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Subject: Pooler v Aberavon

Dave M
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Date Posted: 12:58:08 09/21/02 Sat
Author Host/IP: host62-7-40-250.in-addr.btopenworld.com/

May I add my congratulations to the team today. A great performance despite what I thought was a very indifferent refereeing performance from Clayton Thomas and his team. I also wondered how on earth Aberavon finished the first half with 15 players on the field. Clayton should have awarded at least 2 yellow cards to Aberavon players in the first half for repeated professional fouls, so much for WRU directives to stamp on this sort of negative play early in a match, or does that only apply to the Premier Dividsion Clayton? He and his linesmen also missed quite a few snide punches in the first 15 mins when Aberavon were intent on cutting up rough.When we turned around at half time I thought we would have to produce our best second half performance for a long time to win, and we did that and up the slope as well. We deservedly won despite Clayton Thomas and all of our lads had big games, especially Nicky Lloyd, Johnny Hawker, Lennie, and our backrow and second row.
But I hope the price of the win was not too high.

**** Please webmaster tell us how Mark Jones is, it looked serious? ****

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