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Date Posted: 23:14:13 10/19/04 Tue
Author: So then leave this alone, coward
Author Host/IP:
Subject: OK
In reply to: knip 's message, "yeah" on 22:55:09 10/19/04 Tue

I am not volt, and I am not DP or LRod. If you wish to dismiss my opinions on the basis of your "personality prejudice" then go right ahead. I never asked you to repsond to this discussion in the first place.

You seem to think that the website was "personality-based". That was not overtly stated on the website. If it had been stated overtly, then I would have no complaint. It wasn't and I do have a complaint. Tell people what you're about and everything works out. Lie and feel my anger.

This particular website (Freedom Hall) encourages anonymity, so I use it.

I am glad you admit that we are talking about "the death of a website". Good choice of words. That means we agree on a fundamental point. Litkicks is Dead, and its originator killed it with his censorship and his prejudices. Thank you very much.

If you WANT an identity, then here it is: abcrystcats

I am not afraid of you, but of your bias. Since you feel compelled to apply your bias, then here it is. Do what you like with it.

>you seem to be focusing on the death of a website that
>was most certainly personality-based, but using the
>strength of words argument to support your point
>i never pretend stupidity...some time it is honest
>i have the right to express whatever the hell i want
>to express...whether this is based in a legal context
>is irrlevant...and i choose to express that i do not
>put much credence in the opinions of people who hide
>their identity...i can see no reason for it other than
>to hide something...any anonymous poster who does so
>to express opinions around here i judge to be
>volt...the whole damn lot are volt...that is my
>freedom of expression embodied in my freedom of opinion

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