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Date Posted: 14:19:44 04/03/08 Thu
Author: Catie
Author Host/IP: h95.231.140.67.ip.alltel.net /
Subject: Neysa
In reply to:
's message, "Re: I'm curious have any of you Christians seen this? If so what are your opinions?" on 14:15:32 04/02/08 Wed
It's about Oprah introduced her fans to a "guru" of sorts named Eckart(?) who basically teaches pantheism. She allows the course to be taken online (for a price) by all who wish to participate. False doctrines. Everyone is welcomed to believe as they choose, but she has a lot of influence and some folks won't get past the fact that it's Oprah who endorses this man.
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Thanks Catie............... -- Neysa, 20:15:05 04/03/08 Thu [1] (user-38lci5d.dialup.mindspring.com/
I've never heard of pantheism before. I agree 100% with what Joan, said, that people follow celebrites mindlessly. It sure is pathetic!
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pantheism is the belief that God is ALL things, that even we are God. -- Catie, 06:20:33 04/04/08 Fri [1] (h95.231.140.67.ip.alltel.net/
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These celebs......... -- Neysa, 12:15:27 04/04/08 Fri [1] (user-2ive03h.dialup.mindspring.com/
"that even we are God". How can we think of ourselves as God!!!! Sometimes, I wonder about...these celebs who become so wealthy like Oprah who is now a billionare. Now they can afford anything their heart desires, do anything, they have so much power financially that they start acting like a "God". and probably see themselves as a "God".
There isn't anything that is as scary as a poor person getting very wealthy, and then thinking they are better than the almighty.
All these wealthy people have their fads....Oprah will get tired of her guru and pantheism and move on to a new fad.
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I hope so, Neysa! I agree that Oprah now sees herself......... -- Barb, 15:06:22 04/04/08 Fri [1] (clgrtnt5-port-79.dial.telus.net/
as almost a God-like figure. She doesn't act, think or live like a mere mortal any longer...so I fear others will believe of her what she deems herself to be. She's delusional...but money and fame always speak loud and long! :-(
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So very well said Barb!!!. -- Neysa, 15:37:26 04/04/08 Fri [1] (user-2ive02v.dialup.mindspring.com/
I thought it was just me who thought that Oprah sees herself like a God-figure. I used to enjoy watching the Oprah show. I haven't watched it now in a few years.
"She doesn't act,think,or live like a mere mortal any longer...." That is soooo true!
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Re: These celebs......... -- Joan, 04:56:13 04/05/08 Sat [1] (ip68-0-253-131.ri.ri.cox.net/
"There isn't anything that is as scary as a poor person getting very wealthy, and then thinking they are better than the almighty.
It's not just us poor folk. Old Money shuns these nuts, too. ;)
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That is so true!!!! -- Neysa, 09:12:46 04/05/08 Sat [1] (user-2inik1t.dialup.mindspring.com/
In college I met a lot of people that came from old money. You didn't even know that they came from very wealthy families. I also met people from new money...they were the biggest braggarts, and made us less wealthy people feel like a poor peasant.
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