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Date Posted: 12:07:32 05/14/08 Wed
Author: Neysa
Author Host/IP: user-38lci75.dialup.mindspring.com /
Subject: " NUTS" !!!!
In reply to: Catie 's message, "Joan and all Catholics" on 07:59:19 05/14/08 Wed

Jesuits are the renegades in the Catholic Church. I'm not surprised that this Jesuit priest scientist would make a statement that God created not only us but aliens as well!
To go with the big bang theory is to go against the teaching in the Bible that God created heaven and earth and we humans as well.

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[> [> Neysa -- Catie, 13:02:01 05/14/08 Wed [1] (h128.232.140.67.ip.alltel.net/

The way you worded that cracked me up! lol

...."The Bible "is not a science book," Funes said, adding that he believes the Big Bang theory is the most "reasonable" explanation for the creation of the universe. The theory says the universe began billions of years ago in the explosion of a single, super-dense point that contained all matter.

But he said he continues to believe that "God is the creator of the universe and that we are not the result of chance." ....

I agree with you. One can not accept the Big Bang theory and divine creation. It doesn't fit. The thing that stood out most to me is this sentence:

...VATICAN CITY - "Believing that the universe may contain alien life does not contradict a faith in God, the Vatican's chief astronomer said in an interview published Tuesday. "

The bible, both old and new testament, speaks firmly against consulting with astronomers or anything dealing with astrology. We are to turn to the bible for our answers. Seems old fashioned, and maybe even narrow minded because isn't astrology innocent enough?? But, Hey, I'm not the one saying to avoid astrology. Those are God's words, not mine. He must have a good reason.

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[> [> Catie........ -- Neysa, 22:37:03 05/14/08 Wed [1] (user-2inik0n.dialup.mindspring.com/

I'm glad I made you laugh! I've heard it said that Jesus and Mary are aliens. That when Mary appeared in different apparitions that she wasn't standing on a cloud, but really a flying saucer. I just have a good laugh at all this. I don't believe in the Big Bang Theory because if I did, then how could I believe in Genesis.

All I can say is "aack" this Jesuit must have a lot a power inside the Vatican to make such a statement, or the big wigs really don't care. Because the astrology lab is not located in Rome, but on the grounds of the Pope's summer residence.

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