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Date Posted: 11:36:52 03/09/08 Sun
Author: Joan
Author Host/IP: ip68-0-253-131.ri.ri.cox.net /
Subject: Work on Sundays

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[> Re: Work on Sundays -- Joan, 11:41:54 03/09/08 Sun [1] (ip68-0-253-131.ri.ri.cox.net/

I found this on working on Sundays, and so I'm wondering what you do? Do you work on Sunday? Do you feel that you shouldn't? It's interesting that the blue laws were to promote church-going. I thought they were about church-going, but also about not working at all--day of rest, and all. :) But we all know that that's wrong, anyway, because our mothers were always in the kitchen making the biggest meal of the week. And my father used to make a big breakfast after Mass, too. And my father was a firefighter, so he worked plenty of Sundays. Still, I thought Sunday was about not working, even though I was stuck working plenty of Sundays. And even now, though I don't have to work, I don't sit still on Sundays. :)

Do you think that fewer people go to church, in part, because everything is open on Sunday now? At first things were open only in the afternoon. Now they're open as early as 8 around here (Walmart).

"From the earliest times, Catholics have observed Sunday as the Lord's Day, which is "expressly distinguished" from the Jewish Sabbath (CCC 2175). Sabbath was the memorial of creation and God's rest on the seventh day; Sunday commemorates the new creation instituted by Christ's Resurrection on the first day of the week. While early Christians celebrated both Sabbath and Sunday -- mainly because the early Church included a significant number of Jews who had converted to Christianity -- as the Church became predominantly Gentile, the observance of the Sabbath by Christians eventually ceased.

While the Sabbath included a number of laws restricting what one could do on that day -- the reason for which was to promote active rest, not legalism -- the Church's regulations for Sunday were mainly concerned with insisting that Catholics go to Mass and have the time free from work to do so (which is why legislation arose in Christian countries closing businesses on Sunday). The Church generally has not concerned itself with making other restrictions on what people may do on Sunday. While avoiding servile work is encouraged by the Church, and while the Church promotes Sunday rest, it is left to individual Catholics to determine what genuinely constitutes meeting the obligation to "refrain from engaging in work or activities that hinder the worship owed to God, the joy proper to the Lord's Day, the performance of the works of mercy, and the appropriate relaxation of mind and body" (CCC 2185). "

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[> [> Alberta is in the "so called" Bible belt, but we were also .......... -- Barb, 12:04:57 03/09/08 Sun [1] (clgrtnt2-port-158.dial.telus.net/

one of the first Provinces in Canada that allowed Sunday shopping...many years ago now. The rest of the country followed suit through time. Canada is a "far less" religious country than the U.S. and people work on Sunday if they want to or need to, and no one cares that it is traditionally the Lord's day excepting the very religious. Of course, my religious holiday is Saturday, but that too has gone the way of Sunday in Canada. Only the orthodox continue to observe.

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