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Subject: After match at the club

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Date Posted: 12:07:54 09/21/02 Sat
Author Host/IP: inktomi2-cdf.server.ntl.com/

An excellent result against a very boring and negative Aberavon side. They constantly infringed but did actually let the backs have the ball once or twice!!!!!!! Why Clayton Thomas allowed 15 Aberavon players to complete the game is a mystery.

On another point as a Poola supporter for nearly 40 years I wonder why a number of supporters asked for the BIG screen to be turned on to see the results and then to watch Cardiff match why we were told that the hog roast had priority and once it was all sold the TV would be turned on?

Surely the point of a rugby club is "rugby" and the supporters of both sides like to go back to the club, discuss the match and watch the results of the other matches! At the Bonymaen match it was a karaoki that raised its head and again tonight at about 7.00 p.m.

I would ask the club to seriously consider what it does after each match otherwise the supporters will be driven away to some other venues!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Come on think about the supporters not a very small minority of workers!

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