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Date Posted: 21:51:51 02/12/07 Mon
Author: Sara
Subject: >>
In reply to: Jon 's message, ">>" on 20:45:00 02/12/07 Mon

She stood at her door and leaned against the door frame as they said goodbye, returning his kiss sweetly and watching as he drove away. It was hard to watch him leave, knowing that she'd have to spend the rest of the night alone in the big house- but she was used to it, and she pushed it out of her mind as she headed upstairs for bed. She woke early the next morning with a smile on her lips and didn;t feel sleepy in the least as she jumped up and showered and dressed for school, a pair of skinny jeans and leather boots hugging her legs, a black low cut sweater hugging her torso, her long blond hair straightened and left loose. Her silver TT was one of the first in the parking lot, and she headed into school five minutes earlier than anyone else. She stopped at her locker to store a few things away before heading to her English Lit class, grinning softly to see him in there already. She headed to his desk and stood infront of him, keeping her distance- and the desk- between them as she spoke, her voice no more than a whisper "Are you busy tonight?" She didn;t want to seem too forward, but she couldn't wait to have him to herself again. Before he could answer Lauren Walker knocked on his door, she was a senior and Sara knew her vaguely- she lived in the less rich part of town and got picked on a fair bit. Sara smiled at her before glancing back to Jon "Don't worry sir... My question can wait till class..." She spoke clearly and offered a demure, appropriate smile before turning and heading for her desk, Lauren coming into the room with a paper she'd gotten a low mark on, asking how she could improve it. Sara got out the book they were studying and started reading where they had left off, though the rest of the class were soon starting to file inside.

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