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Date Posted: 20:32:43 04/27/02 Sat
Author: Isobel
Subject: Saturday night's all right for fighting
In reply to: Erlic, Valhorek & Corum 's message, "Totally unexpected attack" on 20:31:58 04/26/02 Fri

Isobel was excited to finally come face to face with this tree... they had been questing for it for what seemed forever, though in reality it was only about a week. So much had happened, though, that she felt as if they'd been looking for it for a lifetime. And now here it was.

"It is... not very attractive, is it?" She mused. "I wonder ... should we take some branches for ourselves as well? If they have magical properties, they would perhaps be useful, or at least fetch a hefty price later on."

Suddenly Erlic dropped to the ground holding his head and Ravin pulled his dagger, looking around quickly. Isobel drew her sword, her eyes searching for the danger that must be present, but she saw none.

"I do not see anything!" she exclaimed. "What has hit Frio?"

But at that moment Erlic realized what was happening and announced that they would have to make their way back to the tower as the people there were under attack. She wondered how he knew this, but did not question it since Ravin seemed to believe it.

Isobel took several of the branches and stuffed them into her pack. They managed to make it to the tower without any incident, though she was half expecting to be attacked by assassins on the way. To their great surprise, however, it turned out to be not assassins attacking but some westerners. Isobel found this odd and wondered if perhaps the men from Bizmar had somehow come here rather than Kazabet's palace, which is where they were expecting to be attacked.

Quickly she moved to help defend Ravin against an attacking mercenary. She knew his hand was still not completely useful and feared he would not be able to stand alone against a skilled opponent.

While Ravin threw daggers with great skill Isobel slashed with her sword, eventually taking the opponent's head off. She turned just in time to receive a gash on her arm rather than the back of her head which the merc behind her had been aiming at. She hissed and stumbled backward then lunged, plunging the sword into the man's gut. To her great surprise the sword seemed to sing loudly then the man shuddered violently and withered away. Isobel felt a sudden rush of power and energy, as if the man's life force had somehow rejuvenated her. Her arm no longer hurt where she had been slashed, and she glanced at it, amazed to find it had been healed. She had not know her father's sword could do such things, but she did not have time to stop and question it now.

She turned to see if Ravin was doing all right and who else might need help.

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