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Date Posted: 21:28:06 06/04/08 Wed
Author: Neysa
Author Host/IP: user-2ive00j.dialup.mindspring.com /
Subject: Catie......
In reply to: Catie 's message, "Joan" on 18:43:13 06/04/08 Wed

Can you please explain what you meant by " we are the only fallen planet". Are you stating that our planet is being punished by God because of Adam and Eve?

I've watched shows about UFO's and little, gray, men with huge heads and eyes. Do you really think God could create something like that?

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[> [> [> [> Neysa -- Catie, 04:45:38 06/05/08 Thu [1] (h104.22.40.69.ip.alltel.net/

Good grief no I don't believe other planets are full of little gray men with google eyes! LOL God has created beautiful things. Man is the one who paints the pictures of aliens looking like that. I don't think God's creation of intelligent life looks like that nor do I think they visit our planet either.

I think this planet is the one that has been touched, affected by sin. We know from scripture Satan was cast to the earth. God allows him to try to convince mankind, just as he did the 3rd of the angels, to turn their backs on God because god created man to "choose" to love him. God can not lie. He can and will not go back on his word. Satan has powers to a limited degree that God has not taken from him. All of the universe stands in awe, watching to see if God is faithful to his word.

We know there was a GREAT war in heaven. (scripture says so) At that time God could have destroyed Satan and his 3rd of angels when they turned their backs on God. But God has said "I am a fair, faithful and just God". "If anyone comes to me of their own will, I will in no way cast them aside". Satan tried to convince all of heaven they were being forced to worship God. Only 1/3, a small minority of angels believed him. But how do you think the other 3/4 angels felt, what were they thinking? God did not want them to remain there with him out of fear, but by choice and out of love. So now all of the universe is watching to see if God keeps his word. At any given moment God could destroy earth. But he is faithful to his word and found a way to build a bridge between earth and heaven so that earth would not have to be destroyed. That was the plan of salvation. If you get a chance you might enjoy reading "The Great Controversy".

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