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Date Posted: 05:36:20 04/16/08 Wed
Author: Joan
Author Host/IP: ip68-0-253-131.ri.ri.cox.net /
Subject: Re: Joan,
In reply to: Catie 's message, "Joan," on 18:04:16 04/15/08 Tue

The letter wasn't about Sat vs Sun. It was about the Lord's Day, which is Sunday. The pope was stressing that Sunday, the Lord's Day, is so important that it should be treated as an Easter every week.

Catholics don't think that Sunday is the Sabbath, so the wasn't a Sabbath vs Sunday teatise.

There are other Catholic papers on the Sabbath and Sunday, including some things from the early centuries. But again. that's not what this letter was about.

The letter was really about getting Catholics to treat Sunday like they should -- at least go to Church, if nothing else. :)

There is no Catholic conspiracy to fool you into relaxing about this supposed Catholic power. You do realize that the Vatican can't get so many Catholics to stay married, stop using birth control, stop having sex outside marriage, to get to church on Sunday, or to do so many other things.

Thinking that the Vatican can control the president, congress, or you when it can't control Catholics is a stretch. :)

What kind of power do you think the Vatican has over the American government?


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[> [> [> [> [> Re: Joan, -- Catie, 06:54:17 04/16/08 Wed [1] (h211.26.40.69.ip.alltel.net/

Well as paranoid as it may sound, I feel the government, -American that is-, has more pull than "we the people" know. I trust GW as far as I can throw him. (which is a bit beside the point of Catholicism) So it's really Bush I don't trust in this meeting! lol As for the Vatican and its subjects, well who knows? I guess if they can't control their own folks, haven't killed anyone yet for disobeying their rules, there's really no reason to be concerned then. :)

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