has such a special doll."

Ablina took another look at the cloth figure then kissed Marz on his cheek. "Okay, well maybe it's not that ugly then. I can be the mommy and you can be the daddy. When I get bigger will you marry me, Marz?"

The ex-gang leader grinned while ruffling the girl's hair. "Course I'll marry you when you get older," he quipped. "We'll even throw this big party to celebrate our wedding. Would you like that?"

Ablina nodded eagerly. "Will you give me a gagement ring too?"

It was Marz's turn to nod. "Sure, baby. I'll give you whatever you want. Only the best for my future wife!" After kissing the tip of her nose he turned his attention to the cards Rowan dealt him. When Tristan mentioned that he always lost at cards and that he couldn't count properly, Marz rolled his eyes. He would have ignored the dragon's comments if Rowan didn't open his mouth.

"You gonna take that shit from him?" the elf asked.

Marz locked eyes with the man. Did the elf think he was a wuss? Better set him straight right now. "I don't take shit from anybody." His gaze shifted from Rowan to Tristan. "I don't always lose, and I KNOW how to raking count!"

"Marz is perfect!" Ablina interjected. "I love him and he loves me! We're gonna get married soon!

Before anyone could comment, Benis coughed, drawing everyone's attention. "This is Kosh," he said, displaying a bottle of red liquid. "It is a potent wine, favored by the Jann, that is magically enhanced with grapes grown near the enchanted forest." He poured everyone a glassful, handing Ablina orange juice instead. "Let us toast to long life and good fortune."

After taking a sip of the wine, Marz's eyes began to tear. "Whoa, that's some strong shit!"

Noyko was never allowed to indulge in alcohol before therefore he simply stared at the glass until Rowan poked his arm and told him to drink up. His eyes widened in shock when the liquor sent a rush of heat through his body. "Is very good," he said, ginning at Rowan. As he took another sip of the Kosh he was reminded of what the elf had told him about Marz and Tristan. If the Ryuujin truly wanted to get out of whatever relationship he had with Marz, Noy was positive he would do so without any help from anyone.

Noyko leaned closer to Rowan, the potent wine making him a bit bolder. "If they are lovers, I will serve them both," he whispered to the elf. "I would not think to come between a Ryuujin and his chosen mate." His emerald eyes seemed to smile at the elf before they shifted to the cards in his hand.

Marz tossed a gold coin down on the table. "Anybody wanna raise my bet?"

"I have no money," Noyko said.

"Then you have to fold." Marz glanced at Rowan. "What about you?"

Fold? A look of confusion crossed the easterner's face before he shared a shrug with Ablina. The little girl looked completely bored with the card game already.

After Rowan raised the bet by five gold, Marz matched it then they displayed their cards. The ex-gang leader scowled when he saw that the elf held the winning hand. "Don't start with me Tris," he warned, upon seeing the, I told you so, look on the dragon's face.

Ablina threw her cards on the table then started bouncing up and down in Marz's lap. "I don't wanna play silly ole cards. Let's play hide and seek instead! I'll count to fifty while you guys hide---but only on THIS floor!"

Marz gulped down more wine then laughed as he set the girl down and got to his feet. The room seemed to tilt slightly, making him laugh even harder. "Bet you'll never find me," he quipped, poking Ablina in the ribs.

The girl giggled then clapped her hands. "I'm a great huntress. Nobody can stay hidden from me for long!"

As soon as Ablina closed her eyes and counted counting, Marz ran out of the kitchen and ducked into one of the rooms at the far end of the hall. The strong Kosh left him feeling quite high at the moment. He found it hard not to laugh as he moved to hide behind a long tapestry hanging on the wall to the right of the huge bed in the room.

Since Noyko had seen many of the younger slaves play hide and seek, he knew the game well. He sipped more wine then stood when Rowan did. Grinning like a drunken idiot, he took a step forward and tripped, catching himself on the elf. "So sorry," he chirped, looking down at the cuff of his left pant's leg to find that it had unrolled. "Pants are too long." Noy laughed then pushed away from Rowan. As soon as he finished rolling the cuff back up, he somewhat staggered out of the kitchen.

The easterner entered a nearby room, his eyes searching for a good hiding spot. A moment later he laid down on one of the two beds present and buried himself under a mountain of blankets, certain that Ablina would never find him there.

"Thiry five, thirty six……" Ablina covered her eyes with her hands while she counted slowly.

Benis sipped his wine as he watched the child. Because he was used to the liquor it no longer affected him so quickly. Humans play such strange games, he thought while listening to Ablina near the end of her count.

Justin entered the kitchen just then and joined him at the table. He poured himself a glass of wine, his eyes going from Rowan to Tristan to Ablina before coming to rest on Benis. "What no good shit are these idiots up to now?" The merc rolled his eyes when Benis told him about the hide and seek game. "I can understand the little girl wantin' to play that, but ain't the other guys a little too old for such nonsense? The punks in this group ain't never gonna grow up it seems."

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