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Date Posted: 14:31:25 06/07/08 Sat
Author: Joan
Author Host/IP: ip68-0-253-131.ri.ri.cox.net /
Subject: Re: Joan
In reply to: Catie 's message, "Joan" on 05:47:14 06/07/08 Sat

There's no reason, imo, to believe that the Big Bang theory and evolution mean that God wasn't very interested.

Science is just proving that the method was a lot more complicated than the story in Genesis.

But, heck, for God it was neither difficult nor complicated.

Who knows why He chose to create things the way He did.
I think evolution is very interesting, though, so I'm glad he created that. :) Big Bang? Well, that's too complicated for this little brain.

It's interesting that some people still believe that the Earth is only 6,000 years old, and that Dinosaurs either walked the Earth with man, or that their fossils are tricks (left by Satan? God? I've never been clear on that).

I wonder how the people who believe in a literal 6 day creation, explain how fossils of some kinds of animals an plants are found only in certain layers, and how some animals aren't found in the same layer. You don't find trilobite fossils and human fossils in the same layer. But w/ a literal 6 day creation, teh fossils of animals that went extinct before man was created would be in the same layer as everything else.

It's hard to understand how they reconcile their literal interpretation w/ the evidence.


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