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- A complete training plan to get strong flexible and fit -- Knut Holt, 09:37:11 03/29/14 Sat [1]
A Complete Program to Get Strong and Fit
By this 4-day program you can develop and maintain strong muscles, a nice body, good condition, good flexibility and a good mental health.The author himself has used this program in several years with successful results. In this program you exercise in a different way each of 4 consecutive days. You repeat this program continually, but more powerful each time. You train 30 - 90 minutes each day.
If you are not used to training, you start out easily and you gradually increase the use of muscular power and work intensity as your total fitness develops. The program comprises exercises for all parts of you. If you are uncertain of how to to do the individual exercises from the short description, you can easily find more detailed descriptions on the Internet or in books.
The presented program is however constructed in such that the buttocks and the backside of the thighs will get somewhat more attention than other muscles in the body, because these muscle groups play a great role for a handsome body shape, and because they tend to be underdeveloped for most persons.
It is important to warm up in the beginning of each session. The customary way of doing this is to run or cycle some minutes. It is probably better to warm up by doing the same exercises as in the rest of the session but with light power and steadily work heavier during the whole session.
This is a day for muscle building, with moderate weights, but with many repetitions so that you feel tired in your muscles after each series. The exercises this day are only done with the help of your own body weight, a couple of manuals and a chair. Therefore they can easily be done at home.
You repeat the following sequence at 5 - 8 times. Begin by using light weights to warm up and add weight each time you go through the series until you do the last two times with 65% of the weight you can manage. Each exercise in the series contains 10 - 15 repetitions depending on the exercise. If you feel this is too much or too little for you, you can adjust the number of repetitions:
A - Lifts of your lower body with the help of your legs - 10 repetitions: You lie at your back, flex your knees up and place your feet at the floor. Then lift up your lower body as high as possible by pushing with your legs. You can increase the intensity by laying some weight upon your stomach. Have some thick cloth between your stomach and the weight. You can also increase the intensity by only pushing with one leg and having one leg stretched out and then doing the other leg.
B - Curls with your arms using manuals - 15 repetitions: You can stand or sit. Hold your elbows at the sides of your torso. Then curl up your arms with a manual in each hand.
C - Squats - 15 repetitions: Stand straight and squat as deep as you can by flexing your knees: Do the squats with both legs without weights for low intensity, with one leg at a time or with manuals in each hand for higher intensity.
D - Lifting your body with your arms - 10 repetitions: Sit with your knees flexed up and with your hands towards the floor at hour sides. Push down against the floor with your arms so that you lift your body. For moderate strain, let your feet be on the floor, for harder strain let your feet follow your body up when lifted.
E - Pushups - 10 repetitions: Hold yourself horizontally with your front side down. Push yourself up and down with your arms. By letting your knees touch the floor, the work gets light, but with only your toes and hands touching you must use more power.
F - Leg curls using a chair - 10 repetitions: You lay on your back, have your legs lifted and your knees bent in a right angle. Place your heels upon a chair seat. Then lift your torso up by pressing with your heels towards the chair seat. For greater intensity use only one leg at a time.
G - Stomach curls - 15 repetitions: Lie down at your back and lift your upper body, while having your lower back on the floor. While doing this you can let your legs lie along the floor or have them flexed up.
H - Lifting of weights over your head - 10 repetitions: You stand straight. You lift two manuals or a weight bar from the height of your ears so high that your arm reaches.
Between each round you take a pause to stretch out a little all the body parts where you feel most tired. When all rounds are done you should stretch out some minutes all the parts of your body.
This is a day for condition training. The best condition training are outside activities like running, cycling, swimming or skiing. Ball play also gives good condition.
For smooth activities like running, cycling and swimming there are two basic approaches and you should try to vary between these approaches from time to time.
One approach is one long session where you some while act with law intensity to warm up, then gradually increase the intensity to the maximum, and slow down again at the end.
The other way is interval training where you begin with a couple of short rounds with moderate activity. Then you have 5-10 rounds with high intensity.
For more staccato activities, like ball play, you should first warm up a while with easy running. Then you go into play with your mates.
When the active training is done, you should stretch out some minutes all the parts of your body.
The exercises this day are mostly the same as those of the first day, but with heavier weights and fewer repetitions. These exercises are best done in a gym studio, but you can do them at home with some adjustments.
You repeat the following series 7 - 10 times. Begin by using light weights to warm up and add weight at each time you do the series until you do the last two times with 90% of the weight you can manage:
A - Leg pushes in halfway laying position - 8 repetitions: You push with your legs against resistance in a partly lying-sitting position. Gym studios usually have equipment for this type of exercise.
B - Arm curls - 8 repetitions: You sit or stand. Your elbows should be at the side of your body or lay at some firm point in front of your breast. You hold two manuals or a weight bar and curl up your arms while lifting the weight.
C - Squats - 8 repetitions: For easy warming up or if you are untrained, you can do them just without carrying extra weight. To make the squats harder, you can carry manuals in your hand, use a weight bar on your shoulders, or do them with one leg at a time.
D - Lat pulldowns - downpulls with your arms - 8 repetitions: Gym studios usually have some equipment for pulldowns. As an alternative to pulldowns you can sit with your knees flexed up and push down against the floor so that you lift your body.
E - Hyperextensions - 8 repetitions: In this exercise you use your back and buttock muscles to lift your torso up from a hanging position. By holding some weight with your arms, you will make the exercise heavier and also train your shoulders and upper back.
F - Leg curls - 8 repetitions: Leg curls will train the back side of your legs. They can be done in sitting position or laying on your stomach dependent on the equipment you have available.
G - Stomach curls - 8 repetitions: You sit and curl your torso forward against resistance using some equipment for this purpose in the gym studio. Another way is laying on your back with your legs pointing upwards and then curl up while pointing your fingers towards your toes, and if possible touch your toes with your fingers.
H - Lifting of weights over your head - 8 repetitions: This exercise is good for your upper arms and your shoulders. You can lift manuals or a weight bar.
Between each round you take a pause to stretch out a little all the body parts where you feel most tired. When all rounds are done you should stretch out some minutes all the parts of your body.
At this day you rest form hard training, but stretch out, relax, do some meditation and stress down. Here are the principles for the stretching exercises you do this day:
- You should stretch out al parts of your body. When stretching out, you should bend or twist in all the natural movement directions and angles for each body part.
- It is good to begin the stretching session with some active exercises with moderate stretching effect to make your muscles and joints warm. You swing, bend, twist and roll with your arms, legs, shoulders, torso and pelvic region so that every movement gives a moderate stretching effect.
- Then you do slow exercises with a stronger stretching effect. You swing, bend or twist each limb and your torso until you feel resistance and a little more so that you feel the stretch, and then hold the stretch in 30-50 seconds. You can make this stretching even more effective by doing it together with a friend and helping each other. Repeat each stretch at least 3 times with a pause between.
- When beginning a slow stretch you begin by emptying your lungs completely for air, and then breath deeply in when you go into the stretch. When holding the stretch you breath effectively, but in a calm manner. In this way the exercise will also benefit your chest wall, lungs and diaphragm.
As slow stretching exercises you can also use yoga exercises. You can find descriptions of many exact stretching exercises in specific books or websites. But you can also use your creativity and compose exercises that specifically fit you, as long as you use the principles listed above, and you can also improvise during each session.
At this day you must also do something to get complete relaxations mentally and physically. Yoga also has methods for body relaxation. Meditation is a good relaxation method both for the mind and body.
Knut Holt is a business consultant and marketer focusing on the health field. At his site there are more information about health and fitness. You can also find presentation of products to improve health, and of products in the categories hobby, automotive and apparel.
This article is free to copy as long as the author's link is present.
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- How to get a good looking body -- Knut Holt, 08:05:05 01/18/14 Sat [1]
How to Get a Good Looking Body
By Knut Holt
It is often possible to get very near to that amazing body you always have dreamt of. However, it can cost a lot of effort and time to get all the way to the goal. Still you can achieve a lot with less time and cost, as long as you are persistent in your endeavors. Here are some advices to get a better looking body:
You should first plan how you will look. You must decide which body parts you want to be muscular and have round curvatures, and which parts you want to keep slim and gracious.
Most persons will probably feel most well with a balanced body shape: Muscular in the area under the shoulders, strong breast muscles, strong muscles around the shoulders, moderately muscular arms, slim around the mid, firm but not too great belly muscles, round and muscular buttocks, muscular thighs and strong calves.
Other persons will prefer a more v-shaped figure with more muscle mass on the top, and somewhat less at the bottom.
You must also decide if you want changes in you posture, and define these changes. By consistent training you can greatly improve your posture. Your plan must however be realistic. You skeleton sets some limitations of shape and size you cannot surpass.
You must also decide if you want to loose body fat or perhaps gain some fat on your body. You must decide how important it is for you to get a better general condition and gain general wellness, and decide if these goals are more important than improvement in body appearance.
Then you must make a plan for your training, your diet and otherwise for your lifestyle.
The training should contain exercises to gain muscle mass and strength, exercises for your general condition and exercises to get a flexible and agile body. Improvement of posture will result from the combination of stronger muscles and flexibility training.
A repetitive three day's plan with training 45 minutes to one hour each day will give you great results, if the plan is consistently adhered to:
In day one you perform exercises to gain muscular mass and muscular strength, like weight lifting or analogous training methods. You should train all your muscles, but those body parts where you have planned to get must muscles, should be exercised the most.
If you have posture problems, curvatures or bendings in body parts caused by weak muscles or bad habits, these can often be helped for by strengthening the muscles that flex the body parts in the opposite direction. If however, the bending is due to scoliosis or some other disease under progression, the problem need professional treatment.
In day two you do exercises that enhance your general condition, like jogging, swimming, playing ball, and cycling. Choose something that you find funny, and you can also vary between different activities. It is also good to invite some friends to exercise together with you on this day.
In day three you do no hard activities, but stretch out and do exercises to improve your body's flexibility in all natural directions. Yoga exercises are very good to enhance your flexibility and improve your general health. It is also advisable to set out some time for meditation in day three.
The diet is important for achieving and maintaining a good body shape. You must eat 3-5 good meals each day, but do not over-eat.
You need enough proteins. Every meal must have some protein-rich food sources, like: Fish, seafood, lean meat, lean cheese, foul or mushrooms. Also nuts, almonds and sunflower seeds contain protein. These are good food sources, but because of the content of fat, you should not consume too much of them. Eggs are a good protein source, but eat it in moderate amounts to avoid getting too much cholesterol.
In each meal you need some fat from natural sources and you need some carbohydrates. You should however control your consume of fat and sugar. You must not add very much fat or sugar to your food, and you must not eat too much of food with a high content of fat and sugar.
Also vary between different natural fat sources to get all the essential fatty acids you need: Fat fish, nuts, sunflower seeds, almonds, olive oil, rape oil, canola oil, flaxseed oil, marine oils, nut oils and sunflower oil. Do not use only soy oil or corn oil as many people do. Neither use much butter. Do not consume chemically altered fat.
As sources of carbohydrates use mostly full corn bread or cereals, peas, lenses or beans, but also add some sweet fruit.
In order to get enough fiber, vitamins, minerals and anti-oxidants, every meal must have some fruit or vegetables in a natural condition. Supplements of vitamins, minerals and anti-oxidants and special nutrients can be of help.
A training program as depicted combined with a good diet, will often make you loose fat over time. However, if you are heavily over-weight, a more specific slimming regime can be necessary.
Knut Holt is an internet consultant and marketer focusing on health items. At his web-site you can find health advices, training supplements, vitamins, minerals and natural drugs against common diseases, like: Acne and skin problems, allergy, over-weight, hypothyroidism, hemorrhoids, heart trouble, joint pain and rheumatism, depression, constipation and digestive trouble, cold, flu, men's and women's problems, and more.
----Free to reprint with the author's name and link.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Knut_Holt
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/1045765
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- Fall 2013 -- Sammy C. #34, 08:47:29 02/04/13 Mon [4]
I know it's a long way out, and so am I. Just curious what the typical dates for the SYR/BING Fall shows are? The last time I was on stage was 5 years ago in the Fall of 2008 and I'm getting silly thoughts again.
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- ANBF show in NYS? -- Victor, 07:34:57 03/28/13 Thu [4]
With Kent establishing the ANBF, are any shows planned for NYS,this fall or spring of 2014 (mike?) with pro and master pro level 1 & 2.?
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Polygraph -- Ashley, 16:51:27 09/29/13 Sun [1]
Who is the contact for polygraphing and when can we schedule a test? Thanks!
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- November 9th NYS Natural Men's Physique -- John, 21:12:12 08/28/13 Wed [1]
I see that there is more than just bodybuilding divisions being offered for men, but also "men's physique." I understand the difference between the two, but am curious if there will be an IFPA pro card given to a MP competitor. Will the winner of the MP open class be taking home and IFPA MP pro card? Thanks!
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- SPRAY TANNING FOR Schenectady Show -- Anna Marciano (www.sunkissedskin.net), 05:25:44 03/10/13 Sun [2]
I will be spraying for the SAT MAY 4th show in Schenectady NY the Day/Night before the show. The process takes one hour and the instructions for Competition Tanning are on my website. I am only taking 8 Appointments this year so make yours today!!!! Last year one of the men I sprayed received his Pro card and several of the women placed. Call Anna at 518 495 7415 or visit www.sunkissedskin.net.
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- Spray Tanning -- Angela Antonello, 09:09:01 04/15/13 Mon [1]
Let the tanning begin for the 2013 USBF PRO/AM
Don't take a chance on your tan! The right color can determine whether you win or just place. Relax and let Blondies at Front Row Center Award Winning Spray Tanning make you a winner! Book your appointment today!
315-247-0730 ....Angela /Danielle (0ver 10 years exp.) We will be spraying at the host hotel on Friday .We will also be onsite the day of the show for touch - ups or last minute award winning spray tans !!
Contact me directly at 315-247-0730 to schedule an appointment today to guarantee a time slot!! We use Liquid Sun Rayz our fee is $95 includes touch up next morning .
Thank you
Angela and Danielle
Nyslimwrap.com for pictures and intructions on how to prep for tan
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- womans bodybuilding vers. woman physique -- amy, 15:30:24 11/18/12 Sun [2]
what are the judges looking at that is different from womans bodybuilding compared to womans physique? is there a website to see pictures of female womans physique show?
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TICKETS FOR 2012 OCB NYS NATURAL -- TALISHA, 04:06:57 09/04/12 Tue [2]
Tickets for the 2012 OCB NYS Natural in Syracuse NY held November 3, 2012 can be purchased for $25.00. This is an all day pass!!!!!!!
Tickets will now be being sold directly through the Show's Promoter Michael Halsey..not ticketmaster.....contact Mike directly at 315-415-6801...
Tickets will also be available the day of the event at the venue site!!!
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- 2012 OCB NYS XII RESULTS -- Talisha, 15:13:38 11/05/12 Mon [1]
Mens Physique:
1. #2 George Jones
2. #3 Derek Indivero
3. #9 Brian Lewis
4. #1 Dan Deland
5. #6 Robert Galinski
6. #7 Don Schultz
7. #5 Armin Ibrahimovic
8. #4 Tyler Pelkie
9. #8 Mark Reeves
Mens BodyBuilding Debut:
Class A:
1. #36 Kasey Trombley
2. #16 Josh Brown
3. #64 Sadaka Kitonyi
4. #53 Dustin Rutz
5. #27 Anthony Lanza
6. #59 Fred Casterline
7. #52 Clinton Bates
Class B:
1. #22 Andrew Carnevale
2. #37 Brock Shumway
3. #38 Joe Aglio
4. #24 Allestar Nash
5. #60 Robert Dona
Mens Bodybuilding Teen:
1. #44 Jonathan Folino
2. #61 David Donnelly
3. #52 Clinton Bates
Mens Bodybuilding Juniors:
1. 46 Robbie Lippke
2. #62 Andrew Rowback
3. #12 Nicholas Trickett
4. #16 Josh Brown
5. #53 Dustin Rutz
6. #38 Joe Aglio
7. #57 Kyle Kling
8. #11 Zach Darrow
9. #28 Jonathan Alvarez
Mens Bodybuilding Novice:
Class A:
1. #36 Kasey Trombley
2. #64 Sadaka Kitony
3. #16 Josh Brown
4. #59 Fred Casterline
5. #53 Dustin Rutz
6. #30 Jody Becker
Class B:
1. #22 Andrew Carnevale
2. #58 Dan Curtin
3. #35 Time Reilly
4. #44 Jonathan Folino
5. #38 Joe Aglio
6. #11 Zach Darrow
7. #55 Time Mullinex
Class C:
1. #37 Brock Shumway
2. #21 Bobby Omeara
3. #56 Josh Waggoner
4. #24 Allestar Nash
5. #60 Robert Dona
Novice Overall: #36 Kasey Trombley
Mens Bodybuilding Masters 40+:
1. #48 Victor Reese
2. #45 Juan Salinas
3. #17 Joe Rosato
4. #13 Eric Lindenau
5. #21 Bobby Omeara
6. #19 Frank Clark
7. #30 Jody Becker
8. #15 Raymond Miles
Mens Bodybuilding Masters 50+:
1. #31 Glenn Nazarian
2. #19 Frank Clark
3. #18 Al Scott
4. #54 Steven Pickett
5. #29 Bob Anson
Mens Bodybuilding Masters 60+:
1. #19 Frank Clark
2. #40 Tony Herrington
3. #18 Al Scott
4. #33 George Baker
Womans Bodybuilding Novice:
1. #34 Kathy Bennett
2. #39 Karen Cournoyeo
3. #20 Tammy Lane
Womans Bodybuilding Masters 35+:
1. #34 Kathy Bennett
2. #42 Sherry Cannizzaro
3. #51 Catherine Aranda
4. #39 Karen Cournoyeo
5. #26 Arleen Larkin
6. #65 Barb Prouty
Womans Bodybuilding Open:
1. #34 Kathy Bennett
2. #42 Sherry Cannizzaro
3. #51 Catherine Aranda
4. #20 Tammy Lane
5. #26 Arleen Larkin
6. #65 Barb Prouty
7. #23 Gretchen DeVaul
Mens Bodybuilding Open Light:
1. #31 Glenn Nazarian
2. #36 Kasey Trombley
3. #46 Robbie Lippke
4. #12 Nicholas Trickett
5. #27 Anthony Lanza
6. #14 Mark Karey
7. #30 Jody Becker
Mens Bodybuilding Open Middle:
1. #17 Joe Rosato
2. #25 Matt Laplanche
3. #35 Tim Reilly
4. #44 Jonathan Folino
5. #11 Zach Darrow
6. #55 Tim Mullinnex
Mens Bodybuilding Open Welter:
1. #47 Jerimy Blowers
2. #41 Jess Taylor
3. #58 Dan Curtin
4. #23 Andrew Carnevale
5. #Kyle Kling
Mens bodybuilding Open Light Heavy:
1. #50 Ben Esgro
2. #32 Cameron Wood
3. #62 Andrew Rowback
4. #13 Eric Lindenau
5. #56 Josiah Waggoner
6. #28 Jonathan Alvarez
Mens bodybuilding Open Heavy:
1. #43 Terry Duerr
2. #48 Victor Reese
3. #45 Juan Salinas
4. #37 Brock Shumuay
5. #49 Daniel Grefford
Mens Bodybuilding Open Overall: #43 Terry Duerr
Womans Figure Debut:
1. #108 Lauren Kaznowski
2. #89 Neika Mayo
3. #107 Melissa Blood
Womans Figure Novice:
Class A:
1. #100 Calle Vanni
2. #89 Neika Mayo
3. #95 Jennifer Sullivan
Womans Figure Novice:
Class B:
1. #105 Natasha Tsvetkova
2. #102 Anastasia Siemienowicz
3. #96 Thea Murphy
4. #99 Amy Jones
Womans Figure Masters 35+:
1. #105 Natasha Tsvetkova
2. #106 Christine Bettini
3. #103 Laurie Wojcik
4. #90 Amy Byrne
5. #104 Ellen Sinclair
6. #101 Michelle Bean
7. #98 Erika Curran
8. #97 Denise Whitney
9. #91 Bethann Courture
Womans Figure Masters 40+:
1. #93 Lisa Long
2. #101 Michelle Bean
3. #107 Melissa Blood
4. #91 Bethann Courture
5. #97 Denise Whitney
6. #95 Jennifer Sullivan
Womans Figure Masters Overall: #93 Lisa Long
Womans Figure Open Short:
1. #108 Lauren Kaznowski
2. #100 Calle Vanni
3. #104 Ellen Sinclair
4. #90 Amy Byrne
5. #98 Erika Curran
Womans Figure Open Medium
1. #94 Christian Metropoulouis
2. #110 Courtney Marshall
3. #106 Christine Bettini
4. #109 Kelly Smith
5. #101 Michelle Bean
6. #102 Anastasia Siemienowicz
7. #89 Neika Mayo
8. #95 Jennifer Sullivan
Womans Figure Open Tall:
1. #92 April Young
2. #93 Lisa Long
3. #105 Natasha Tsvetkova
4. #103 Laurie Wojcik
5. #96 Thea Murphy
6. #97 Denise Whitney
7. #91 Bethanne Couture
8. #99 Amy Jones
Womans Figure Open Overall: #94 Christina Metropoulouis
Womans Bikini Debut:
1. #149 Alyssa Devins
2. #142 Katelyn Choiniere
3. #150 Katie Corrado
4. #144 Maura Gay
5. #137 Jean Martinez
6. #140 Laurie Corn
7. #138 Mary Jenkins
Womans Bikini Novice:
1. #149 Alyssa Devins
2. #132 Katelyn Choiniere
3. #147 Kristen Mitchell
4. #143 Raven Seney
5. #Katie Corrado
6. #146 Jennifer Spezzacatena
Womans Bikini Open Short:
1. #147 Krsiten Mitchell
2. #145 Erin Bosford
3. #144 Maura Gay
4. #150 katie Corrado
5. #137 Jean Martinez
6. #140 Laurie Corn
Womans Bikini Open Tall:
1. #149 Alyssa Devins
2. #141 Chaundra Johnson
3. #142 Katelyn Choiniere
4. #136 Anniah Samual
5. #148 KellyJean Bornstan
6. #146 Jennifer Spezzacatena
7. #143 Raven Seney
8. #139 Vanessa Petote
Womans Bikini Overall: #149 Alyssa Devins
Best Team Representation: Team Extreme/coach Larry Roberts
Best Poser: #37 Brock Shumway
Best Presentation: #137 Jean Martinez
Most Improved: #14 Mark Karey
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Professional make-up application -- Corrine Wakeman (happy!), 11:28:49 10/21/12 Sun [1]
Hello ladies!! I am a national competitor/ fitness model myself and have done make-up for a number of athletes, including figure, bodybuilding, bikini National and Pro competitors... even this show last year! I also work at a salon doing prom and wedding make-up so I have lots of experience! I know the day of the show the last thing you want to worry about if your make-up!! Please contact me for more information! Stay on your diets, work hard, and good luck with this last week of show prep!!!! :) :)
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- Hair and Makeup -- Rachael, 11:23:03 10/04/12 Thu [2]
Dear female athleates and competators,
Im a licened cosmetologist and freelance makeup artist, and I will be onsite November 3rd doing hair and makeup. I will also be around during the evening as well for touch ups. You have trained very hard and you deserve to put your best face foward during this competition. I have a facebook page if you would like to check out my work under RKArtistry. Please contact me via email to ensure your time slot for hair and makeup the day of the event.
Thank you for your time,
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- Mr. Olympia Gala and Seminar Ticket Las Vegas -- Dan Walton, 08:06:57 09/16/12 Sun [1]
On 9/22/12 and 9/23/12 I have two tickets for the Gala and two tickets for the seminar to the Mr. Olympia in Las Vegas. The Gala is on Saturday 11PM and the Superstar Seminar is on Sunday at 11AM. For anyone going to this I would like to sell these tickets. $36.92 each for the seminar and $78.82 each for the gala is what the original cost of these tickets were. Since I am no longer able to go I will sell all for $150 total. visit Mr. Olympia .com for more details on the event. I live in Syracuse NY so you can either pick these up or I can mail/ship them to you fast enough so you get them in time.
Email me at Gobblor@yahoo.com if you are interested.
You could also call me at 315-558-2616
(Gala is like an after party)
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- NYS XI November 19th in Syracuse News -- mike, 12:06:11 10/18/11 Tue [8]
Show is looking great!!
Couple things - Tickets are avalible now threw me @ 315-415-6801. Price is $20 for all day pass.
Coaches pass will be avalible day of for $5
Make sure your cd's are FINALIZED when burning them
Host hotel- Holiday Inn Express Syracuse Airport 315-454-0999....$99
Early bird ends 10-29 then its $40 per class
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- OCB Eastern USA -- Paul Iatomasi Sr., 11:50:28 07/27/12 Fri [3]
Just wanted to let everyone know there is a great warm-up show to the OCB NYS this year right in New York. The OCB eastern USA in Rochester NY. It is an IFPA Pro-Qualifier for men & women bodybuilding, figure, & bikini. Niel Anderson sculpted trophies to top 5 in each class. Also the show will have men's physique and women's physique. Show coverage by fitness and Physique magazine as well. Go to www.ocbeasternusa.com for applications and more information. Show is being held at churchville chili middle school 139 fairbanks road churchville NY.
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- Hair and Makeup -- Rachael, 07:41:14 08/24/12 Fri [1]
Dear female athleates and competators,
Im a licened cosmetologist and freelance makeup artist, and I will be onsite November 3rd doing hair and makeup. I will also be around during the evening as well for touch ups. You have trained very hard and you deserve to put your best face foward during this competition. I have a facebook page if you would like to check out my work under RKArtistry. Please contact me via email to ensure your time slot for hair and makeup the day of the event.
Thank you for your time,
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- Bodybuilder that tested positive on natural poster -- bobby, 18:41:35 05/04/12 Fri [2]
Just wondering what you guys think a Bodybuilder that tested positive at last years WNBF southern natural championships Failed drug test and banned by the WNBF is on the OCB Battle for the tidewater poster whats up with that. Does the OCB not take him being banned for a positive urine test into account just wondering
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- Pictures to Nga Show -- Pictures wanted, 06:41:41 05/22/12 Tue [1]
when is Amber Maroon, gna have the pics posted for the show last weekend in Schnectady?...Thanks
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- NGA May 19th Show Schenectady, Only 3 weeks away! -- ANNA MARCIANO, 04:46:26 04/27/12 Fri [1]
Don't wait, make your appointment today!
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- Any spray tanning at NGA Schenectady? -- Damin, 06:48:14 04/24/12 Tue [3]
Will anyone be spray tanning at the NGA event in Schenectady on May 19?
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- SUN KISSED SKIN AIRBRUSH TANNING May 19th Show Schenectady -- ANNA MARCIANO, 03:54:26 04/26/12 Thu [1]
Spray Tanning for May 19th Schenectady show !! Spraying starting MAY 18TH! Private Latham Salon 15 mins from Proctors or I will bring the equipment to you at the host hotel!!!! I will be at the show the day of, tan needs to set for 5 hours! Competitors have received a 10/10 on their tan using my proven method! Visit www.sunkissedskin.net or Call me Anna Marciano 518-495-7415. Appts are filling up fast for May 18th so call today!
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- Spray Tanning -- Angela Antonello, 07:10:20 03/26/12 Mon [2]
Don't take a chance on your tan! The right color can determine whether you win or just place. Relax and let Blondies Award Winning Spray Tanning make you a winner! Book your tanning appointment today!
315-247-0730 ....Angela (0ver 10 years exp.)
I will be spraying at the host hotel The Binghamton Riverwalk Hotel .I will also be onsite the morning of the show for touch - ups or last minute award winning spray tans !!
Contact me directly at 315-247-0730 to schedule an appointment . Thank you
315-247-0730 ....Angela (0ver 10 years exp.)
I will be spraying at the host hotel The Binghamton Riverwalk Hotel .I will also be onsite the morning of the show for touch - ups or last minute award winning spray tans !!
Contact me directly at 315-247-0730 to schedule an appointment . Thank you
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- CNY Gyms -- TW, 10:42:51 04/06/12 Fri [4]
What are the best gyms in CNY/Syracuse area that are not "meat market social clubs" or typical fitness centers? Are there actually any powerlifting/bodybuilding gyms? I'm sick of trying to go through a hard workout and have to either have my Ipod screaming in my ears or listen to the lame pop stations playing, not to mention the socialites getting in the way.
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- 2012 OCB Empire State Photos! -- Rick Abt, 18:09:23 04/08/12 Sun [4]
All of the photos from the Empire State in Binghamton yesterday (4-7-2012) will be up on my website before noon tomorrow. www.rickabt.photoreflect.com . I think there may be around 16,000. Some are up now. Most will be up before tomorrow.
Please feel free to e-mail, text or call me with any questions or requests. (number on my website).
I will begin working on filling the pre-orders taken at the show tomorrow and expect to begin getting them in the mail this week....They should be out to everyone shortly.
Congratulations and thanks to everyone for a great show.
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- Professional Airbrush Tanning -- ANNA MARCIANO, 03:18:36 04/11/12 Wed [1]
Spray Tanning for this Saturdays show for local Capital Region Contestants. Sun Kissed Skin has a private Latham Salon location or will bring the equipment to you!!!! Competitors have received a 10/10 on their tan using my proven method! Visit www.sunkissedskin.net or Call me Anna Marciano 518-495-7415.
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- Pictures from the Uprising -- Keith Provost, 03:22:31 04/08/12 Sun [2]
Pictures are online and available for purchase.
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trophy -- robbie, 20:51:03 12/12/11 Mon [2]
my trophy for the juniors didnt have a label on it as well as some other people's. I was wondering if we will be getting those?
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- Tickets for Empire 2012 link is up! -- Tina P, 04:27:32 03/23/12 Fri [1]
This is ALWAYS a sold out show so get your tickets and your family and friends too! Link on main page
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My Return -- The Rocket (angel), 13:13:41 03/21/12 Wed [1]
Hey Guys and Gals...It's good to back. See ya soon. PEACE
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- Spray Tanning -- Angela Antonello, 10:27:20 03/15/12 Thu [1]
315-247-0730 ....Angela (0ver 10 years exp.)
I will be spraying at the host hotel The Binghamton Riverwalk Hotel .I will also be onsite the morning of the show for touch - ups or last minute award winning spray tans !!
Contact me directly at 315-247-0730 to schedule an appointment .
Thank you
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- SUN KISSED SKIN AIRBRUSH TANNING May 19th Show -- ANNA MARCIANO, 10:25:38 02/28/12 Tue [3]
Professional Spray tans for the May 19th show at Proctor's in Schenectady available May 18th at the Host Hotel in Amsterdam and at the show at Proctor's on May 19th! Call to schedule appointment 518-495-7415. Our contestants have received a 10/10 for their tans using our method! Visit sunkissedskin.net for more info!
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- Award Winning Spray Tans -- Angela Antonello, 05:38:03 03/06/12 Tue [1]
315-247-0730....Angela (0ver 10 years exp.)
I will be spraying at the host hotel The Binghamton Riverwalk Hotel .I will also be onsite the morning of the show for touch - ups or last minute award winning spray tans !!
Contact me directly at 315-247-0730 to schedule an appointment today to guarantee a time slot!!(I don't always ck this site so best to call for all info and any questions )
Thank you
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- Empire Stikes Back :) -- Mike, 13:56:46 02/10/12 Fri [2]
8 weeks to go!Seems like these countdowns never end. Show apps are coming in. So sign up already if u havent. Taake advatage of the early bird enrty. $30!!
Pro qualifier for figure,mens open, womens BB and Bikini
Pro qualified winners will have entry paid for upcoming Pro event put on in Albany May 19th
Mens fitnes will debut
We have the whole crew back for this event. Doug on the mic and DJ George on the turn table.
Goodie bags will be stocked
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- SPRAY TAN -- Angela, 04:57:23 10/27/11 Thu [2]
315-247-0730 Angela
I will be spraying at Host hotel- Holiday Inn Express Syracuse Airport and will be onsite the morning of show for touch ups or last minute sprays !
Contact me 315-247-0730 Angela to schedule an appointment today to guarantee a time slot!!
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- NA Pro-Am paperwork UP! -- Tina P, 17:44:46 01/03/12 Tue [1]
Thanks to Talisha!!!
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- DVD of the Nov 19 Event -- Dan Rice, 17:19:44 12/11/11 Sun [2]
Who was the fellow that was offering DVD's of the Nov 19th even at the Drivers Village. I ordered the DVD and have not heard from them. Any help in this matter would be appreciated. The event was great with a super field of athletes.
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- Looking for feedback... NYS natural... from judges... -- Cindy Burr (Great show), 03:40:23 11/22/11 Tue [2]
Looking for feedback from judges for the NYS Natural...What to work on for the off season.. competetor #6...
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- photos -- Shayne, 04:52:47 11/21/11 Mon [2]
Great show Mike!!! Who was the photographer for the show in Syracuse?
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- nys natural XI -- kent, 08:29:30 11/18/11 Fri [1]
Good luck to everybody competing in Mike's show tomorrow.
Kent Bierly
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- BLING!!!! CLEARANCE SALE! -- Tina P, 06:27:42 11/04/11 Fri [1]
I will have several sets of Rhinestone jewelry necklaces & earrings on clearance sale day of show ( will be there early)as low as $5!
See you there!
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Make-up by Corrine Marie -- Corrine Marie (:)), 16:18:09 10/19/11 Wed [2]
Attention female athletes:
You have 1 month until you are on stage for the NYS Naturals!! Train hard and plan ahead! :) Set up an appointment for make-up with me today! Everyone wants to be stress free the day of a competition! So let me worry about your make-up! I will be on site November 19 before pre-judging and the night show for touch-ups! Contact me to schedule a make-up appointment today to guarantee a time slot!! Send an email for more information!
And yes, I do lashes! ;)
I hope to see you soon! Train hard-- Every day counts!!!
My email address is cmwakeman1@gmail.com
Thanks ladies!
Corrine Marie
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- NYS XI November 19th in Syracuse News -- Mike, 05:42:55 10/12/11 Wed [1]
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- CANCELLATION of Nov. 12 Battle In The Burgh show -- James M. Tyler, 04:03:06 09/29/11 Thu [3]
It is with deep regret that I must CANCEL the Nov. 12, 2011 "Battle In The Burgh" bodybuilding show, in Plattsburgh. As you recall, this was a re-scheduled show from May when mother nature kicked my butt. To date (9/29), I have 1 (ONE), application ONLY. As a promoter I have vendors, hotels, awards, goodies, etc. which costs THOUSANDS of $$$ each year. All these people deserve a reasonable notice when cancelling, to avoid them incurring loss of $$ also. I just can not afford to do this hoping application will come in. As a competitor, you know if you are competing or not, so I must assume there is just not the interest this year for a show. I love this sport and have always done my best to provide a very good show for everyone invloved , and know I achieved that. I brought bodybuilding to Plattsburgh 10 years ago and am proud of all the top notch competiotrs Plattsburgh has and will continue producing,but I must cancel. I take pride in always being straight forward with you all, so this decision is based primarily on a financial basis. thanks for all your support in the past, and I have made a ton of great friends over the last 10 years promoting/competing. REMEMBER,Halz is putting on a kickass show Nov. 19 in the Cuse', so keep training and head out there. I will be going to help the man who inspired me to promote!! JT
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- Cape Cod results??? -- joe l., 18:46:56 10/09/11 Sun [1]
Does anybody have the results of yesterday's Cape Cod show....amateur and pro??? Pics??? Thx.
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- 8 weeks to go -- Mike, 08:48:54 09/27/11 Tue [1]
Your over the hump. Diets are in full swing. Now its time to get your posing attire or suite. 315-567-8317. GEORGE ANN is the best in the biz. Make sure your color choice fits you. Ask others for feed back.
Take advantage of early bird enrty. Its like getting a $10 off from your trunks if you signed up today:))
Polygraphs will take place Friday Nov 18th at the host Hotel ( Holiday inn Syracuse Airport). Then at the venue the day of the event.
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- 11weeks practice posing -- Mike, 06:51:42 09/06/11 Tue [2]
It is one thing to have the best looking physique on stage. It's another to show it. We have seen this many times at shows in the past. Diet is only part. Practicing those mandatory poses is another. START NOW!! Your best bet if all possible is to hook up with a posing clinic first then this way you are shown the proper way to perform mandatorys. Dont worry about the musical routine that doesnt count score wise untill 4 weeks or so out. Now that you have been shown the right way to perform the poses practice them once a day for 2 total rounds holding each pose for a 10 count.
This will definetly condition you for stage time. Video taping once a week will also give you a better idea of progress with the diet and if your doing the poses right. Dont skip this part of your road to the NYS XI.
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- Congrats to my FAVORITE brother Mike (& Talisha too!) on the birth of their daughter! -- Tina P, 14:46:55 09/02/11 Fri [3]
I am a proud auntie!
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- 12 weeks to NYS XI -- Mike, 08:27:56 08/31/11 Wed [1]
This is usally my marker to clean up totally. No cheat meals unless the refeed is needed. Cheat meals I say? Yes you might need a few. How do you know if needed. Well I usually need one around the 5 week out time. I feel light headed , training might be a little stagnent or, tired...this is all signs of metabolic slow down. So you take one day and almost double your macros which in return usually lights the metabloic fire. Some just plain cant afford to cheat. The mirror is your best cridic. Take progress pics each monday with a weigh-in. Weigh yourself in once a week. No need to be on scale every day.
So this week I kinda touch on cheat meals based on progress u see in mirror, scale , pics and energy levels. If energy is good though keep going without a cheat meal.Energy means the metabolic train is still full steam ahead.
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- V-Logs - Ron Parmeter - countdown to the cape...tune in!! -- jesse, 16:23:06 08/24/11 Wed [3]
check out Ron "Diesel" Parmeter's Vlogs on you tube!! Good stuff.....there are at least 10 of them now....training, food prep, commentary, etc...
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Shows in 2012 & new training -- Rafmorris (Energetic!), 22:22:28 08/24/11 Wed [1]
Just got over a shoulder injury and being back to my training is a blessing! Doing new training(fst-7 & crazy 8's).Will there shows in ny in 2012(between mar and july)
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- 13 weeks to go NYS XI -- Mike, 07:55:29 08/20/11 Sat [4]
Diet is in full gear.You feel weak at times? The most important time to have energy is during those workouts.What to do?
1- try not to workout on empty stomach
2- consume 1-2 scoops of whey 1 hr prior to cardio days.Whey or prtein in itself takes more energy(calories) to digest than carbs. So on cardio days you will get a double whammy on fat burning.Plus keep your muscle nitrogen levels at check.
3- consume 1/2 cup oats 1 hr prior to weight lifting days. Full tank of glycogen is what you need to maximize full potential during workouts. Working out on empty will only fource body to pull aminos from muscle itself which will result in quicker muscle fatigue...DOMS
Now for me post workout is just as important as pre workout. RECOVERY is everything!! My best post workout meal is 1 scoop of whey isolate with waxy maze or vitargo with creatine mixed in. CP (creatine phosphates) need replenishing too. Maze surpases stomach quicker than any other carb which gives us our best hormone boost post workout. Whey - positive nitrogen
Now not everyone is going to agree with me. I am posting this to help out the guys that are just getting started. We have a good amount of guys from Syracuse doing the NYS this year.
Anyone who would like to add thier ideas would be appreciated. Till next week..
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- 14 weeks to go. NYS XI -- Mike, 09:34:26 08/13/11 Sat [2]
Diet is cleaning up. Cardio!! How much? Personally I have been down the road of up to a hour a day...f-ing wasting muscle. I have found that 20-30 min of HIIT is the way to maintain more size in the long haul of a diet. Usually 3 sessions a week. I sometimes do 2 a days once a week 4 weeks out from a show. Trust me that its truley overkill doing 1 hr a day.
Then cardio on a fasted state is a big muscle eater too. Many figure girls go this route and woder why their legs are soft come show time. Well one you over trained them and two you burned up the muscle there so all that remains is skinny fat legs.
The best fat burning workouts is your weight training period. Let the diet take its course. The object is to maintain muscle as you go not burn it on the eliptical or tread mill.
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- posing class 06/11/2011 -- kent, 13:16:27 05/23/11 Mon [18]
Take advantage of our next posing seminar.
People have been very happy with the class and the results are priceless...
Bodybuilding and Figure Posing Seminar
Location: Pure Focus Sports Club
163 Van Zile Rd
Brick, NJ 08724
Date: 06/11/2011
Time: Figure 12:30pm 2:30pm
Bodybuilding 3:00pm 5:00pm
Host: Natural Pro Kent Bierly
Cost: $25, includes free access to Pure Focus Sports Club all weekend.
Contact Kent Bierly at krb46@comcast.net, call 732-213-6537, or facebook message to ask questions and/or reserve your spot. Please reserve spot by 5/14/2011. Space is limited.
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- Spring '12 Show -- Newbie, 11:09:24 08/06/11 Sat [2]
Hey Mike,
I'm looking to compete in the spring and wanted to know if you were still having your binghamton show? thanks!
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- 15 weeks to NYS XI -- Mike, 06:27:50 08/05/11 Fri [1]
Diets are in full steam. Lotts of people get ready for just one show. My sugestion is plan to do 2. First one use as a warm up. Do like a regional event before doing the pro qualifier. Space them out 2 weeks apart so you get adequit recovery.This also gives you the oppurtunity to learn your peak week. Putting all your eggs in just one show could discourage you from competing again. My suggestion for a warm up show would be the OCB show in West Nyak , NY 2 weeks before mine or the USBF show in Scranton, PA.
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- THE OFFICIAL PRE CONTEST DIET TO THE NYS XI -- Mike, 06:50:43 07/30/11 Sat [2]
16 weeks!! Time to start cleaning up the macros to whole grains and good fats. Say bye to the sugars and excesive saturated fats. Start off by a program like 50% carbs/ 38% protein and 12% fats. The carbs should come from sources like Cous Cous, brown rice or rice cakes. The fats should be mainly Omega fish oils and what trace fat you get from the lean meats and complex carbs. Protein should come from sources like 99% Turkey, Chicken Breast , egg whites or tune fish. Try to only use whey isolates post workout and before bed.
As far as supplements. Try not to depend on fat burners. let the diet due its job. Fat burners tend in the long run burn muscle. Pre workout should be a good NO product, Leucine caps and beta alaine. Post workout ant-oxidants like vitamin C and E then ALA. Train hard but train smart. Split up your workouts if you can. Cardio and weight training should be seperate if all possible. Keep both under a hour each. After 1 hour your glycogen tank is empty. It will then use a little fat and MUSCLE to fuel itself.
Well lets clean up the yard and start mowing some of that off season fat off. Any questions email me abfreak@aol.com
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- Nov show mail in app is on site! -- Tina P, 11:04:34 07/04/11 Mon [2]
If you cannot open it
email me at tinampatch@aol.com and I will send it to you
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- Next posing class, sunday 7/17 in Brick, NJ -- kent, 09:19:21 06/18/11 Sat [5]
Our next posing class will be on Sunday, 7/17, in Brick NJ at Pure Focus Sports Club. Times are the same, figure at 1230-230 and bodybuilding from 3-5. Contact me for more info or to reserve a spot, krb46@comcast.net or 7322136537. Get a leg up on the competitions for the fall.
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- SAME SUBJECT THAT BUGS ME -- Mike Halsey, 06:38:58 07/09/11 Sat [2]
Super pro qualifiers. These guys win their class then claim they are pro before even stepping on stage as a pro. Ugh!! Then the ones that win a show with 18 guys in the whole show claiming they are pro and never compete as a pro.
Sorry had to vent. I like old school...last man standing.
Feels so much better.
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- CONGRATS HALZMAN!! -- Steve P, 18:26:59 06/25/11 Sat [7]
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Back to training -- Rafmorris (Hell yeah), 19:03:40 06/25/11 Sat [1]
After healing from a delt injury my training is bak on pace. Got no time to waste! Hit it hardcore and diet my ass off! One set at a time!BigRigSupps.com!
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- NBP is coming -- Naturally Big Promotions, 06:51:50 05/14/11 Sat [4]
Stay tuned
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It's on the way -- NBP, 09:16:36 05/16/11 Mon [2]
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- MISC -- Sammy C. #34, 04:05:06 05/20/11 Fri [5]
Just dropping in to say hello. I've been reading along for the past 2.5 years and keeping up to date. Hope to see you all again soon. Moving back to NY in 26 days - can't wait! Enough of living in the desert...Vegas is the home of fake body parts, multiple tats and ridiculous vanity plates - and those are just the Soccer Moms...
Hope you are all well.
Sammy C. #34
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- UZAR -- Nathaniel, 13:43:03 05/18/11 Wed [6]
What ever happened to Mike Uzar?
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- Comp -- Rafiel Morris (Feeling good), 10:13:31 05/22/11 Sun [2]
New on the board. Im in prep mode for the battle in the burgh. I was wondering who could I go to for for contest prep. Also,i'd like to do the syracuse show.
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- RE-SCHEDULED SHOW -- James Tyler- JT, 15:41:15 05/17/11 Tue [1]
The VI Battle In The Burgh has been re-scheduled for Nov. 12 this year. NO PRO CLASSES!! But PQ in all divisions.:) GREAT WARM-UP FOR THE NOV. 19 SHOW IN THE CUSE'!!!!!see http://battleintheburgh.tripod.com for info. (Working on it now, so check for updates)
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- Time is coming soon -- Natural Promotions, 01:56:09 05/14/11 Sat [1]
It will effect all levels of natural competitors.
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- Something new and big coming soon for all you natural competitors. -- Big Promotions, 08:16:05 05/13/11 Fri [3]
Stay tuned for details..
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- USBF Jersey Shore Natural V 10/1/2011 -- Kent, 04:01:51 05/11/11 Wed [2]
Hey Everybody,
The 5th USBF Jersey Shore Natural will be on 10/1 in Brick, NJ.
We will have the USBF Masters Nationals as well as the very popular Pro Masters. We will also be having Womens pro figure and bodybuilding along with all the other supporting classes, including bikini. Remember, all competitors will be polygraph tested as well as the winners being urine tested. Start making your plans now. Fliers and apps will be ready this week. Call, 7322136537, or email, krb46@comcast.net, me with any questions.
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- How did the albany show go this weekend? -- Berg, 03:24:32 05/09/11 Mon [5]
How was the quality and lineup of the albany show this weekend?
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- this weekend -- Berg, 10:10:36 05/11/11 Wed [1]
Anyone going to compete this weekennd anywhere?
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- May 7th shows - GOOD LUCK ! -- Craig Recore, 12:05:55 05/06/11 Fri [2]
Good luck to all my friends and co-competitors competing this weekend in all of the federations. I will see some of you tomorrow in Albany for the awards !!
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- Jersey Shore Show -- Berg, 03:57:32 05/01/11 Sun [17]
So how did the show shape up?
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- show cancellation -- James M. Tyler, 08:37:00 05/04/11 Wed [2]
The Battle In The Burgh has been CANCELLED!! I have just lost ALL my personal property to a flood, and just can not do this, this year. I apologize to everyone.Money will be returned asap, but give me a few days ok? Once again, the Plattsburgh Pro/Am has been cancelled. Sorry again, JT
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- Battle In The Burgh VI- May 14th - Plattsburgh -- James M. Tyler, 06:09:54 04/28/11 Thu [5]
To all concerned:) The Battle In The Burgh' VI - Pro payouts are as follows: Open Pro 1-5, $750, 500, 350, 250, 150, Master pro 1-3, $500, 300, 200, Lady Figure pro 1-3, $500, 300, 200. ALL monies were paid out and Men Open pro winner also got a Nutrishop duffle filled with approx. $200 worth of goodies!!! And the show is 100% polygraphed as well as Urine tested (men and wome BB overall, Men open pro, and 1 competitor of my choice)Hey, it's my show:)AND payouts were as advertized!! 8 open pros to date, COME ON!!
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