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Not unless it was Carolanne Adama... Yes, this theory is my own personal dead horse... -- anyasbuttmonkey, 00:40:33 06/15/08 Sun [1]
Because if it were her, and she's dead, that still has a huge effect on the show - Lee's a Hybrid :)
The Four apparently broke that rule.
We don't know that they started off with only one copy. It stands to reason that whatever happened to split the Five from the Seven, after the split either the Five themselves destroyed all their copies, or the Seven did. Either way, we can't say for sure that at one time, there weren't infinte copies of the Final Five :P
The fact that all the models have different physical features doesn't mean that the Fifth can't look like the Eights and can't be connected to them.
I still don't buy Boomer. She was the first Eight we met, and as such she's served as a basic "How Not To Be An Eight" guide. She's the counter to Athena, as well. To turn around and say "she's not an Eight after all", I think, would cheapen everything that's happened with her.
Mainly, though, I just love The Tragedy Of Boomer(TM) storyline. Everything she wanted, Athena's gotten - and when she strives for something different (DEMAND LOVE; voting against her line) it always ends up in the crapper (concentration camps; destruction of The Hub and therefore destroying Cylon immortality).
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But her storyline isn't finished yet -- Chani *don't you ever sleep?*, 10:47:34 06/15/08 Sun [1]
they made her escape...there must be a reason!
Seriously rewatch The Hub scene, don't tell me there isn't something weird! The echos of Dylan's music are never played around D'Anna unless Boomer is there.
Hybrids abound now (Hera, Nicky, Caprica's future baby)...Lee being one wouldn't be that big a deal, eevn for his father. And seriously I don't think that the audience would be satisfied with a Fifth that is no more and has never been a main character. It has to be someone we're familiar with.
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Oh, I know it's a longshot :) -- anyasbuttmonkey, 23:24:37 06/15/08 Sun [1]
I just figure it would be interesting for Lee and Bill specifically - and it fits with Kara's penchant for Cylon men ;)
I'm fairly certain it's going to be a major character. I'm just not sure that this is going to be the storyline where they take it to such a cerebral place (not when you've got all the Dying Leader and the All This Has Happened Before nonsense going on... I feel like the Final Cylon storyline has to be, in explanation terms, fairly straightforward to counterbalance all the rest).
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This member of Joe Public demands that the final cylon -- Esmerelda, 00:27:28 06/15/08 Sun [1]
is both alive and not Boomer, or Caprica's baby. Or Anders long lost twin. Unless he was the smart snarky twin that would Anders, casue that'd be fun!
Tonight, at least, I think it's Roslin. Technically she wasn't in the fleet at the time and is a big enough character to be jaw dropping for most of the audience.
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Oh and -- Esmerelda, 00:28:22 06/15/08 Sun [1]
Maybe the chamalla stoped her activating? Messed with the signal or something.
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I thought that too at the time... -- anyasbuttmonkey, 00:45:54 06/15/08 Sun [1]
Too coincidental that just as the Fleet jump to the Nebula, and everyone's power goes off, Madame President gets a "headache" - and when the power comes back on, it's like the Four have been rebooted and they finally remember what they are.
It might not even be the chamalla - the cancer itself could actually be her biomechanics degrading. Hera's Hybrid blood gave her body a salve with which to rejuvenate itself (stem cells), but that didn't last forever - and now she's "breaking down" again.
Then again, if that were the case then surely Cottle would've noticed his deloxin (or whatever it's called) treatment not working.
Still, Roslin is a good choice by anyone's standards - although it raises the question, if D'Anna cracked that joke and realised Roslin didn't know about being a Cylon, why would she assume the Dylan Four knew?
I've now decided the Final Cylon is Baltar, I managed to talk myself into it over on the TWoP forum... I'll just repost what I wrote there because its late and I can't think so hard anymore...!
Baltar's ultimate act of redemption could be him finally accepting his guilt and his part in all the various genocides along the way (and not trying to weasel out of them with technicalities and religious piousness) - and once he's come to terms with ALL of that... he finds out he's the final Cylon. The reason he wouldn't have been switched on with the others could be because he wanted to be a Cylon, but only because that meant (in his words) he'd stop being a traitor to one people and start being a hero to another. Before, it was self-interest; if he comes to terms with his actions and the necessary remorse, then finding out he's a Cylon is less about self-aggrandisation and more just about finding out who he is :)
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Re: I thought that too at the time... -- Esmerelda, 00:57:31 06/15/08 Sun [1]
I still think it takes far too much away from Baltar's arc to have him actually be a Cylon, it absolves him. Of course he could find out and then say 'you know what, I still did a really awful thing', but I think he's too much of a narcisist to come to that conclusions.
Was it you or Seema I was talking too when I said I suspect that Lee's words to Baltar, "I don't do these things for you" are going to be reversed and Baltar's going to say them to Lee before saving the universe?
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Not me, that's for sure...! -- anyasbuttmonkey, 01:01:48 06/15/08 Sun [1]
Although I definitely think that sounds like something Ron would do :)
I still think it takes far too much away from Baltar's arc to have him actually be a Cylon, it absolves him.
That's kind-of my point: he can only find out he's a Cylon *after* absolution becomes a moot point - in my theory, he stops seeking absolution and faces his actions head-on, accepting the blame and the guilt and whatnot and finding a way to work through it without using "God Loves Me" as an easy out. Only after that does he discover his true nature, because by that point it isn't about his self-interest or self-preservation at all.
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and in my head -- Esmerelda, 01:15:24 06/15/08 Sun [1]
they totally make out after Baltar says it!
*cough* where was I? Oh yeah. Baltar as cylon...I just, dislike the idea. I can see how they could justify it, but I still think it's a bit of a cop out.
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Nooooooo! -- Chani, 11:09:06 06/15/08 Sun [1]
Please not Roslin and not Baltar either! I'll hate that, it would ruin their storylines. They have to remain human beings. Besides it would be somehow redundant. For Baltar it would be a repetition of Tyrol's storyline (he believed he might be a cylon, he was told he was not...he ended up being a Final Fiver!), for Roslin it would be a repetition of Tigh's (the Cylon hater, loved by Papa Adama). I like echoes but I can't help thinking they need something different and refreshing for the Fifth.
For a long time I wanted Zarec, but perhaps he isn't big enough.
I want to believe that D'Anna's lines were a clue and a red herring at once. After she said (the supposed joke and the fact only Four were in the fleet at that moment) everybody is going to suspect Roslin. I think the writers are just playing with a rumour/theory that has been running in the fandom for a while now.
Besides I want to believe that Ron Moore didn't lie when he said that the Fifth was not on the picture of The Last Supper but just cheated a little! Technically Boomer wasn't on the picture, it was Athena...
One last thing. I can't think of only one logical reason to explain that the Fifth doesn't know what he/she is and hasn't been activated at the same time as the Four : the Fifth was already switched on when it happened.
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I was sober but I made lots of typos -- Chani, 17:38:46 06/15/08 Sun [1]
It should read "I CAN think of only one reason" of course...
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You aren't the only one who thinks that :) -- anyasbuttmonkey, 23:28:34 06/15/08 Sun [1]
I tend to agree that the writers, through D'Anna, were just being mischievous with the whole "there are Four in your Fleet" line. And that I do think that aside from Laura's cancer and/or chamalla treatments, there's no way to get around why the Fifth hasn't been activated without acknowledging that they've known from the outset - and none of the major characters could even be thought of in that regard.
I think if they're going to make anyone the Final, it'll be Baltar - I may not love it (I too think that his fallibility lies in his humanity - although maybe that's the point, that he can be a Cylon and still be so frakked up inside) but it's explainable (he was under so much stress in the trial, it could be wanked). Same goes for Roslin :(
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On LJ someone reminded me -- Chani *stubborn*, 20:16:17 06/16/08 Mon [1]
that The Hybrid talked about "the one still hidden striving for redemption"...Roslin doesn't fit in that description at all.
Baltar maybe but as I said above revealing he's a Cylon would be a repetition of Tyrol's storyline...Caprica fits the Hybrid's line more than anyone else but being in the fleet ruled her out, didn't it?
Boomer shot Adama and keeps betraying her kin over and over, but I think she desperatly wants redemption.
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The "humans" on the basestar -- Ricco, 21:26:00 06/23/08 Mon [1]
The only ones who might be the final model that were on the Basestar are Baltar and Roslin, why you ask? They were the only ones not rounded up when Dianna was going to execute all the hostages.
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