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Date Posted: 14:56:47 08/26/03 Tue
Author: Ghanima
Subject: My thoughts...
In reply to: IDAHO 's message, "Origin of the worms" on 12:08:56 08/26/03 Tue

In other babblings on this board I have theorized that Sheanna (not Siona, that was my bad in a previous post *blushes*) and her psychic connection with the worms could be used to make her commander of a sort of "worm army" that would be telepathic and thus able to communicate instantaneously, as well as invisible to prescience because of the Atreides genes present in both Sheanna and the worms. This theory may well be totally off the mark, but at any rate I believe that this relationship between Sheanna and the worms definitely has a purpose. (A "terrible purpose," even?) Why else would Frank have Leto save the worms by following the Golden Path? It was VERY important that Leto die by water, (BTW, I found a passage in COD where Leto sees himself in the future surrounded by a great wind...I think he was seeing his own death, but maybe it was Kralizec, the "typhoon" struggle...but I digress) so obviously it WAS important that the worms continue. Leto destroyed the qanats so that the transformation of Dune would be slowed so that he could preserve the worms. Also, Sheana is obviously a significant player. All this adds up to the worms still playing a major role in Dune 7. I think they are de-emphasized in the Legends of Dune trilogy because they have to be. Its a story of the Butlerian Jihad, not of Arrakis.
I DON'T think that we will see someone else put on a sandtrout suit, though. Behind Leto's Golden Path is an attempt to put hybrid strength into mankind and prevent the need/desire for messiahs and heroes. So I don't see another "hero" type coming along. I put forth the theory that ALL the players will be important (Sheana, worms, Idaho, Murbella, Teg, the BG "cyborg" bashar, even Scytale) In fact, all of these characters hold the potential for "hero" status. I'm certain this is deliberate.
Gods below! I hope I can hold on until Dune 7 arrives...

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