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Date Posted: 22:06:15 02/12/07 Mon
Author: Jon
Subject: >>
In reply to: Sara 's message, ">>" on 21:51:51 02/12/07 Mon

Jon looked up as he heard the door open, smiling as he saw Sara, but feeling nervous as she approached. He didn't know quite how to act around her now. As she spoke he hesitated, not sure they should be talking about this here but was saved, sort of, as the door opened again. He nodded at Sara as she spke again, trying to look professional, before looking at Lauren. He had a soft spot for Lauren, but not like he had for Sara. He could sympathize with her though. She got snubbed and picked on for not being as wealthy as the other students though she was still better off than he'd been. If she moved to any other town she'd be one of the wealthier kids at the school, but this was a rich town. Her parents had probably worked hard for their money or were only second generation money, most of the kids here came from a long line of business tycoons, actors, and stock brokers. He talked with Lauren, she wasn't the best at English, she had problems with spelling and grammar, but she wasn't stupid. She just never proof read her work and that brought down her grade. By the time they were done the bell had rung and a few students were already trickling into class. He glanced at Sara, making eye contact briefly, before standing to walk out in the hall, as most teachers did, to keep an eye on the crowds of students. He hated doing this, but he'd get pestered later on by the bossier teachers for not helping out, even though nothing ever happened. He leaned against the wall, feeling bored and irritated as Ms. Montgomery and Ms. Jones showed up, already flirting and tittering at him, practically competeing with eachother for his attention. Jon wished they'd catch on that he wasn't interested, being too polite to tell them himself.

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