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Date Posted: 18:32:56 02/22/08 Fri
Author: sunflower (thoughtfully)
Subject: whaletown park again

It is worth noting that in fact besides the Gorge Hall---which is on the road allowance, and increasingly surrounded by population, which effectively limits its use---whaletown has no public lands at all and not even any resting place for essential public buildings. The post office and library are on private lands and could be given the boot anytime; the Old School is leased on a short-term-renewable basis to the WCC, and could be sold at anytime. (and it is the only playground for kids in the community, not to mention the only greenspace)
Lots of North End people never go to the South End, there is in fact a real reason to have a park here, or what would non-park-wanters suggest we do our essential public buildings if they needed a home, and should the people from Whaletown have to drive their kids all the way to Mansons to play w/ other kids in a playground?
And as for it being a nice walk to Carrington, so we don't need a park; yeah its a nice walk now---although less so before some of it was logged---most of that walk is going to be logged eventually. Get out your maps.
Mansons has two schools with playgrounds, and two parks.

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