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Date Posted: 13:22:32 04/23/02 Tue
Author: Rowan and Tristan
Subject: Capitalizing on vulnerability
In reply to: Jeremy and Marz 's message, "Various discussions" on 10:20:29 04/23/02 Tue

Rowan grabbed a piece of cheese to munch on as Jeremy ushered him out of the kitchen so they could talk “privately.” He leaned casually against the wall while watching the kid close the door behind them before moving to perch on the edge of the single bed in the room. A smile flitted over his face as he chewed, his sky blue eyes narrowed with suppressed laughter. Jeremy immediately hit him with a string of questions regarding his time with Marz, finally concluding with the all-important, Gimme all the details.

“You sure you wanna know?” he replied, moving from his position against the wall and heading toward the bed when Jeremy nodded his brightly colored head eagerly. He sat down next to his young friend, turning sidewise to face him, one leg bent toward Jeremy on the mattress, the other still balance against the floor. He rested his arm on his knee and stared at the boy for a second, the smile still lingering on his face.

“I don’t know where Tristan was,” he began, his eyes twinkling naughtily. “But Abby wanted to play hide and seek, so I followed Marz as soon as he took off.” He reached to gently touch Jeremy’s battered face, trailing his thumb down his bruised cheek. “Nobody pushed anyone away. He stripped me and pushed me down on the bed before crawling on top of me. I haven’t had anyone take control of me like that in a long time. He used that incredible mouth and those hands of his from my neck all the way down to my thighs, where he gave me more of these.”

He paused to point to the red mark on his neck, leaning in slightly closer as if to show it off better. He dropped his hand from Jeremy’s face to touch the inside of the boy’s thighs, making his young face begin to turn red. “Right about here, I should say. And then, of course, he got me off with his mouth and tongue, though the little girl showed up before I could return the favor. What?” he added, his voice dropping slightly, “I’ve never shown you how to do that?” He made a small, tsking noise with his tongue. “Well. We’ll just have to work on that tonight, sari, won’t we?”

He continued to stroke the inside of the boy’s thighs almost absently, his mind returning to what it felt like to have Marz’s mouth around him. His body began to quickly recover from its cold bath, though, so he snatched his hand away, blinking a couple times as he stared across at Jeremy.

“That’s pretty much it,” he concluded, flashing him a dazzling smile. “Maybe now you’ll know better than to tell me I can’t always get what I want, hmm?” He got up off the bed and moved toward the door, opening it and, still smiling, gesturing with his head for Jeremy to get up and join him.


Tristan sighed, finally relaxing in the darkness of the little bedroom. While it was hard for him to fully concentrate on what Marz was saying, he was very aware of the tiny kisses his lover was pressing against his cheek. He closed his eyes and tried to listen, since it was easy to pay attention when he didn’t have to watch the walls and furniture spin and whirl around like crazy.

He smiled silently when Marz told him that he was perfect before cupping his chin and telling him he loved him. Tristan’s heart thumped crazily in his chest the way it usually did when he told him that, the blood pounding in his ears as he forced himself to finally meet his lover’s eyes. He hadn’t really expected to see any anger or accusation in that expression; it was his own guilt he couldn’t handle. But it was easy to not think about that part while being held in Marz’s arms and having the breath kissed out of him like that.

“You’re my soulmate,” Marz whispered, when their lips parted, “and nothing except death can pull soulmates apart.” Tristan’s brain was still soaring around somewhere in the clouds, but he had enough awareness to comprehend those words. He nodded shyly, shuddering pleasantly when he felt Marz’s tongue brush against his lips. Then he blanked out for a while, coming to momentarily when he felt a pair of gentle hands coaxing his pants back up over his hips and tying his boots back on.

He was still in a daze when they reached the kitchen, wrapping his arms around Marz when he was pulled into his lap. Without really thinking about it, he drank from the mug of java that was pressed to his lips, leaning back slightly against the hand entwined in his hair. After a few minutes, he felt more aware, and he was actually able to focus on Marz when he stared into his eyes and asked him if he felt okay yet.

Tristan nodded again, his head lolling back slightly when Marz made to move his hand. He thought he saw a smile on his lover’s lips as the mug of java was proffered to him a second time, but he drank it anyway, making a face after he’d finished. He’d never liked the taste of java.

“Marz,” he said after a while, bringing one hand up to play with the collar of the ex-gang leader’s shirt, “I was thinking. About when you were teasing Ablina.” He bit his lip, pausing because he knew better than to ask for something silly like a ceremony. He didn’t honestly know if he really wanted that sort of thing, anyway. “Well, when you were talking about engagement rings...” A rather pleading look came over him, though he as yet had no concept of how one word or touch from him could melt his lover on the spot. “Wouldn’t it be nice if we got rings together? It would mean so much to me if we did.”

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