Date Posted:05:40:05 04/29/03 Tue Author: .owen. Subject:.cont'd. In reply to:
's message, ".what.he.thought." on 05:36:30 04/29/03 Tue
His fingers were entwined loosely with hers, and he was finding it harder and harder to not look at her, and even harder not to go completely crazy at the thought that she was his -- his girl… Nobody else’s, but his. The thought sent a wondrous string of ripples through the muscles hidden ‘neath his bronze-brushed skin. She looked stunning… and it was making Owen go nuts inside. It would’ve made anyone go nuts. Chocolate-lensed and rather dazed, his eyes turned from her features to catch the end of the stairs being eaten up ‘neath his feet and hers. They were there. This was it… The perfect moments were just up ahead, and that thought brought an instant lopsided grin to Owen’s lips, and a light squeeze to Erica’s hand. The last step was behind him before he even realized it. Before them; Erica and Owen, stood the loft’s interiors, the main source of the lamp-light, and the prospect of perfect moments that would never be forgotten. At least, not by Owen. Early that day, in the morning, Owen had come to the Barn with only one thing in mind: making this night perfect… absolutely perfect, and nothing less. So he had scouted out several large bails of hay, and then had taken them over to a window-like contraption (…think Smallville.) that was positioned upon one of the loft’s four walls. Overtop those barrels of hay; he had laid two thick pull-over blankets, each a plaid red in color and design. Atop those blanket-covered hay stacks, was what looked like a miniature table. On it were two plates completely set with the appropriate cutlery, and to top off the near-to-perfect display was a bottle of red wine. Hidden somewhere within that cozy loft, was a cooler with an assortment of foods that could be eaten chilled. And finally, on the sill of the loft’s window, he had placed several different and scented candles to be lit that night. Owen grinned lopsidedly at the scene before him. It was hard to believe that the guy who had never believed in love, had never really believed in anything as good as Erica… It was just hard to believe that he could have organized something as… as… thoughtful, as this. It surprised him, even now after it was all finished. Still watching the set-up before him, he murmured, “I thought maybe… well… I thought maybe you’d like it here. I mean, you usually love it here… So, that’s what I thought.”