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Date Posted: 24/02/25 18:44:24, Mon
Author: Not a Fan.
Subject: Dancing Planxty Davis at 76 is self-indulgent and incredibly boring.

There is no reason for anyone to perform Planxty Davis at 76 other than to take up as much time on stage as possible. It is impossible to keep things interesting for 3.5 minutes and at a certain point you lose all sense of structure - it just becomes nonstop repetitive dancing. The tune itself is monotonous and dreary - even more so when played at 76 - especially as the set part is just a repeat of the lead.

I watched every Planxty Davis at 76 performed at All Irelands and completely lost interest half way through. It's not because the dancers aren't good but rather because you've seen them do everything they can do in the first 2 minutes. The argument that it's showing off fitness falls flat when you consider how much of the time the dancers spend in place with feet on the floor doing little twisty fiddly bits requiring very little leg movements or kicks of the bum.

It's also ridiculous that ANY hornpipe set done at 76 is considered a hornpipe. It's a treble jig and allows dancers who did treble jig as their heavy round to do it again for their set round. CLRG needs to make any competition with a treble jig heavy round perform a hornpipe set at minimum speed 105. Competitions with a hornpipe heavy round should allow hornpipe sets danced at 76 in addition to all jig sets. You should have to show contrasting rhythms and tempos at majors and we're letting loads of dancers get by without showing actual hornpipes.

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