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Date Posted: 13:53:42 04/12/08 Sat
Author: Joan
Author Host/IP: ip68-0-253-131.ri.ri.cox.net /
Subject: Re: Should churches have rich stuff?
In reply to: Neysa 's message, "Re: Should churches have rich stuff?" on 16:19:00 04/11/08 Fri

I don't have a problem with rich stuff in churches, so long as it's used for the people. Having a gold chalice, which I believe is always donated by someone (I think the priest's family or maybe a close friend) is great. The fancy stuff on walls (statues, stations of the cross, etc) are there to promote thinking. IMO, having those things is important. You can strip the walls bare, or put up junky abstract "art", but representative art does more to promote worship, devotion, and understanding.

If the rich stuff is paid for through the collection and is for the exclusive use of the clergy (as with the Bakers), it's a sin.

As far as I know, everything in my church building was donated by parish members. I know the things that have to be replaced, like candles and altar wine, are paid for through donations. People donate money to buy those things, usually in memory of a family member or friend.

The statues were also donated.

I suppose those people could have donated money to a charity instead, but these things are important, too. Beautiful art, to me anyway, is more inspiring than junk. If I were to donate art, it would be something that would inspire people, not make them scratch their heads, or think how junky or ugly it is. :)

The poor also benefit from these items--and equally, which is unusual. Usually, donations like these are seen only by the rich.

A beautiful stained glass window. Good. A 2008 Lexus for the minister? Not good. :)


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