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Subject: ‡Monster.I've.Become‡

Erich Malcovosk
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Date Posted: 05:14:29 01/13/12 Fri
In reply to: Cammie Hajoysky 's message, ": Shadows Haunt Me :" on 23:51:30 01/10/12 Tue

For the smell of fear tonight
Wakes an ancient lust that will not be denied...
You're mine

A man's suffrage was a private thing in most cases--and the details of the time he'd spent in the change as well as trying to learn to cope with the monster within him were far too personal to engage in for the moment. While Cammie was his partner, the one he would confide most anything to; that part of his life was likely left buried, save for the essential details. The same had always been true of his time spent in torture--he had never expressed the horrid details fully to a single soul. To see pity--even for the briefest of moments--in anyone's gaze would be far more than he could bear...so he never risked it.

He watched as she moved away, seizing the opportunity to down two more quick shots of blood. The beast seemed to be satiated or deep in slumber---and Erich was betting on the latter. When the thing awoke, it would likely do so with force--and Erich could only hope that he would be strong enough to reign it in if he was still here. His blue eyes lit upon the thick file carried in her slender hands upon her return, then lifted to hers as she spoke. While he did not outwardly make an indication of it, confusion gripped him as she identified the proposed dominus. He took the sheet of paper and reviewed it quickly, flipping it to view the picture as she indicated."No Jarilo was on the directive, not for investigation nor elimination. I have naught even heard of this creature. The picture, it is slightly familiar however. My senses were not of normal capabilities from the moment of the bite--it was a disorienting time. Why would he want to put a divide between us?" His brows furrowed, the first sign of any emotion from the chisled male.

As she offered more pages, he scanned them quickly, reading of Perun and Veles. "A demi-god, perhaps? Demi demon, if it is the offspring of Veles? One that may have intermixed with a vampire? If this is true...it could explain why I am not just prone to dining on the blood of others. Why the venom would cause such a shock to my system." He glanced up at her, a slight shrug of the shoulders given. "A hypotheses and nothing more."

He listened as she spoke of this Jarilo and her efforts to reign him in, an ember of rage burning slowly but steadily in his icy gaze. While he was unsure as to why this creature would have targeted them, he fully intended to find out. "I have naught heard mention of Triglov, either. I must say, it is infuriating to know I was tracked. Purposefully ambushed." He flipped through some of the pages in the file as he spoke. "So we are dealing with two highly powerful beings...this could prove treacherous..." To her, was his true meaning. For Erich, this mission would be divided..to end the dominus, and protect Cammie in the process.

He took the time to pour over the file, gaining as much information as questions by the time he'd completed it. Lifting his gaze to her finally, he asked one simple question. "What is your plan, comrade? For I believe this will be perilous if we are not beyond meticulous with detail."

For the animal's soul is mine
We will be completed right before your eyes
I have no control this time
And now we both shall dine in hell tonight

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Subject Author Date
: Shadows Haunt Me :Cammie Hajoysky00:31:05 01/16/12 Mon

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