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Date Posted: 10/ 9/05 12:37:12pm
Author: silas
Subject: The "creative solution" of Gen. Flowers
In reply to: Phil 's message, "Re: TMB Comments & the wood" on 10/ 9/05 10:37:24am

Could you kindly post something about this firewood solution on the NSA forum? Folks really missed the point and need some assistance next go around.

Same goes for provost in general. You guys forced folks out of their modern world and into the old one we were trying to portray. My favorite example was the #2 commander of Flowers Brigade - I don't remember his name - complaining to Danny about the impossibility of his newly arrived soldiers knowing the countersign. Around and round it went. I did not see the ultimate result, but I'm sure the prisoners were released to the good colonel's care.

This event wasn't business as usual. The message became: arrive at the site, get in period, and stay that way. Those who could not found themselves with a foot in the box.

I even got arrested by Cpl. Mathis who caught me outside the lines before the countersign had been issued. (He was gunning for me after he saw me leave to put out one of those unscripted cavalry raids on the Federal campaign bivouac.) Lacking the countersign, I was properly arrested. I played the role and was quickly released by a big bug.

I'm hoping to expand upon the provost concept next year. It was great.


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