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Subject: SKIPPER

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Date Posted: 02:59:35 09/01/02 Sun
Author Host/IP: dial-212-159-139-9.access.uk.tiscali.com/

A question for Mark Jones ,do you really believe that your team(and mine for fifty years )will respond to the kind of pep talk that you constantly gave with every other word
being f---ing this and f---ing that? I realise thats its supposed to be a mans game and all that nonsense but I saw many of your players heads go down during your vituperative
assaults and if you haven,t yet learned that a Welshman when encouraged will walk through walls for you,if you
abuse him will sit on his haunches as many did on saturday, then you should consider your position.

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[> Subject: Re: SKIPPER

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Date Posted: 01:01:13 09/02/02 Mon
Author Host/IP: host213-122-144-81.in-addr.btopenworld.com/

Scooby is one of the most inspirational, honest, hard working captains we have had for years. Heads went down in embarassment not down-heartedness.

And when do you ever see Mark hang his head in a sulk. Stick at it Mark.

And for god's sake get off his back....its only the first game and i may be mistaken but ermmmm.......didn't we win?

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[> Subject: Re: SKIPPER

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Date Posted: 02:14:23 09/02/02 Mon
Author Host/IP: inktomi2-cdf.server.ntl.com/

>A question for Mark Jones ,do you really believe that
>your team(and mine for fifty years )will respond to
>the kind of pep talk that you constantly gave with
>every other word
>being f---ing this and f---ing that? I realise thats
>its supposed to be a mans game and all that nonsense
>but I saw many of your players heads go down during
>your vituperative
>assaults and if you haven,t yet learned that a
>Welshman when encouraged will walk through walls for
>you,if you
>abuse him will sit on his haunches as many did on
>saturday, then you should consider your position.

Forgive me if im wrong but when Perky & Bish were captain their peps talks were full of the same language that Mark Jones is using and it worked fot those teams didn't it?

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[> Subject: Re: SKIPPER

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Date Posted: 04:49:09 09/02/02 Mon
Author Host/IP: pc16.plls.co.uk/

Mark deserved to give them such a bollocking because it was a terrible performance. Yes, his words were strong but it is only because he cares so much. I imagine that a lot of captains and coaches use similar motivating techniques ( I have certainly seen documentary footage of Alex Ferguson, Brian Clough dishing it out and you can't say that they failed to motivate a team). Plus, I think the players heads were down because they knew they were putting in a very below par performance, not because he was shouting at them. If Mark Jones was shouting at me I know that I would try everything in my power to start playing better!

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[> Subject: Re: SKIPPER

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Date Posted: 23:20:05 09/02/02 Mon
Author Host/IP: NoHost/

>A question for Mark Jones ,do you really believe that
>your team(and mine for fifty years )will respond to
>the kind of pep talk that you constantly gave with
>every other word
>being f---ing this and f---ing that? I realise thats
>its supposed to be a mans game and all that nonsense
>but I saw many of your players heads go down during
>your vituperative
>assaults and if you haven,t yet learned that a
>Welshman when encouraged will walk through walls for
>you,if you
>abuse him will sit on his haunches as many did on
>saturday, then you should consider your position.

Anybody ever here Ray Prosser take a training session, now there is language, did n't have a bad team or under motivated team then did we?

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[> [> Subject: Re: SKIPPER

Mummy's boy
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Date Posted: 01:00:38 09/03/02 Tue
Author Host/IP: icafe-qed.cust.centro-net.cz/

Marc how would you know what ray prosser said

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[> Subject: Re: SKIPPER

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Date Posted: 05:37:39 09/03/02 Tue
Author Host/IP: NoHost/

>A question for Mark Jones ,do you really believe that
>your team(and mine for fifty years )will respond to
>the kind of pep talk that you constantly gave with
>every other word
>being f---ing this and f---ing that? I realise thats
>its supposed to be a mans game and all that nonsense
>but I saw many of your players heads go down during
>your vituperative
>assaults and if you haven,t yet learned that a
>Welshman when encouraged will walk through walls for
>you,if you
>abuse him will sit on his haunches as many did on
>saturday, then you should consider your position.

Father in law among others..

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