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Date Posted: 23:03:31 11/28/06 Tue
Author: Jon
Subject: >>
In reply to: Sara 's message, ">>" on 22:49:37 11/28/06 Tue

Jon looked back at her, glad to see she seemed pleased. He had plenty of fears for the two of them, Jon was a fairly cautious man and didn't really like doing things on an impulse, which he just had. Oh he'd thought about kissing her plenty, but he'd never thought he'd act on it. Or that she would kiss him too. He gave a small laugh as she spoke, his hand falling from her waist, shoving both of them into his pockets and looking like a nervous child a bit, rocking his weight from his toes to the heels of his feet. "Um.. glad to help.." Jon said softly, looking away from her for a moment, at his car, then pulled out one of his hands, looking at the watch on his wrist. "I.. uh.. I really should be going." He told her. He really didn't want to, if she were to ask him to stay he'd want to, badly, but he woudln't. That would be moving entirely too fast for Jon's liking. And he didn't even know what to think about all this. Should he tell her to forget it? That they shouldn't do this and to pretend it'd never happened? No, he couldn't do that now, it was too late. Jon hesitated before leaning down and brushing a quick kiss to her lips, his hand reaching up to touch her cheek before stepping away. "I'll see you tomorrow. Goodnight Sara." Jon said before turning and walking back down the walkway to his car, pausing as he reached it to look back at her, smiling, before climbing in his car and driving home. His mind was buzzing with confusion and excitement, and it was no surprise he had a hard time falling asleep that night.

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