She listened as he described what all those trees and hills would look like blanketed in snow, trying envision all that beauty behind his words. She knew it was unlikely she'd ever see this part of the country, pristine with virgin snow and so quietly enchanting. He had a beautiful way of describing it, and she wished with a sudden severity that she would have been able to share that with him. To be able to step into that wintery world, her mitted hand in play like children in the shimmery powder without so much as a care in the world. "Wow. Are you sure you aren't some kind of poet to go with that badge of yours?" She told him, the corners of her lips lifting, squeezing his hand ever so lightly to show she'd appreciated his effort to make her understand, to make her see. "Maybe you could send me a picture, if you get up this way again over the winter. I'd like that." Maybe she was a fool for inviting further contact...maybe she was even cruel for it. To the both of them. It was a selfish thing...but suddenly, she didn't care. Something so small as a letter, a picture...anything tangible to remind her of him when the night drew long would be better than nothing. She didn't want to forget him. Even if it was best.
She felt a light shiver run through her at the whisper soft touch of his lips on her hand--realizing just how much she'd miss those little, tender things he did. He fit the description of the perfect package---ruggedly masculine, sweet, romantic, an excellent sense of humor...and so sexy, he could be considered dangerous. Most women would tell her she was being completely empty-headed by walking away from all of that...and in all honesty, she probably was. Even still, no one would understand those other circumstances they careers and living situations, for one. And hell...just because he liked her a lot didn't necessarily mean he wanted her to stick around, anyway...right?
It made her wonder if he'd miss her as desperately as she was beginning to understand that she was going to miss him. She had her work to assist her in burying the array of memories they'd made...but she knew it wouldn't be enough to keep them completely at bay. She knew damn well the smallest thing would return her mind to the weeks she'd spent with him...just as surely as she knew that the nights would be the worst. She wasn't quite sure just how she was going to get through without having him to reach for in the darkness. Sex aside, it had been equally as nice just to have him just have his thickly corded arms wrapped around her. It had always felt right, had always felt safe. She'd miss it...maybe more than anything else.
"I would really like to. I think we made a lot of progress...and I'm glad to see he's finally getting his life back together. I just don't know I'll be able to get away from the lab so soon after this. They've probably got files stacked to the ceiling waiting for me." Oddly, the prospect of all of that backed-up work comforted her. It would be something to cling to in the first few dismal days. "I will see what I can do, though. It'd be nice to catch up." Oh, Lord, she was making this sound like some kind of business the heck was she being so calm about this, so easy...when inside, it was tearing her apart? Slowly, she lifted their entwined hands so she could brush her lips against his knuckles, thinking maybe it was better that way. She didn't want to scare him, after all...not when she truly didn't know if his feelings for her echoed the depth of those she felt for him.
She flashed an answering grin at the sound of his chuckle, having always loved the deep sound of it and the way he looked when he smiled. "I don't think we even have words for what we've done in New York." She gaze him a saucy smirk, grateful for the effortless way in which he could brighten her mood. She inclined her head just slightly as he mentioned having to start working out again, then burst into a light laughter when he clarified. "It sure beats lunges and boring old cardio, doesn't it?" She agreed, feeling her body react to the devilish look on his face despite the promise of her impending departure. It was crazy just how profoundly he effected her, even with a simple glance.
She gave a dramatic sigh, shaking her head. "It is a pity though. I think you managed to work some muscles I didn't even know I had." She managed to force the watery sound of her voice away, and while her eyes were just a tad overbright as they returned to the road ahead, it was obvious she was trying to help leave him happy as well. She could see the lights of the airport just ahead, and was shocked at just how much despair she felt at all those twinkling lights. She took a deep breath, knowing it was about to get very very hard, and that she'd have to be strong and keep it together for both of their sakes. "There it is.."
Touch me I'm cold
Unable to control
Touch me I'm golden
And wild as the wind blows
And tumbling tumbling
Don't go, fascination
If just for tonight darling,
.L e t s. g e t. l o s t.

†2010 Dodge Challenger†
†Furious Fuchsia†