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Date Posted: 10:24:36 02/04/25 Tue
Author: Edward
Subject: Re: A flood of memories
In reply to: Heather 's message, "A flood of memories" on 16:39:31 01/24/25 Fri

>A comment by Lil brought back a flood of memories,
>sleeping in corsets. Please forgive this long post,
>but the recollections are so vivid and compelling, I
>have to share them.
>Mom put me into a girdle when I was 12 and that was
>the beginning of my journey. Within a few months, she
>had me wearing a waist cincher over that. She said
>the cinch was essential if I was to have a proper
>waist. My two older cousins had worn corsets from an
>early age had lovely tiny waists. When they were
>married, they each wore Grandma's wedding dress and
>Mom so much wanted that for me. She called it a
>"waspie", but it would be better described as
>under-bust corset. It was back-laced with a coutil
>waist tape and made for tight lacing, which was her
>practice. She would lace it as tightly as she could,
>wait a half hour or so, then tighten it again. Sunday
>mornings she had me wake up early so she could do a
>third lacing and sometimes a fourth if there was time
>before church. We lived in a conservative part of the
>country where laced stays were still common. Most of
>the women and many girls wore corsets. Everyone
>dressed their best to church, which means they were
>laced their tightest. You could tell by the way they
>moved - or didn't. Never bending at the waist, never
>slouching, sitting absolutely upright in the pews. I
>couldn't help but notice that some of the older girls
>had waists smaller than mine. When I followed them as
>we filed out, I have to confess I was envious. After
>a few months of daily wear, Mom had me wear the cinch
>to bed one night. From then on, she allowed it off
>only for bathing, followed by immediate relacing.
>Since I couldn't remove it unaided I wore it as she
>wanted - day and night, and always tight laced. Mom
>made certain I couldn't loosen the laces at night, for
>she said that was the only way I was ever going to
>have a respectable waist. The gains attained by her
>Sunday lacings were always maintained and sometimes
>increased during the week. Gradually, my waist grew
>smaller and I felt I could begin to compete with the
>other girls in my pew. I had wonderful posture -
>shoulders back, chest out, back straight, perfectly
>erect walk. Sometimes I complained, but Mom's reply
>was invariably "Il faut souffrir pour être belle ".
>Eventually, I stopped complaining, for I found I was
>becoming reliant on the support of my corset and felt
>uncomfortable without it. I kept my bathing as brief
>as possible and I was grateful to regain the comfort
>of my stays. I felt I was in the perpetually embrace
>of a warm loving hug. By the time I reached
>adulthood, I was entirely corset dependent. Lil's
>post says she also slept in corsets and, from what she
>said, it wasn't her choice either. Did any of you
>other ladies out there have similar experiences?
>Love and hugs, Heather

Thank you Heather, a very warm and memorable post.
My girlfriend and her mother started me with girdles around 1965. I was totally addicted back then when I discovered my mothers stockings. I never was caught but had many close calls. I have since embraced stockings and girdles along with flexible but not rigid corsets. 55 years later and I truly love shapewear. Yes, back then were very fond memories and thank you for sharing.

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