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Subject: Everything is made by people, not by God.

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Date Posted: 02/18/03 8:26am
In reply to: QUITTNER 's message, "Constitutions are made by people, not by God." on 02/17/03 2:11pm

from QUITTNER: There are very many religions/belief systems on this planet. Some of them are "better" than others. Take your pick!

>>> instead of taking my pick between religions...why not choose none? ... people live and work, have fun and feed their families because of the real world. The future economy and well-being of EU member countries in reliant on people... so no need to include god.

from oz and QUITTNER: Religion serves only to destroy equality by its hatred of others who are not the same.

<<<..... No, not religion. It's all those who (often quite wrongly?) interpret a religion to do that. For examples, Christianity REQUIRES believers to at all times obey all of the Ten Commandments and also the Golden Rule (Leviticus 19:18 and variations). But they don't ususally do that, causing a lot of troubles.

>>> then shouldn't something that, in your words "causes a lot of troubles" be omitted? ... it would leave no room for mis-interpretation.?!

If you include one you must include all - so include none.

Let the real world look after itself, this is what they're trying to do. If religion is mentioned it should say something like ... all beliefs are equal under the EU flag .. or .. religious freedom is a right for all.

Include the right of people to practise faith without including the faith itself.

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Religion yes or no?QUITTNER02/18/03 11:59am

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