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Subject: Status of players

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Date Posted: 05:16:39 09/03/02 Tue
Author Host/IP: webcacheB02a.cache.pol.co.uk/

Would it be possible to have some feed back why certain players are not playing, where is the new prop (meddicks), flanker(mcpherson), prop (mustoe), andrews (second row. How often is James Rowles available. It seems to me we are signing all sorts of players who can only play when it suits them, therefore we are never going to have a settled side. If you dont believe what I am saying about a settled side - we used 46 players last year.(over 3 different teams)We need continuity!

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[> Subject: Re: Status of players

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Date Posted: 07:28:54 09/03/02 Tue
Author Host/IP: NoHost/

>forgive me if I am wrong but some of these players are unavailable due to injuries. weren't they given medicals prior to giving them contracts. this is just another sign of ammeturism within Welsh Rugby. Would any professional Football club ever take on an injured player who they know is going to unavailable for half a season I think not. as for players having other work commitments we must ask are these players contracted professionals or not, the only way to know would be to examine their contracts. I have to agree we need stability in the side if we are to win the league and compete in the premiership next year. we can do it we all know the players and coaching staff are good enough and with the nice Mr Jude putting his money where his heart is (and not to a bigger club to try to enhance his business unlike the Mr Browns and Thomas' of this world) we can again become a real force in Welsh rugby. That is to say as long as the WRU don't cock it up again. Come on Pooler lets start getting the killer instinct back. Saturday was a win but lacked that certain something in attack and defence

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