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Date Posted: 00:18:11 07/05/01 Thu
Author: Geoff.
Author Host/IP: ESS-p-203-54-136-93.mega.tmns.net.au /
Subject: Re: Gordon Hodgkins
In reply to: videovet 's message, "Re: "welcome to our show"" on 21:00:13 07/04/01 Wed

Well Steve, its all research mate!
The guy is so visible that I began to wonder if perhaps he was a writer or something. He always played waiters,doormen,chauffers,elevator people etc. with no lines, and as I said, was probably there as "atmopsphere".
I was going to try and catalogue how many times he appears in the show starting with the California episodes but the last time I played the color episodes in full from my collection (1994-1995) I began to lose count. But then,
lo and behold, he was given a speaking part in the 1968 episode "First Night Out" with guest star Rose Marie (from the "Dick Van Dyke Show") Remember the episode?,It's where
all of the Douglas family come home early from their dates when Ernie and a Baby-Sitter take care of the triplets for the very first time, and they join the 'We Hurried Home Club', fearing the worst. Gordon Hodgkins played the Waiter in that episode. From then on I just remembered his face. Interestingly, astute fans of "Bewitched" may notice a dark haired man visible in countless episodes doing the above (in the background playing various non-speaking parts). I've never been able to discover his name but I've also seen the guy on "Happy Days" and "Laverne and Shirley". Perhaps it's a common practice in Hollywood to be a paid extra who just is "there" for atmosphere. It's a bit like the late character actor Sid Gould, who was the poor shnook who always had a run in of sorts with Lucille Ball on virtusllay every second episode of "The Lucy Show" and its successor "Here's Lucy". I guess it didn't matter that he was Lucy's real-life relative, (a penchant she was used to, having always cast members of her family in her shows). He was in fact her second husband (and Exceutive Producer) Gary Morton's cousin. Sid was married to another Lucy alumnus, the actress Vanda Barra, who featured in the last three or four seasons of "Here's Lucy".

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