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I remember Billy Beer! -- Neysa, 17:25:09 04/16/08 Wed [1] (
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My parent's voted for him! -- Neysa, 17:28:08 04/16/08 Wed [1] (
When Jimmy and Rosalynn talk you can't understand a word they mom used to say why don't they open their mouth when they speak.
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There's is a very typical Southern Georgia accent. When I was in -- Catie, 18:07:53 04/16/08 Wed [1] (
his hometown, EVERYONE spoke like them. And I wondered why to folks in the movies portray such bad accents. Then I realized they are imitating the South part of Georgia -accents I had not be exposed to before my late teens. Northern and some of the East coast Georgians have their own accent too. Kind of like North Carolina vs, Outter Banks and Virginia vs W.VA. To me here in north GA our accent is not as "thick" as Southern GA, or maybe it it, but it's specific words which are pronounced differently. When I visited PA I was in the PA Dutch area. I literally did not understand a word the lady at the store said to me. But my nephews hail from PA and a former roommate so I knew it was just that area that sounded that way.
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"Their's...not There's" I grow worse day by day. Grrrr. -- catie, 18:10:52 04/16/08 Wed [1] (
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Re: "Their's...not There's" I grow worse day by day. Grrrr. -- Joan, 10:24:59 04/17/08 Thu [1] (
It's not just you Catie. I'm getting really bad.
I find myself saying things like, "There's 6 left." Yikes! I would never say "There is 6 left." But I shorted it and it never comes out "There're", which is also horrible. But at least if I stretched it out, it would be right. It sounds so horrible--It even grates on *me*. And yet I hear myself doing it all the time now. I know that it's just being lazy/sloppy, but I can't seem to stop it. It pops out, and I'm appalled. I guess the only way to stop it is to correct myself and then say it right every time.
I knew my eyesight and hearing would go. But English, too?!
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ME a poor English student?!! Unpossible!! -- Catie, 15:56:59 04/17/08 Thu [1] (
I scare myself more each day. I am not kidding. Once upon a time....oh well we won't go there. I should have guessed my good grammar would have left me just like the size 8 I once took for granted. Life! ppfftt!
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"Englosh!" lol I would be scared to re-enter 8th grade! I'd never get out! :-( -- Barb, 08:03:10 04/18/08 Fri [1] (
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Catie......... -- Neysa, 23:05:51 04/16/08 Wed [1] (
I remember you saying that your nephews come from my home town....we do not have a PA Dutch accent. We have a coal region accent, thank goodness I do not have it. My mom made sure if it. Now a lot of farmers in the area have the PA Dutch accent. It is mostly people who live around Lancaster, York, Camp Hill, they have the PA Dutch accent...none of them are farmers. ( By the way the Pennsylvania Dutch are of German ancestry... years ago when asked they said they came from Duetchland ...not sure of the German spelling for Germany ...people thought they said they were Dutch).
My mom and I met a couple from Southern Georgia. The woman said that she and her husband lived near the border of Florida. She said they lived there all their lives. The woman's accent was so soft and she pronounced every word clearly. I said to her that I hope she wouldn't be offended, you could hardly tell she had a southern accent. She said she was a retired high school English teacher.
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Forgot to mention Catie,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, -- Neysa, 23:25:45 04/16/08 Wed [1] (
I love southern accents. Except for the deep hard southern accent like the Carter's.
It is so amazing how we all live in the same country USA, yet we all have different accents. Even within our own states.
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Neysa....remember England! lol -- Barb, 12:43:03 04/17/08 Thu [1] (
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