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Date Posted: 12:07:34 06/16/10 Wed
Author: Karina
Subject: You know I always do
In reply to: Theron 's message, "s'long as you make it worth my while" on 10:59:54 06/16/10 Wed

She offered him a weak smile as he chuckled and showed his teeth in his smile. And then he spoke again to her and she dropped her gaze to the ground.

"There never was a new boy. Theron...I...." She stopped and just walked, holding her coat in her hands in front of her. To be honest...she didn't understand her relationship with Marcius. There was a time back before he had turned her that she had loved him, truly loved him, a time where she, Theron, and Marcius had all made a happy little makeshift family. Theron cared for her just as much as Marcius, although the loves they had for her were different and the loves she had for them different as well. It wasn't until her family had been...disposed of and she was turned into a vampire that she changed. Her innocence was gone and she had become more experienced.

Marcius had meant so much to her, but after she heard about her family she couldn't look at him without thinking of him as a cold, cruel murderer who didn't love her, but just wanted to possess her. She had just been so confused at the time and the other....She cringed outwardly at the thought of the other vampire and what he had done. Even know after so many years, the events that led up to her turning, her change were still as bold and in your face as though they had occurred yesterday. She had never told Theron about them nor Marcius, both thinking that she had probably just forgotten about what had happened in the pain she felt with the turning process.

But she hadn't. She would never be able to forget the man's face. She sighed softly to herself, there were only two men who were her constants in life, even when she had left. Two that she had never stopped thinking about: Marcius and Theron. But there was only one man who had torn her so completely apart from herself.

Her thoughts were interrupted as an arm fell across her shoulders and a sigh was heard. She turned to Theron with a troubled smile. "Oh okay. Thank you Theron." But she felt that he was angry with her, that he didn't want to be near her, nonetheless be touching her. So she didn't lean into him like she normally would, nor did her hand move to wrap around his waist.

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