Ancient One
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Date Posted: 12:39:43 10/22/03 Wed
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>So whats in store for planet Earth,what direction am
>I likly to see this planet take in my lifetime?
Hi Brad,
lol.. You got the easy part... asking a one sentencequestion... Now I got to write a small book to answer you...
I will attempt to give you other considerations in this post, that I haven't mentioned before..
One of the biggest problems that has existed in your world, prior to me & my group coming here to help the human species, is that your human species, is NOT undergoing a normal species development, as usually occurs in the advancement & growth of a very young species, such as you are... Species development of your species, was tampered with, at least 100,000 years before me & my group brought our advanced spirtual understanding to your planet, to help offset the species interference that had taken place 100,000 years before we came... The way in which your species was tampered with, was some evil beings, taught some powerful knowledge, to a minority your species... These evil beings, taught their extra-terrestrial knowledge, to those humans that would follow their every order...
These evil beings engaged in spreading their evil influence on your planet for about 50,000 years of time, which was a long enough period of time, for your human species, to be permanently NEGATIVELY affected by the influence of the evil beings... Those evil beings who were here then, were
imprisoned for their crimes against your world, about 50,000 years before me & my group arrived, and have never been permitted to return...
So here you are, 250,000 to 300,000 years later, in the year 2003... Look around your world, which presently has over 6 billion human souls...
If you look back over the last 50 years, the following things pretty well define the most prominent human traits & characteristics of the human species at this time:
confusion, hatred, fear, greed, wars, religious persecution, torture, apathy, murder, rape, cruelty, terrorists, suicide bombers, there is little or no unity among family members anymore on this world... parents killing their children, children killing their parents, children as young as 7 or 8 killing other children, race against race, religion against religion, men against women, women against men....
I am amazed that in the world of today, planet Earth is filled with this new fad of suicide bombers... This is a new
maninfestion of evil, that has come across the world scene... It's amazing that millions of followers of Islam ( Moslems ) as well as multiple millions of non-moslems, can be so deluded, as to believe & think that it's a spiritual act, to kill as many innocent women & children, as you can by blowing yourself up... These suicide bombers get off on bloswing up school busses... Then these mis-guided bombers, are actually convinced, that their murdering of innocents, is the act of a martyr & they will be rewarded for their cowardly murder of innocents by going straight to heaven as a reward... Unfortuately for the suicide bombers, once they die, and find out that their real reward for murdering innocents, is not the heaven they were expecting, and instead they get the true reward they deserve & earned for themselves, of getting sent straight to hell's fire...The religious men who convince people to become suicide bombers, will get their rewards when they die, a worse hells fire, than the suicide bombers got...
Brad... I ask you does all the above WORLDWIDE human traits I outlined above, sound like I'm descrbing the human species that is presently about one million years old ???
The human species has made good scientific advancement for one million years, BUT because of the interference with your species, between 250,000 & 300,000 years ago, you tell me where your human species is at as a whole spiritually ???
To determine the answer to that question, you look at the predominent traits that are evident in your daily newspapers & television, which are EXACTLY the traits & characteristics that I outlined above...
If me & my group hadn't been here the past 150,000 years, your situation would ACTUALLY BE MUCH MUCH WORSE...
Brad...You did ask about what's in store for planet Earth & what direction are you likely to see this planet take in your lifetime... So the following information is a HINT on what very likely lies in store for you & the entire human species...
That is without the direct Divine Intervention of your Creator, to save all of you, from yourselves...
The human species must wake up, as to the truth, or else the human species, is most likely going to become permanently extinct...
I'm not talking about me waking up 6 billion people all by myself....
I know that only a few people will read my posts & fewer still will give this post any thought or consideration...
BUT... any people who make up their mind, that they will PERSONALLY stop exercising the worldwide traits I clearly outlined that presently define your human species as a whole...
BE DIFFERENT...forget greed, stop your own cruelty to your wife, children, neighbors, and your fellow male & female members of your own species... stop hating anybody of another race, stop hating any other religions...
If the human species doesn't want to end up becoming extinct as a species, EACH of you desperately needs to concentrate on CHANGING YOURSELVES ... forget about changing the world.. CHANGE YOURSELF...
Change your personal traits.. stop exercising the below traits just because everyone else in the world exercises them... If SOME of you don't start changing yourselves soon... Me & my group can't do it alone, just by our own spirituality & us not exercising all the prominent negative traits your species strongly exhibits...
Here's the earlier list of traits & characteristics that presently define the human species:
confusion, hatred, fear, greed, wars, religious persecution, torture, apathy, murder, rape, cruelty, terrorists, suicide bombers, there is little or no unity among family members anymore on this world... parents killing their children, children killing their parents, children as young as 7 or 8 killing other children, race against race, religion against religion, men against women, women against men....
I personally endeavor to sow spiritual seeds of truth, knowledge, understanding, compassion, caring,kindness, ect, to people who come into my personal life... Including business people that I interact with on a regular basis, in my daily life, such a waitress'es, bank clerks, grocery store checkers, business owners, my insurance agent, ect...
I don't care what anybody's religion is, or what nationality or race someone is... All I care about is are they a good HUMAN BEING....
Do you think the scientifically & spiritually advanced species in your own galaxy & throughout all the galaxies, are still fractured & divided on their own planetary homes, on such things as hating another one of their own species, just because the other member of their species has a diffent color skin ???
Do you think that spiritually advanced worlds consist of countries trying to conquer & enslave each other, and governments exist to use & exploit the very members of their species, that they are pretending to care about ??
Following is a general description of how life is for a species, that has set aside all the un-spiritual species traits that still exist on your world, when they shouldn't exist anymore...
1)...Spiritually advanced species still have different countries or something similar on their world...
BUT countries are not competing with each other, except perhaps competing to see which country can contribute the most to the betterment of the world...
2)...Spiritually advanced species still have different races & skin colors...
BUT they realize that all races, nationalites, and skin colors, are EACH members of their planetary species...
3)...Spiritually advanced species still have governments....
BUT the govenments on spiritually advanced worlds do not exist to control their citizens..
Their govenments do not exist for power & control over their citizens..
The role of government is to genuinely serve their fellow citizens...
4)... Not one single member of the entire species on an spiritually advanced world ever has to worry about starvation or not having enough to eat...
5)... NO WARS...& throughout the planet low crime & murder rate...
6)... The entire planetary species works together, with countries individually endeavoring to care for all the needs of citizens & when that is accomplished, then contributing to the betterment of the entire planet....
Everyone works together to doing their small individual part in industry, manufacturing, ect, so that everyone on the planet benefits from accomplishing all those things on a planetary level by the simple co-operation of everyone effectively together... So each member of the species only works about 2 days a week for their individual job role... which leaves 5 days a week for study, contemplation, devotion to their Creator, family unity, travelling, spending quality time with just about any member of their species, and worshipping their Creator...
Brad... that's how it could be for your species.. BUT not if some of you don't either wake up through my message or wake up through another member of my group,or through your waking up & speading the truth of how simple it could be for the human species to litterally transform themselves overnight... CHANGE YOURSELF... BE A POSITIVE EXAMPLE OF A HUMAN BEING... LET OTHERS KNOW THEY NEED TO STOP EXERCISING ALL THE PRESENT NEGATIVE SPECIES TRAITS !
Brad... How can you ever see a better world in your present lifetime or in any future lifetime, if you & all the rest of 6 billion people just keep hating each other & governments just keep trying to use & abuse each other & their citizens... Do you really think you can EVER expect a better world continuing like this as a planetary species ??
When can you fully understand that ALL 6 billion plus of you, are all EARTHLINGS... no matter what country you are from & no matter what color your skin is ??
Me & my group would hate to see you & your species continue with all your planetary wide negative & un-spiritual traits that you Earthlings are literally destroying each other with...
Truly there is absolutely nothing spiritual about members of the same species, being in such a terrible state of hatred & cruelty & greed & evil to one another...
Brad.. with all the information in this post... it should be fairly simple for you to have a general idea of the answers to your questions you posed to me before I posted this...
Brad.. Will you & any other human who reads this infomation, just shrug your shoulders & say to yourself, that there's no point in you or anyone else trying to change yourself & start contributing POSITIVE traits and characteristics in your own lives ???
All I got to say, is that if I believed that, I wouldn't bother to spend many hours trying to give you & all the other people posting constructive sincere questions, detailed answers to your questions... It has taken me many hours to write this post, so I really hope some of you can recognize the importance of the many things I'm telling you in this post, and that some of you will actually begin on changing yourselves for your own good & for the benefit of the rest of your species...
Believe it or not, myself & the members of my group have NOT given up on you & your species yet... BUT we do know,
that if some of you will just make up your minds to STOP personally exercising the WORLDWIDE human species traits & INSTEAD EXERCISE THE OPPOSITE POSITIVE TRAITS... in your own daily lives... THEN.. that's the beginning of a better world for ALL..
If ONLY 100 humans did this starting right now...
And those 100 each got only one person to also do this...
Now you got 200 doing it... 200 becomes 400... 400 become 800... 800 becomes 1600... 1600 becomes 3200... 3200 becomes 6400... 6400 becomes 8400... 8400 become 16800...
So if this doubling kept occurring, there could be millions of humans changing themselves,
within a short span of time, & within the next 5 years, these new positive species traits would be starting to show all over your planet... You would see things getting better every day... And that little group of 100 humans changing themselves & doubling their number over & over until the human species is finally starting to manifest spirituality as a species...
Then planet Earth & it's human species, would be at the beginning of a new spiritual age, something that has never yet occurred in your species... Then me & my group can finally return home after this long 150,000 years we have been with you... We will be with you as long as it takes you, if you don't destroy yourselves as a species, which myself, my group & many spiritually advanced worlds would consider a sad & tragic event, that only occurred because your species refused to unite as one planetary group, all having the common denominator that all of you are native residents of the same planet...
One thing you can be sure of, even if you humans won't stop your species & planetary wide negetive traits, and end of destroying your own selves & probably the planet Earth too in the process... Me & my group won't personally be affected, if your species continues on it's path of self-destruction, because me & my group would go home if that did occur...
You may think or say to yourself, how can the Ancient One really know what he is talking about... Brad... It's like this, since the 1st human souls were created about one million years ago, the oldest soul in your species can only be one million years old...
I have been born, lived, & died as one of you for thousands of lifetimes, during the past 150,000 years... So I truly know & understand quite fully just what it's like to part of your species...
BUT.. in spite of my long term stay & mission here, my own extra-terrestrial soul nature is always part of me... One thing that causes me to be very different from any human, not in appearance, but in my mind... I have the benefit of having human reasoning processes, as well as my extra-terrestrial reasoning processes, all within my mind & they work together... Plus for all souls, no matter what world or galaxy they originate from, usually continue making spiritual progress, the longer they have existed as a soul...
Myself I am about 5 billion years old as a soul... I was created by my Creator, before your own planet Earth, your solar system, or even your own sun came into existence... So my soul was was created by a different God, than all of you of the human species.... But while I am here on my mission, my alligence has been & is to your God, until I return to my own home, at which time my alligence is transferred back to my God...
If you humans want to believe that one Creator, could possibly personally manage a domain consisting of about 700,000 galaxies, with about 10 million inhabited worlds in each galaxy, then you better think again, because that comes out to 7,000,000,000,000 planets inhabited by God's children...
Now there is the Supreme Creator, who always was & was never created,no beginning or end, who is the one source & beginning of all things, including GOD's that he had the right to create if He wanted to, which is what the Supreme Creator did... So the one Supreme Creator created his GOD Sons, to assign them their Creator kingdoms, throughout all the 700,000 galaxies....
So truly my 150,000 years as a human, is such a small fragment of time, in my overall span of time that I have existed as a soul... I was created as a soul over 5 billion years ago...
I suppose that me telling you that I am a 5 billion year old soul, sounds staggering when the entire Earth species is only one million years old...
Believe me when I tell you, even in your own young galaxy,there are souls, native to a planet in your galaxy that are about 10 billion years old, as your milky way galaxy is a very young galaxy, compared to the oldest galaxies...
There are very ancient galaxies very very very very distant from here, that have planetary species that are hundreds of billions of years old, so to tell you the truth, I still feel like a pretty young soul when I'm 5 billion years old & other souls are hundreds of billions of years old...
Because for myself & every member of my group, we are all spiritually advanced enough, to truly understand how very little & insignificant each of us truly is in the cosmos of thouands & hundreds of thousands of galaxies, containing billions upon billions of worlds inhabited by intelligent species, created by their Creator, & having souls just like you do...
So in the cosmic big picture, anything that myself or anyone in my group has done or does, we are fully aware that nothing we could do, has any significance, in the scope of all of creation...
The primary reason that I & those in my group did volunteer to come to Earth, on this 150,000 year long mission,
is because each of us did this out of love of & for our Creator...
I myself now fully understand how difficult it is to face all the challenges that I have had to face, in the past 150,000 years as one of you...
Life in your world has been & is much harder than I thought it would be before I came here... The reason being is that my home world species was very spiritually advanced as a species... So life on my home world is actually about the same as being in one of your astral heavens, between my lifetimes...
It's kind of normal, for a young species such as you Earthlings are, to think in terms that your species is the one & only planet, inhabited by intelligent life, that was created by God & that you are God's only creation, possessing souls...
To each GOD, there is absolutely no difference whatsoever between a Earth soul, my soul, or the soul of any other child of God, on any of the trillions of planets in creation...
Sooner or later, you humans are going to have to change your conceptions of just how vast each GOD's creation actually is...
Even your own Creator, the GOD who created all your human souls, is much more powerful & has a much bigger kingdom, than this one small planet called Earth, which even at this moment is only one of the approximate 5 million planets that are presently inhabited in your GOD's kingdom...
I think Christians will have to revise their concept & belief that the Son Of God came to the planet Earth to be crucified on the cross, to redeem humans from some kind of sin...
If that's really so, then that would mean that your God would have to do the same thing on each of the other 5 million worlds with his children, who are created with exactly the same soul status as you humans...
So in other words, the Son of God never had to be crucified on a cross on this world, any more than he would have to be crucified on all the 7 trillion worlds in creation...
That was just a small idea, of how the realities of all of creation, just don't quite fit in with planet Earth religions & the infinate realities of GOD & the Supreme Creator that almost none of you got the slightest clue of...
Brad... As you can see, I can give you a much more beautiful picture of the Cosmos, than I can give you on planet Earth, that is until humans BEGIN to change themselves for the better, & then encourage others to change likewise... In my estimation, this simple process of each one of you 6 billion individual souls, will start experiencing species wide spiritual advancement, as a result of a very small number of humans, commiting themselves to changing themselves to POSITIVE & SPIRITUAL TRAITS & THOUGHTS !
Some of you could send a link to this post, to a friend, telling them to join you & change themself as you are doing !
Brad... If you personally would like to see the dawning of a new spiritual age of Earth, then it is absolutely essential that the human species itself, finally start a spiritual advancement as a species... You did it with science, now do it with spirituality...
Ancient One
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