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Date Posted: 10:10:58 04/24/02 Wed
Author: Jeremy and Marz
Subject: Bets and rings
In reply to: Rowan and Tristan 's message, "Capitalizing on vulnerability" on 13:22:32 04/23/02 Tue

Jeremy couldn't take his eyes off Rowan when he starting talking about his rendezvous with Marz. The naughty look on the elf's face was enough to make Jeremy break out in a sweat. His temperature rose a few degrees higher when Rowan stroked his thigh while describing how Marz had used his mouth to pleasure him. Rowan's promise to give him a demonstration of such pleasure later nearly sent him over the edge.

The otherworldly youth finally broke out of his lustful stupor once the elf left his side and moved to the door. Jeremy's ribcage wasn't the only thing that ached at the moment. "Gimme a minute to cool down," he said. He tore his eyes away from Rowan, who seemed amused by his present condition. How the hell did the damn elf manage to get Marz to go so far with him? All I ever got from the hot looking thug were a couple of kisses! Life just wasn't fair at times! I was the first one to pursue Marz, yet Rowan gets the rewards.

Although Jeremy liked hoping in bed with Rowan, he still found himself longing to be with Marz. The ex-gang leader was like some forbidden fruit, and anything forbidden always had a certain allure to it. If Rowan could get that far with Marz, Jeremy was positive he could do the same if he put his mind to it. He had stopped chasing after Marz on the advice of Rowan. The elf took me out of the competition then moved right in. Damn Rowan to the nine hell for being so smart!

Once the ache in his groin subsided Jeremy got to his feet, a determined look showing on his face. "This is war now Rowan, and I'm gonna win," he said when he reached the door. "I bet you 100 gold that I will be the first one of us that Marz goes ALL the way with!!"

Without waiting for a reply, he brushed past the elf and met up with Noy as he was exiting one of the bedrooms. Together the youths made their way into the kitchen. Jeremy scowled when he saw Tristan sitting on Marz's lap. Since the dragon was so damn good looking, it was obvious why Marz was attracted to him. Hot guys like Tristan could get anyone they wanted without much effort. That pissed Jeremy off because it reminded him of the football jocks back home who got all the best looking girls. Gods, if he had someone like Marz on his arm, those prissy girls would be so damned jealous!

The though of being the envy of everyone he met brought a smile to his bruised face. Now more than ever, he was determined to win Marz away from Tristan. He couldn't wait to see the stunned look on Rowan's face when he won the bet! Jeremy sat down and lit up one of his special cigarettes, sharing it with Noy who sat next to him. While the otherworldly youth stared at Marz, the easterner's eyes were trained on the beautiful Ryuujin.

Marz smiled at the clarity he saw slowly returning to Tristan's eyes after he finished off the second cup of java. His hand gently kneaded the dragon's neck while he poured more java for himself this time. He popped a piece of cheese into his mouth, chewing slowly as he thought about Tristan's desire to exchange rings.

Since he liked jewelry, Marz found the idea of wearing a special ring rather appealing. Of course, the rings couldn't be too plain because plain was boring, and he just wasn't a boring kinda guy. He wouldn't wear anything too gaudy either since that might make him look like a wuss. The rings had to unique and perfect in every way!

Marz washed down the cheese with java then glanced at Jeremy and Noy when they took seats across from them. His eyes lingered on the easterner, admiring his exotic good looks. When he felt Tristan shift in his lap, he tore his gaze away from Noy and focused on his lover. "Yeah, I like the idea of getting matching rings," he said, before pulling Tristan's head closer and meeting his lips in a soft kiss. "We'll check out a jewelry store once we get to a city. I was thinking of a gold band with three tiny obsidian or dark onyx stones running horizontally down the center. Maybe we can get something engraved on the inside of the band too. What do you think, Tris?"

Marz took another bite of cheese while waiting for his lover's reply. Hopefully, Tristan wouldn't want anything too damned showy. He frowned when he saw Jeremy wink at him. What the hell was up with the orange haired runt? Maybe his brain was congested with too much of that sweet smelling cigarette smoke!

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